1、一句我爱你,爱你到黄昏尽头。 I love you to the end of the evening.

2、一天不见,十分想念。 One day no see, miss very much.

3、一朝一夕,是山盟的验证。 Overnight, it is the verification of ShanMeng.

4、一生只愿与你相伴。 I only want to be with you all my life.

5、一见钟情容易,来日方长才难。 It's easy to fall in love at first sight, but it's hard for a long time to come.

6、万事俱备,只差你而已。 Everything is ready. It's just for you.

7、不特别,但却是唯一。 It's not special, but it's the only one.

8、不知自爱,爱你。 I love you.

9、不管你在何方,无论你在何时。 No matter where you are, no matter when you are.

10、不轰轰烈烈,但真真切切。 It's not grand, but it's true.

11、与你相拥,品到了快乐的味道。 Embrace with you, taste the taste of happiness.

12、人生无趣,还好有你。 Life is boring. It's good to have you.

13、今夜我不关心人类,我只想你。 I don't care about people tonight, I just miss you.

14、今晚月色真美,风也温柔。 The moon is beautiful and the wind is gentle tonight.

15、从此,再不分开。 From then on, never separate.

16、众生皆苦,唯有你是草莓味。 All living beings are bitter, only you are strawberry flavor.

17、佛说众生皆苦,我说见到你最甜。 Buddha said that all living beings are suffering. I said it's sweetest to see you.

18、你情我愿,互不相欠。 You love me and I don't owe each other.

19、你是云,我是雨。 You are the cloud, I am the rain.

20、你是我此生,最美的风景。 You are the most beautiful scenery in my life.

21、你是我,最最深爱的人。 You are the one I love the most.

22、你的怀抱是港湾,包容我。 Your embrace is a harbor, containing me.

23、你衣上的花样,我都还记得。 I remember all the patterns on your clothes.

24、你那么讨人喜欢叫我怎么不爱你。 I don't love you because you are so likable.

25、傻瓜,永远爱你。 Fool, love you forever.

26、入骨相思,知不知。 I don't know when I miss you.

27、南风知我意,吹梦到西洲。 The south wind knows what I mean and dreams of Xizhou.

28、只因爱你,所以愿意等你。 Just because I love you, I am willing to wait for you.

29、只要关于你,我都乐意。 As long as it's about you, I'd love to.

30、吻着你的唇,感受甜蜜的滋润。 Kiss your lips, feel the sweet moisture.

31、因为有你,日子有了规律。 Because of you, the days are regular.

32、堵你心头,住你心上。 Block your heart, stay in your heart.

33、如能朝夕相伴,何需天长地久。 If we can be together day and night, why do we need forever.

34、如若有你,一生何求。 If there is you, what do you want in life.

35、宽阔的海边,有一幅深邃的画面。 There is a deep picture in the broad seaside.

36、对你,不管阴晴圆缺,都不变。 For you, it's the same no matter what happens.

37、希望世界,因你而美丽! Hope the world is beautiful because of you!

38、希望你梦到我,因为我好想你。 I hope you dream of me, because I miss you so much.

39、幸福!只存在你我相聚时刻。 Happiness! There are only moments when you and I get together.I'm afraid it's too late. I'll hold you.

40、当月夜飘着轻轻烟雾,我想着你。 I think of you when the light smoke is floating on the moonlit night.

41、思妻似是,欲相眸。 I think of my wife, but I want to see her.

42、想你,在清晨的朝阳里。 I miss you in the morning sun.

43、想你,情不自禁。 I can't help missing you.

44、想吃一样东西,吃你豆腐。 I want to eat something. I want to eat your tofu.

45、想跟你朝朝暮暮,嗯嗯又啊啊。 I want to stay with you all the time, Mm-hmm.

46、愿得一人心,白首不相离。 Catch one's heart, never be apart.

47、愿真爱不息,相爱到底。 May true love last forever.

48、我决定插手你的人生。 I decided to step in your life.

49、我喜欢你,也愿意放弃你。 I like you and I'm willing to give you up.


51、我想预支,你的一辈子。 I want to advance your life.

52、我摊牌了,我被我家猪拱了。 I had a showdown. I was arched by my pig.

53、我爱你,无形,也无期。 I love you, invisible and timeless.

54、我笑桃花苦等三世,等不得斯人。 I smile that peach blossom has been waiting for three generations, but I can't wait for this person.

55、我要撒个谎,我不爱你了。 I'm going to tell a lie. I don't love you anymore.

56、戒烟容易,戒你太难。 It's easy to quit smoking. It's hard to quit you.

57、把你所守,一生守护情意真。 I will guard you all my life.

58、携手到老,永相依。 Hand in hand to the old, forever dependent.

59、曾经相遇,总胜过从未碰头。 Better to have met than never to have met.

60、有一种情愫,叫缘定今生。 There is a kind of sentiment, called fate this life.

61、架鹊成桥,彼此执手。 Bridge the magpies and hold hands with each other.

62、渴望我们的日子,长长的。 Long for our days, long.

63、点点滴滴的甜蜜,酝酿成幸福。 Bit by bit of sweet, brewing into happiness.

64、爱上你,是我的情份。 It's my love to fall in love with you.

65、爱你一万年有一万个理由。 There are 10000 reasons to love you for 10000 years.

66、爱你是陪伴你,直到天涯尽头。 Love you is to accompany you until the end of the world.

67、爱你要你,我爱你一生一世。 Love you, want you, I love you all my life.

68、爱给了你,余生却没有你。 Love gives you, but I don't have you for the rest of my life.

69、牵你的手,敬四方来宾的酒。 Hold your hand, to all the guests.

70、牵着我,闭着眼你也不怕。 Hold me, close your eyes, you are not afraid.

71、生而*,爱而无畏。 Born free, love fearless.

72、用温馨绣一朵幸福花,献给你。 Embroider a happy flower with warmth for you.

73、红颜迟暮,素发如雪,执手依旧。 The beauty is still in the twilight, and her hair is as white as snow.

74、若你微笑,自得繁花。 If you smile, you will be complacent.

75、要和你朝朝暮暮,嗯嗯又啊啊。 I want to be with you all the time, Mm-hmm.

76、见什么世面,见见你就好了。 I'll see you when I see the world.

77、记载属于幸福的,甜蜜专属。 Records belong to happiness, sweet exclusive.

78、送你一颗糖果,预示你幸福红火。 Send you a candy, indicating your happiness.

79、遇见你,是一种缘分。 Meeting you is a kind of fate.

80、采朵并蒂莲,悠悠的相思荡心田。 Pick flowers and tie lotus, long Acacia swing heart.

81、钥匙给你,家给你。 Here's the key, home.

82、静静的,我在想你。 Quietly, I miss you.