1、一生把你放在心里头,尽管未必能够长相思守,一生把你放在梦里头,就算已经分手,感谢你多年给我的爱。 Life put you in the heart, although may not be able to keep life everlasting longing for you, put you in the dream inside, even if have to break up, thank you for your love for me.

2、上天安全的仅仅是时间、地点和人物,而你让我体验了生命的全部!谢谢你的爱! God is just the time, the place and the characters, and you let me experience all of life! Thank you for your love!

3、上次你帮了我的大忙,我想对你说一声:谢谢,并祝你在新的一年里:事事顺心,身体健康! Last time you helped me, I wanted to say thank you, and I wish you all the best in the new year, and you're in good health!

4、亲爱的领导,感谢您对我的照顾,我在以后的工作中,一定会更加的努力的。 Dear leader, thank you for your care of me, I will work harder in the future.

5、人生于天地之间,戴天地之大恩,时时保有一颗感恩的心最为可贵。 Life between heaven and earth, heaven and earth with kindness, always having a grateful heart the most valuable.

6、今天我得到的奖励是跟领导和同事们的帮助分不开的,我的成绩也是你们的功劳。谢谢大家的鼓励! Today, the rewards I get are inseparable from the help of leaders and colleagues, and my achievements are also yours. Thank you for your encouragement!

7、任何言语已无法表达心中对您的感激。由衷感谢! No words can express my gratitude to you in my heart. Thank you very much!

8、你以如此动人的方式祝贺我的生日,真是考虑周到,慷慨大方,我会十分珍爱这份礼物,以谢你的深情厚意。 Are you in such a loving way to congratulate my birthday, it is thoughtful, generous, I will cherish this gift, thank you to the profound friendship.

9、你是一块美丽的彩石,有海的波纹,有珊瑚的美色,阳光下,正闪耀生命的光泽。 You are a beautiful stone, corrugated sea, coral beauty, the sun is shining, the luster of life.

10、你的友情,在我生活里就像一盏灯,照亮了我的心灵,使我的生命有了光彩!祝你感恩节快乐! Your friendship is like a lamp in my life. It lights my heart and makes my life shine! Happy Thanksgiving Day!

11、因为您睿智得选择,为您的公司和工作带来高效率得招聘渠道。感谢你的帮助。 Because you are wise to choose, for your company and work to bring high efficiency recruitment channels. Thank you for your help.

12、因为能认识你而感到难忘,因为喜欢上你而感到快乐,会因为能得到你的爱而感到满足。 Because it's unforgettable to know you, because you like to be happy, and because you can get your love and satisfaction.

13、在我处于人生最灰暗的日子里,是你的鼓励和帮助让我重新振作,真心地说声:谢谢! In the darkest days of my life, it's your encouragement and help. I'm going to get back up and say, "thank you."!

14、天天路过你的身边,却一直没有进去看望过你。今天我终于决定鼓起勇气,敲开你的办公室:老大,节日快乐! Every day pass by your side, but never go in to visit you. Today, I finally decided to take the courage to open your office. "Boss, happy holidays."!

15、如果你希望成功,当以恒心为良友,以经验为参谋,以谨慎为兄弟,以希望为星光。 If you wish to succeed, you should use persistence as your good friend, experience as your advice, prudence as your brother, and hope as your star.

16、心感谢所有领导和同事,感谢与这一群热爱生活热爱工作的领导、同事们一起成长、一起拼搏,一起努力! Heart thank all leaders and colleagues, thanks to this group of love life, love of work leaders, colleagues grow up together, together struggle, together efforts!

17、心灵的花朵需要永爱来浇灌,感激的世界需要用真情来装点。 The flower of the heart needs eternal love to pour, and the thankful world needs to be decorated with true feelings.

18、怀有一颗感恩的心,能帮助你在逆境中寻求希望,在悲观中寻求快乐。 Having a thankful heart can help you find hope in adversity, and seek happiness in pessimism.

19、总喜欢把你捧在手中,享受那份难得的轻松,习惯了有你的陪伴,你总给我莫名的感动。 Always like to hold you in your hands, enjoy the rare relaxed, accustomed to your company, you always give me inexplicable moved.

20、想你的每日每夜都有笑容伴我入眠,谢谢你给我的爱,我的最爱。 Think of you every day and every night with a smile, sleep with me, thank you for giving me love, my favorite.

21、感恩是一种处世哲学,感恩是一种生活智慧,感恩更是学会做人,成就阳光人生的支点。 Thanksgiving is a philosophy of life, gratitude is a kind of wisdom of life, Thanksgiving is to learn to be a person, to achieve the fulcrum of sunshine life.

22、感恩是一种最大的美德,时时处处怀着感恩的心,你会发现自己你能享受生活,你能随时随地的获得快乐。 Thanksgiving is one of the greatest virtues, always with gratitude, you will find yourself, you can enjoy life, you can get happiness anytime and anywhere.

23、感恩是一种美德;感恩更是一则芬芳的誓言;感恩是一种幸福;感恩更是一个永恒的支点。 Thanksgiving is a virtue; gratitude is a fragrant oath; gratitude is a kind of happiness; gratitude is an eternal fulcrum.

24、感谢上苍给了我一个特别的礼物,那就是你!长长的人生旅程,有你相伴是我一生的幸福! Thank heaven and earth, thank destiny, the world wide, bumpy road, but as long as there is love in the heart, Thanksgiving, we will work hard, we can move forward.

25、感谢上苍,使我与你相遇。愿上苍保佑你的善良和真诚,愿我们常相聚,永不分离。 Thank God that I met you. May God bless your kindness and sincerity, and wish us to be together and never separate.

26、感谢兄弟姐妹,有了他们,我的人生之旅不再寂寞彷徨,当我危难时刻,冲在前面的自然是他们的身影脊梁。 Thanks brothers and sisters, with them, my journey of life is no longer lonely wandering, when I am in danger, the front of the natural is their shadow backbone.


28、感谢天地,感谢命运,天地宽阔,道路坎坷,但只要心中有爱,心存感恩,我们就会努力,我们就可以前行。 Thank heaven and earth, thank destiny, wide world, the road rough, but as long as there is love in the heart, Thanksgiving, we will work hard, we can move forward.

29、感谢米云帆冒着身受重伤的危险帮我挡了化学老师的那个问题,还有不能承受你生命之重的凳子,我为它祈祷。 Thanks to Mi Yunfan for risking serious injury to help me block the chemistry teacher, and there is a stool that can't bear your life, I pray for it.

30、感谢领导长期以来的关心照顾和包容,我只能尽自己最大努力把工作做好,来报答领导的关爱。 Thanks to the leadership for a long time care, care and tolerance, I can only do my best to do a good job, to repay the leadership of care.

31、我不知道说什么才好,除了谢谢。感谢的话毋宁多言,总之,你是我一生的知己好友! I don't know what to say, except thank you. Thank you rather say, anyway, you are my best friend!

32、我也许不是您最出色的员工,而您却是我最崇敬的领导,节日快乐! I may not be your most outstanding employee, but you are my most respected leader, happy holidays!

33、我们未来的道路是山路崎岖。但是只要有你陪伴,再苦也不觉得累。而且爬上山顶后看到的风景是最美的。 Our future is a rugged mountain road. But as long as you accompany, do not feel tired. And after climbing the top of the mountain, the scenery is the most beautiful.

34、我们满怀信心地向您保证,您所给予我们任何的业务,我们都会以完全使您满意的方式去执行。 We assure you with confidence that whatever business you give us will be executed in a way that is entirely satisfactory to you.

35、换一种角度去看待人生的失意与不幸,怀着感恩的心生活,生活将赐予你灿烂的阳光。 Change the angle of view of life's frustration and misfortune, with thanksgiving heart life, life will give you brilliant sunshine.

36、早就想感谢你,但是一直不好意思说出口,给您发条短信,感谢你的帮助,爱护。 I want to thank you for a long time, but I always feel embarrassed to say it, send you a message, thank you for your help and love.

37、春晓,春晓,处处绿杨芳草。山山水水,欢欢笑笑,共祝六合同春,步步登高。 Chunxiao Chunxiao, green grass everywhere, yang. The mountains and rivers, Huanhuan smile, wish six contract spring rise step by step in the world.

38、智者的智慧往往在于,用感恩的心对待自己所处的环境,岗位,无怨无悔,用感恩的态度事创造自己的辉煌! The wisdom of a wise man often lies in his gratitude to his environment, his job, his regret, and his own glory in his attitude of gratitude!

39、朋友,让我轻轻的说声你好,虽然人生难免有聚有散,但你却是我心中,最珍惜最难忘的朋友。 Friends, let me gently say hello, although life is bound to have scattered, but you are my heart, the most cherished, the most memorable friends.

40、某挚友告诉过我,很羡慕我常常大起大落的感情波动,她属于心境异常平静的类型。 A friend told me that I admire the ups and downs of emotional swings, she belongs to the type of abnormal calm mood.

41、柳阴下别百般惆怅,同窗数载少年情长,望征程千种思绪,愿友情化为奋进的力量! Liu Yin under various melancholy, the number of students carrying the youth long, looking forward to thousands of thoughts, friendship is willing to become the force of progress!

42、每一种恩惠都有一枚倒钩,它将钩住吞食那份恩惠的嘴巴,施恩者想把他拖到哪里就得到那里。 Every favor has an upside down hook, and it will catch up with the mouth of the bounty, and where the giver wants to drag him, he gets there.

43、没有什么华丽的语言,没有什么豪言话语,但是我对你的感谢不会减少一分。 What a gorgeous language, not what discourse rhetoric, but I thank you not to reduce a.

44、漫漫长路独自征,幸得与我途中,携手同行人生路,彼此相挽历磨难,感谢多年风雨,风雨再度见真心! The long road alone, but fortunately with me on the way, hand in hand with each other, life road, each other with hardships, thanks to many years of wind and rain, wind and rain once again see the true heart!

45、甜蜜的爱情,温馨的亲情,真挚的友情,当我拥有这三种感情,我便是这世上最幸福的人,感谢你们。 Sweet love, warm family, sincere friendship, when I have these three feelings, I am the happiest person in the world, thank you.

46、生日那天收到你的意外之礼真让我欣喜万分,你还记得我真让人暖心,我打心眼里感激你的一片心意。 It was a great pleasure to receive your surprise on my birthday. You remember how warm I am, and I appreciate your heart.

47、相逢又告别,归帆又离岸,既是往日欢乐的终结,又是未来幸福的开端。 It is the endof past joy and the beginning of happiness in the future.

48、真心感谢所有领导和同事,感谢与这一群热爱生活热爱工作的领导、同事们一起成长、一起拼搏,一起努力。 Thank you all leaders and colleagues, thank you for a group of loving life and love of work, leadership, colleagues grow up together, work together, work hard together.

49、自从有了你,快乐变得很具体,只为你众目轻轻下迅速的一瞥。忧伤也变得很简单,只为一个守候太久的电话。 Ever since you, happiness has become very specific, only for you like a quick glance gently. Sorrow has become very simple, just for a long wait for the phone.

50、草感地恩,方得其郁葱;花感雨恩,方得其艳丽;己感彼恩,方得其壮大!感恩,感恩我们所爱的人! Her sense of the grass, flowers with green party; the party provided a sense of,gorgeous; has the strong sense of beyond party! Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving, the people we love!

51、草感地恩,方得其郁葱;花感雨恩,方得其艳丽;己感彼恩,方得其壮大!靶恩,感恩我们所爱的人! Her sense of the grass, flowers with green party; the party provided a sense of, gorgeous; has the strong sense of beyond party! Target, thank you for the people we love!

52、萤火虫的可贵,在于用那盏挂在后尾的灯,专照别人;您的可敬,则在于总是给别人提供方便。 The value of fireflies lies in the use of the lamp hanging in the rear; for your honorable, it is always providing convenience for others.

53、虽然不曾见面,但你给我的感觉就老朋友一样,亲切随和,让人舒心感动。谢谢你陪我聊天的日子! Although never met, but you give me the feeling of the same old friends, amiable and amiable, moving people feel comfortable. Thank you for chatting with me! 上一页12下一页 Thank God for a special gift, that is you! Long journey of life, accompanied by you, is my life's happiness!

54、让我怎样感谢你,当我走向你的时候,我原想收获一缕春风,你却给了我整个春天。 Let me thank you, when I come to you, I wanted to harvest a wisp of spring breeze, you gave me the whole spring.

55、谢谢上天让那么多人进出我的生命,没有他们,我的生命不会越来越完整。 Thank you for letting so many people in and out of my life, without them, my life will not be more complete.

56、那么,让我们合上双手,闭上双眼,向上天诚心地祷告 So, let's close our hands, close your eyes and pray to Tiancheng heart, wish all the people in mind, gratitude, kindness in mind!

57、风吹过的大地,浪洗过的海滩,云飞过的天空,你经过的地方,我用真心写下所有的感激,愿你开心每一天! The wind blows the land, the washed beach, the clouds flying sky, you pass through the place, I use the heart to write all the gratitude, wish you happy every day!

58、风吹过的大地,浪洗过的海滩,云飞过的天空,你经过的地方,我用真心写下所有的感激,愿你高兴每一天。 The wind blows the land, the washed beach, the clouds flying across the sky, where you pass, I write with sincere gratitude, wish you happy every day.
