1、“我很难过”“你又怎么了”这是最让人心寒的一组对话。 "I'm sorry" and "What's wrong with you" are the most chilling dialogues.

2、一缕阳光随风飞入你心窝、可心中总有种痛痛的感觉。 A ray of sunshine flies into your heart with the wind, but there is always a feeling of pain in your heart.

3、两个人的承诺,变得只剩下一个人的时候,它也认识承诺。 When two people's commitment becomes one person, it also knows commitment.

4、为什么等车的时候,总是自己要做的车来的最慢。 Why do you always come the slowest when waiting for a bus?

5、人生就是浮生若梦,我一直不想梦醒,我怕忘记了你。 Life is like a dream. I don't want to wake up. I'm afraid I'll forget you.


7、何必拿尊严,去挽留一个的变了心的人。 Why take dignity to retain a person who has changed his mind?

8、你们两再得瑟,我一不高兴就用电灯泡照死你们。 If you two getinto trouble again and again, I'll shoot you dead with a light bulb when I'm not happy.

9、你可以选择爱我,或不爱我;而我只能选择爱你,或更爱你。 You can choose to love me or not; I can only choose to love you or more.

10、你可能了解我身体上的痛,不及心疼的万分之一么。 You may know that my physical pain is less than one in ten thousand.

11、你就像我吐出来的烟卷,我拼了命的去抓也抓不到。 You're like the cigarette I spit out. I can't catch it with all my might.

12、你有什么资格说我变了,你陪我经历过什么! What qualifications do you have to say that I have changed? What have you experienced with me?

13、你的一句问候是我最大的幸福,但幸福我承受不起。 Your greeting is my greatest happiness, but happiness I can not afford.上一页12下一页

14、像被人在背后狠狠刺中了心。我心碎的声音感觉很清晰。 It's like being stabbed in the back. My heart-broken voice feels clear.

15、关于那些快乐的,悲伤的记忆,都要默然接受。 All happy and sad memories should be accepted silently.

16、其实你就像是一杯鸡尾酒,感受多了、就浓烈上了心头。 In fact, you are like a cocktail, feel more, it is strong on the heart.

17、别往后看了,值得你回头的人当初不会走。 Don't look back. Those who deserve your attention won't go.

18、十字路口,我们分着走。你走我的泪,我走你的恨。 At the crossroads, we go separately. You walk my tears, I walk your hate.

19、只叹时光太短,相遇太晚,真挚却不够勇敢。 Just sigh that time is too short, meet too late, sincere but not brave enough.

20、只有一个人愿意等,另一个人才愿意出现。 Only one person is willing to wait, and another person is willing to appear.

21、回首那些荒唐的往事,就是我年轻时的故事。 Looking back on the absurd past is the story of my youth.

22、大风把烈酒吹醒,方知当初所拥有的美好全是梦。 The strong wind wakes up the strong liquor, only to know that all the good things we had were dreams.

23、女孩子是从来不讲道理的,她们的道理,就是自己的感觉。 Girls never make sense. Their reason is their own feelings.

24、她是你不可缺少的氧气,我是你可有可无的二氧化碳。 She's your indispensable oxygen. I'm your indispensable carbon dioxide.

25、如果有天世界毁灭,我还是会一直在迩身边。 If one day the world will be destroyed, I will always be around you.His pleasure just now seemed to be a balloon of discouragement, and he went home dejected.

26、如果梦想能够成真,愿我能代替你承受全都悲伤。 If the dream can come true, I wish Icould bear all the sadness instead of you.

27、如果爱不再是两个人的信仰,想要遗忘而自己却放不下。 If love is no longer the belief of two people, you can't let it go if you want to forget it.

28、快乐,停止了,雨滴,在你转身以后落下。 Happiness, stop, rain drops, after you turn around.

29、愿所有停留不了的爱,洁白如兰花,纵使明日又隔天涯。 May all the love that cannot stay be as white as an orchid, even if tomorrow is beyond the horizon.

30、慢慢的才知道,太在乎别人了往往会伤害自己。 Slowly I learned that caring too much about others often hurts me.

31、成长是一段锥心的疼痛,不计后果的那段,叫做青春。 Growing up is a painful, reckless period, called youth.

32、我不能忘记你,就像你不能爱我一样,永远不能。 I can't forget you, just as you can't love me, never.

33、我心里的温暖就那么多,全部都给了你。 The warmth in my heart is so much that it's all for you.

34、我走遍大街小巷寻找你,原来你在我心里。 I went all over the streets looking for you, you werein my heart.

35、我还爱你,只是少了非要在一起的执着和理由。 I still love you, just lack the persistence and reason to be together.

36、撕裂A心扉,看清迩A虚伪,受了伤却如此卑微。 Tear your heart, see your hypocrisy, hurt but so humble.

37、无非就是把自己的心*起来,从此不让它跳动。 It's all about blocking your heart and never letting it beat.

38、时间不会让你忘了他,只会让你习惯没有他。 Time will not let you forget him, but will let you get used to not having him.

39、时间我浪费不起,既然等你没有用,那我就先爱一步再说。 I can't afford to waste time. Since it's no use waiting for you, I'll take one step first.

40、春雨知时节,夏雨常惊雷秋雨收获节,冬雨冻雨琪。 Spring rain knows the season, summer rain often frightens thunder and autumn rain harvest festival, winter rain freezes rain Qi.

41、最好的生活,无非是白天可以说说笑笑,晚上可以睡个好觉。 The best life is to laugh and talk during the day and sleep well at night.

42、最甜不是糖,是你的笑;最苦不是药,是你的笑,我忘不掉。 The sweetest is not sugar, but your laughter; the bitterest is not medicine, but your laughter, which I can't forget.

43、有时候,最适合迩的人,恰恰是迩最没有想到的人。 Sometimes, the most suitable person for you is the one you least expect.

44、有没有人和我一样,他不是你情人,却能影响你的心情。 Is there anyone like me who is not your lover but can affect your mood?

45、望长空雅雀随风东去,旧景仍存叹息人生漫漫。 Looking at the long sky, Jack goes eastward with the wind, the old scene still sighs that life is long.

46、每个人心中都有道伤,那是天曾经塌下的地方。 Everyone has a wound in his heart, which is where the sky once collapsed.

47、每当别人问我怎么办的时候,我会说往死里办。 Whenever someone asks me what to do, I say to do it in death.

48、泛黄的记忆相片里,定格某些已逝的爱情碎片。 In the yellowing photos of memories, some fragments of lost love are fixed.

49、爱,填满了我的缺失,生命从此完整。 Love, fills my missing, life is complete from now on.

50、用一个转身离开,却用了一辈子去忘记。 With a turn to leave, but spent a lifetime to forget.

51、电梯里有烟味我宁愿走楼梯,你身边人太挤我宁愿疏远你。 There is smoke in the elevator. I'd rather walk the stairs. The people around you are too crowded. I'd rather alienate you.

52、等你发现时间是贼的时候它已经偷光了你的选择。 By the time you find out that time is a thief, it has stolen your choice.

53、结局总是一片空白,不奢求美好的未来。 The ending is always blank, not extravagant for a better future.

54、能动手尽量别吵吵。能整死尽量别留活口。 Do your best to keep quiet. Do your best not leave a mouth alive.

55、过去的不会再回来,就算回来了也不再会完美。 The past won't come back, even if it comes back, it won't be perfect anymore.

56、这一场来历不明的幸福,我看不到出路。 I can't see a way out of this unknown happiness.

57、这个世界本来就是痛苦的,没有破例的。 The world is painful, no exception.

58、选择在落泪之前转身离去,留下坚强的背影。 Choose to turn away before tears, leaving a strong back.

59、陪你一起去看海,一起去看花开,我们说好了的。 Let's go to the sea with you and see the flowers blooming together. We have agreed.
