1、与你地老天荒。 With you in the end of time.

2、与你生死与共。 To live and die with you.

3、与我深情久伴。 With me for a long time.

4、世界有你精彩。 The world has you wonderful.

5、为你、倾尽温柔。 For you, gentle.

6、今生今世爱你。 Love you in this life.

7、今生无你不行。 I can't live without you.

8、你在,情在,人在。 You are there, love is, people are.

9、你如星我如月。 You are the star and I am the moon.

10、你比想象中美。 You are more than imagining China and the United States.

11、你触到我的心。 You touch my heart.

12、再苦也要爱你。 Love you no matter how hard you are.

13、在你身边漫步。 Walk around you.

14、夜很长幸有你。 It's been a long night.

15、天涯路上,陪你。 Tianya Road, with you.

16、心相印,爱相随。 Love follows each other.

17、愿与你成眷属。 Wish to be a family with you.

18、我中了你的毒。 I was poisoned by you.

19、我是有多爱你。 How much I love you.

20、我等风也等你。 I'll wait for you as well as the wind.

21、执你手共白头。 Hold your hand and keep your head white.

22、无你处无江湖。 Without you, there is no lake.

23、有我,不必害怕。 With me, don't be afraid.

24、爱你一生一世。 Love you with my whole life.

25、爱你天长地久。 Love you forever.

26、爱你永不反悔。 Love you never regret.

27、爱你永远不悔。 Love you never regret.

28、爱着走,走着爱。 Love walking, walking love.

29、牵着手愿永久。 Holding hands, wish forever.

30、相守来世今生。 Stay together in the next life.

31、相知共约白首。 We know each other about Bai Shou.

32、相识相知相恋。 Know each other, know each other, love each other.

33、许你万水千山。 I wish you a thousand rivers and mountains.

34、许你前世今生。 May you live in the past.

35、蹭到你的怀里。 Rub it in your arms.