1、一辈子就那么几个人真正的对我好,我死都不会忘。 Life is so a few people are really good to me, I will not forget to die.


3、不做需要男人的女人,而做男人需要的女人。 Do not need a man's woman, and do men need women.

4、世界上最幸福的事情,是微笑着听你说我们之间的故事。 The happiest thing in the world, is smiling to hear you say the story between us.

5、也许我终究被遗忘,我所做的,不值得任何人去记得。 Maybe I will eventually be forgotten, I do, not worth anyone to remember.

6、也许我要的太过磅礴,这个世界都无人可以给我。 Maybe I am too majestic, the world no one can give me.

7、人生有时就像电脑,说死机就死机,没得商量。 Life is sometimes like a computer, said the crash on the crash, did not have to discuss.上一页12下一页 God never complains people's ignorance while people actually complains the unfair of God.

8、人生没有彩排,每天都是现场直播。 Life is not a rehearsal, every day live.

9、人的寂寞,有时候很难用语言表达。 People's loneliness, sometimes it is difficult to use language to express.

10、从此以后,该走的走,该留的留,一切不强求。 From now on, the walk, the stay, everything is not demand.

11、任何的限制,都是从自己的内心开始的。 Any restrictions, are from his heart began.

12、你的一个哦,我的一个嗯,然后,世界永远安静。 One of you oh, I'm a well, then, the world is always quiet.

13、你的誓言却是我致命的毒药,我该怎么去释怀。 Your oath is my deadly poison, how should I go.

14、你要真的爱他的话,就自己流泪,不要让他流泪。 If you really love him, then you cry, don't let him cry.

15、假如你是一个仙人掌,我也愿意忍受所有的痛来抱着你。 If you were a cactus, I'd endure all the pain just to hug you.

16、假若我真的走了,那你就永远不会再遇见第二个我。 If I really go, then you will never meet the second me.

17、其实等待与时间无关,它任意生长,我却无能为力。 In fact, waiting time has nothing to do with it, it will grow, but I can do nothing.

18、初恋时不懂得情,懂得情时,却再也没有初恋了。 When first love do not know love, know how to love, but there is no first love.

19、别说你会改,阻碍我的步伐,浪费我的青春。 Don't say you will change, hinder my pace, waste my youth.

20、即使只有我一个人,我也会撑起属于我自己的一片天空。 Even if only I a person, I will hold up a piece of the sky belongs to me.

21、只属于我一个人的烟花,再美也是寂寞的。 Only belong to me a person of fireworks, and then theUnited States is also lonely.

22、只要拥有了你那怕看不见明天的太阳我也愿意。 As long as you have the fear of not see the sun tomorrow, I would like to.

23、可不可以牵着我,从老婆到老婆婆。 Can not hold me, from his wife to the old lady.

24、同桌,你真幸福,你有一个、那么那么那么好的、同桌。 Sit at the same table, you are really happy, you have a, so then so good, sit at the same table.

25、回忆总在寂静中上演着,那一幕幕好似发生在昨天里。 Memories are always in the silence, the scene as if it happened yesterday.

26、天空再阴再暗,有迩在身边就是晴天。 The sky is dark and Yin, have you in the side is sunny.

27、太多爱情不能随缘,不是谁错谁对,而是缘分不够。 Too much love can not pay, not who is right and who is wrong, but fate is not enough.

28、如果你的新娘不是我。我可以剪烂她的婚纱吗。 If your bride is not me. Can I cut her wedding dress.

29、学会在菜市场讨价还价,不要以为80后还应该很潇洒。 Learn to bargain in the food market, do not think 80 should also be very cool.

30、对不起,我有我的男一号,不愿做你的女二号。 Excuse me, I have my male one, and I don't want to be your girl number two.

31、就是我的二分之壹,]有,我相信我窒息。 You are my two point one, without you, I believe I will choke.

32、幸福死了,他娶了寂寞为伴,然后有个孩子,叫回忆。 Happiness is dead, he married a lonely, and then have a child, called memories.

33、当女人不再与你分享她的快乐,她已经对你漠然了。 When a woman is no longer with you to share her happiness, she has been on your indifference.

34、当那些偶尔A温柔再次从你嘴里说出时,我已经离你而去。 When the occasional gentleness from your lips again, I have to leave you.

35、彼岸的我不再有任何P,因鄣闹挥兴。 The other side of you I will not have any association, because you love only her.

36、总是高估了在别人心中的位置,然后笑了笑自己。 Always overestimate the position in the hearts of others, and then smiled and laughed at himself.

37、想对你问候和你唠叨,却找不到一点问候的借口。 Want to say hello to you and you nagging, but can not find a little greeting.

38、想要忘记,却不停记起。你的远离,让我泪水决堤。 Want to forget, but remember. You let my tears away from the breaching of the dike.

39、我不喜欢回忆,可你偏偏只留下了一大堆回忆给我。 I don't like to remember, but you just left a lot of memories to me.

40、我不能从我的脑子里删除你的画面。 I can't delete your picture from my mind.

41、我们不停的翻弄着回忆,却再也找不回那时的自己。 We don't stop to turn over the memories, but can not find the time to return to their own.

42、我们之间唯一的羁绊,叫做刻骨铭记。 The only connection between us, called my mind.

43、我们换个角色好么,你爱我爱的彻彻底底。 We change a character good, you love my love.

44、我保存着我们所有的回忆,只是现在的记忆里少了一个你。 I keep all of our memories, but now the memory of a little you.

45、我初见你,人群中独自美丽,于是只消一眼,沉沦我心。 I first met you, beauty alone in the crowd, so just one eye, my heart sink.

46、我和他私奔海角天涯,我们的爱多完美无瑕。 I ran away and we love him far-off regions, flawless.

47、我和超人的唯一区别是:我把内裤穿在里面了。 The only difference between me and Superman is that I'm wearing my underwear.

48、我完成了当时的承诺,却在回头时丢了你。 I finished my promise, but I lost you in my head.

49、我就像一个天大的笑话,笑了别人,哭了自己。 I was like a big joke, laughing at others, crying myself.

50、我已经很幸福了,因为见到了如此深爱的你。 I have been very happy, because I saw such a deep love for you.

51、我愿意赌上所有时光,只爱你一个。 I am willing to bet on all the time, only love you a.

52、我按你的剧本陪你演完这场戏看你笑容多得意。 I accompany you according to your script over the scene to see you smile more.

53、我爱你,但,那只是曾经。 I love you, but it was only once.

54、我走在逃离命运的途中,却与命运不期而遇。 I ran to escape from the fate, only to find myself bumping into it.

55、执子之手,方知子丑,泪流满面,子不走我走。 Holds the hand of the son, the son is ugly, tears streaming down my face.

56、把留言版里的全部删了,然后看到你留的我笑了。 Put all the message version of the deleted, and then see you leave me laugh.

57、是非和得失,要到最后的结果,才能评定。 Is not and gains and losses, to the final results, to assess.

58、曾听说贪心是毒,却忘了痴心是苦。 That greedy is poison, but forget infatuation is bitter.

59、有些事,不是不在意,而是在意了又能怎样。 Some things, not do not care, but care about and how.

60、有的时候,感觉心好累,却无法终止思念。 Sometimes, feel tired heart, but can not stop missing.

61、没有谁欠谁的道理,也没有谁离不开谁的说法。 No who owes whom the truth, also no one can not do without whom the statement.

62、渴望爱情,享受幸福,幸福牵手,一生不离! Desire for love, enjoy the happiness, happiness in hand, a lifetime!

63、爱情不是数着日子过去,它让每个日子都变得有意义。 Love is not a matter of counting the days. It's make the days count.

64、生,容易。活,容易。生活不容易。 Health, easy. Live, easy. Life is not easy.

65、男人,对于我来说只不过是寂寞的消遣品。 Man, for me, is just a lonely pastime.

66、眼前就是一片绿意,你还在等待谁的荒芜。 Here's a piece of greenery, who are you waiting for the desolate.

67、等到新闻联播大结局那天,我就答应不再爱你了。 Wait until the end of the news broadcast the day, I will not love you no longer.

68、简单的是我想你.困难的是我们不能在一起。 I miss you. It is difficult for us to be together.

69、老天都是公平的,虽然你长得丑,但是你想得美! God is fair, although you are ugly, but you want to be beautiful!

70、要记得我一直在思念你,不要哭泣,扬起你的头就要微笑。 To remember that I have been missing you, don't cry, raise your head to smile.

71、谢谢你的微笑,曾经慌乱过我的年华。 Thank you for your smile, had been a panic over my time.

72、走自己的路,让别人打车去吧。 Go your own way, let others take a taxi.

73、辉煌过后,是不是真的只剩下残骸。 After the glory, is not really only the remains of the wreckage.

74、这一秒的泪水 The tears of the second, stay to the next second to pray.

75、这个世界上我只相信两个人,一个是我,另一个不是你。 I believe that two people in this world, one is me, the other is not you.

76、这个世界有两个莪,一个假装快乐,一个真心难过。 There are two in this world, one is to pretend to be happy, one is really sad.

77、那些老套的情歌,述f着那年代。 Those old songs, telling the time.

78、青春是一腔呒人可诉说的心事。 Youth is a man who can tell the heart cavity.

79、青春是摸明的开心与呒名的哀愁。 Youth is happy with the man who touched the sadness.
