1、一声“爸爸”,是快乐的呼唤;一声“爸爸”,是幸福的挂牵;一声“爸爸”,是纠结的思念;一声“爸爸”,是父亲节里对您的祝愿,叫一声老爸吧,祝愿天下父亲一生快乐平安! "Daddy", calling is happy; "Daddy", is the yearning of happiness; "Daddy", is a tangle of missing; "Daddy", is in the father's day wishes to you, call a sound dad, wish all fathers happy life peace!

2、不管任何的时候,我的祝福都是你最好的特效药,它无色素更不需防腐剂,不会过期,服用后会时时刻刻地出现好运!祝父亲节快乐! No matter any time, I wish you are the best specific, it is no more without preservatives, pigment don't expire, will always appear after taking good luck! Happy father's day!

3、今天有一个词,专为父亲而定,那叫坚强;有一种情,只有大海可以代表,那叫父爱;有一种感动,只为父亲而动容,那叫胸怀。在父亲节之际,祝父亲幸福安康! Today there is one word, for the father, the strong; There is a feeling, only can represent the sea, that call a father; There is a kind of touched, to be father froth, that call to mind. On father's day, wish father happy life!

4、你用勤劳耕耘着家庭的乐土,你用臂膀承担着生命的责任,你用胸怀包容着万千的坎坷,你用奉献谱写着人生的欢歌。爸爸节到了,感谢爸爸的付出,愿爸爸幸福快乐。 You use industrious cultivation with family, with your arm bearing the responsibility of life, your mind is containing a lot of obstacles, do you use dedicated compose the song of life. Pay a dad day arrived, thank you daddy, let father happy.

5、天地之间,父爱最真,父爱最深;岁月之中,父爱最长久,父爱最不朽。父亲的爱永铭心中,刻骨不忘。父亲节到了,祝亲爱的爸爸身体健康快乐幸福。 Between heaven and earth, the father loves the most true, the father loves the most; Long time, the father loves the most, the father loves the most enduring. Father's permanent and eternal love, deep and don't forget. The father's day, I wish my dear dad health happiness.

6、学走路时,您陪着我;写作业后,您检查着;犯错之时,您教育我;衣食住行,您供着我;长大之后,您挂念我;父亲节到,一声问候送给您,请你不用在牵挂我,祝您平安快乐着! When learning to walk, you accompany me; After homework, you check; Make a mistake, you education I; Food and clothing live line, you for me; I grew up, you miss me; To the father's day, a greeting to you, will you not care me, I wish you peace and happy!

7、当你看到这条短信时,我的心正在为你祈祷,祈祷你心中充满幸福,祈祷天使永远在你身边,祈祷你的未来无忧无虑,祝父亲节快乐! When you see this message, my heart is praying for you and pray for your heart is full of happiness, prayer angel by your side, always pray for your future carefree, happy father's day!

8、心理脆弱时,您慈祥的话语总在耳边;手头拮据时,您掏出带体温的钱;离家时,鱼水之情总在上演;父爱是山,如此伟岸,此情今生难偿还。爸爸节到了,祝老爸健康长寿! Mental weak, your kind words in their ears; The pinch, you take out with temperature of money; When away from home, look of love always on; A father is a mountain, so the invasion, this difficult to repay this life. Dad festival arrived, wish dad longevity and health!

9、总是在睡觉前亲亲我的脸,对我说声晚安;总是看我难过就逗我开心,让我不再忧烦;总是在我低落时做最坚强的后盾,令我自信满满。父亲节快乐,我的好爸爸! Always kiss my face before going to bed, say good night to me; Always look at me sad will make me happy, let I no longer worry; Always in low when I do the most strong backing, makes me confident. Happy father's day, mygood father!

10、您在我困难时给我坚定的信念,您在我懵懂时给我醒悟的话语,您在我迷途时给我光明的道路。在父亲节到来之际,祝您节日快乐,永远幸福。 You gave me faith when I am in trouble, you give me wake up when I foolish words, you give me when I lost the light path. On the arrival of the father's day I wish you a happy holiday, happiness forever.

11、您教会我坚强,让我面对挫折不畏惧;您给予我勇气,让我战胜困难没压力;您赐给我幸福,让我的生活永远都甜美。爸爸,谢谢您,祝您父亲节快乐,愿您一生平安,健康长随! You taught me strong, let me not afraid to face setbacks; You give me courage, let me overcome difficulties no pressure; You give me the happiness, let my life is always sweet. Thank you, dad. Happy father's day, peace be to you a lifetime, grow with health!

12、您用如山的父爱,撑起了我童年成长的一片灿烂;您用大海的胸怀,包容了我少不更事的调皮捣蛋。我终身感谢您的养育之恩!我终身祝福您父亲节健康快乐! Do you use a mountain of father love, hold up my childhood grow a bright; You in the bosom of the sea, containing the naughty boy I was young. I life long thank you for your support! My lifelong wish you healthy and happy father's day!

13、您的爱,高如山,托起我的梦想;您的情,宽似海,容纳我的一切。人生路上,您指引着我的方向,给予我需要的力量,温暖我的心房。爸爸节,祝老爸快乐! Your love, Gao Rushan, hold up my dream; Your mood, as the sea wide, hold everything to me. The direction of the road of life, you guided me, give I need power, warm my heart.Dad festival, I wish a happy father!

14、您的目光虽然严厉,但更多的是疼惜;一天都见您忙碌的身影,为了这个家,您付出了太多太多。父亲节来了,向老爸道一声:辛苦了,祝您节日快乐! You look tough, but more cherish; One day see you busy figure, in order to this home, you paid too much. Father's day is coming, to dad say: hard, I wish you a happy holiday!

15、我一次次的叛逆,您一次次的教诲,我一点点的成长,您一点点的老去,皱纹爬上您的额头,岁月染白您的发丝,爸爸您辛苦了,爸爸节到,愿您身体健康,开心常在,我爱您! I revolt again and again, again and again of your teachings, I am a little bit of growth, you a little old to climb to the top of your forehead wrinkles, years dyed your hair, dad you hard, dad festival, wish you a healthy body, all the time happy, I love you!

16、掌心里留存着父亲的温暖,血管里流淌着父亲的**,脸庞上再现父亲的青春,眼神里继承着父亲的刚毅,父亲节到了,祝所有的父亲身体健康,节日快乐! Retained in the palm of her father's warmth, father's passion in his veins, the face of his father's youth, eyes inheritance in his father's resolute, father's day is coming, wish all the father healthy body, a happy holiday!

17、是你的鼓励让我大胆的梦想,是你的支持让我大胆实现理想,是你的教导让我有飞翔的方向。亲爱的父亲,今天是你的节日,祝你节日快乐。 Is the dream of your encouragement make me bold, is your support make me bold to realize ideal, there is you teach me to fly. Dear father, today is you of festival, I wish you a happy holiday.

18、最大的愿望是想与你:先天真的过儿童节,再任性过青年节,再浪漫过情人节,再温馨的过母亲节,再真挚的过父亲节,再欢喜的过重阳节。 Greatest wish is to want to with you: congenital really lead children's day, again wayward youth day, again a romantic valentine's day, warm have mother's day, again again true father's day, the double ninth festival joy again.

19、有一个人平时爱得深却不常表露,有个人平时再难再累也坚强,有个人平时有苦有委屈也深藏,这个人就是父亲。祝您的父亲节日快乐,你也记得把祝福送上哦! There was a man love too deep but don't often express at ordinary times, have personal again difficult again tired also strong at ordinary times, have personal usually have bitter injustice also deep, this man is my father. I wish you father festival happiness, you also remember sending wishes to oh!

20、有一种伟岸如青山有一种圣洁如冰雪,有一种温暖如娇阳,有一种宽广如江海,有一种幸福如父爱。父亲节,把最真的、最深的、最早的祝福送给父亲。 There is a broad, such as castle peak there is a holy like ice and snow, there is a kind of warm like jiao Yang, there is a broad, such as ocean, there is a kind of happiness like a father. Father's day, the most really, the deepest, the blessing of his father at the earliest.

21、有了您,心里踏实又安心;有了您,鼓励支持动力足;有了您,不怕任何风和雨;有了您,一生幸福永相随。爸爸,父亲节快乐,祝您幸福安康,一生平安! Have you, the in the mind steadfast and at ease; With you, to encourage support power; Have you, is not afraid of any wind and rain; Had you, life to be happy forever. Dad, happy father's day, I wish you a happy life, life to peace!

22、有的父亲严厉,有的父亲慈祥,有的人在父亲身旁,有的人奔波在远方,父亲节的榴莲已经在午夜绽放,清香飘洒着祝福飞扬,祝福父亲节快乐,幸福健康。 Some father is tough, some father kindly, some people beside his father, some people travel in the distance, durian is father's day in the middle of the night blooming, fragrance floats the blessing, happy father's day, happy and healthy.

23、每年只有一个父亲节,但是父亲对子女的爱,是朝朝夕夕,时时刻刻的。借父亲节之际,感谢父亲对我的关心、照顾、教导。祝您身体健康,一切顺利。 Only a father's day each year, but my father love, is the day to evening, all the time. Borrow as father's day, I want to thanks my father's care, care, teach. I wish you good health, everything goes well.

24、比地宽广的是海,比海高远的是天,比天更高远的是父亲的胸怀;父亲节到了,祝天下所有父亲:开开心心快快乐乐,健健康康平平安安! Than the earth wide is the sea, is high than the sea day, higher than the sky is his father's mind; The father's day, wish all the father: happy happy, healthy in peace!

25、父亲是一棵松,撑起生命的晴空;父亲是一场风,拂去生活的负重;父亲是一把梯,助你勇攀巅峰;父亲是一盏灯,照亮你的美梦。父亲节,别忘向父亲问好。 His father is a pine tree, hold up clear sky of life; His father is a wind, blows the load to life; His father is a ladder for help you bravely peak; His father is a lamp, light up your dream. Father's day, don't forget to say hello to my father.

26、父亲用厚实的臂膀支撑着整个家庭;父亲用亲情温暖着孩子的心灵。父亲节到了,在这个属于父亲们的日子里,让我们大声说出对父亲的爱,祝愿世上所有的父亲们节日快乐! Father with thick arm to support the whole family; Father in the family warm children's heart. Father's day is coming, in this belongs to the fathers day, let's say out loud to his father's love, wish all the fathers a happy holiday!

27、父亲的教诲像‘一盏明灯’,照亮我前程;父亲的关怀像‘一把雨伞’,为我遮风挡雨。父亲节到了,祝亲爱的父亲节日快乐!一生平安! Father's teachings as a beacon, light up my future. Father's care is like an umbrella, zhefengdangyu for me. The father's day, wish my dear father a happy holiday! Life to peace!

28、父亲的爱,比山高;父亲的情,比海深;父亲对儿女的爱,是不求回报的,父亲是那么的伟大,父亲节到,愿父亲平安健康,一生开心。 Father's love, is higher than the mountains; Father's love, deep than the sea; Father pair of woman's love, is unrequited, is such a great father, the father's day, peace be to the father healthy, happy life.

29、父亲节到了,送给爸爸的是孝心,愿爸爸能天天开心,拿给爸爸的是顺心,望爸爸万事都能称心,发给爸爸的是真心祝福,愿爸爸身体健康,快乐相伴,日子舒心无比,爸爸我爱您。 Father's day is coming, to father is filial piety, we wish dad happy every day, to my father is working, hope dad can good all things, to father is truly wish, wish dad healthy body, happy accompany, day shu xin, dad I love you.

30、父亲节到啦,短信问候爸,身体还好吧,心情舒畅吗?想为你倒杯水,想为你捶捶腿,想给你做顿饭,想天天把你伴,无奈天涯各一边,只能发条短信,愿老爸天天开心,事事顺心! Father's day is coming, SMS greetings to dad, the body also ok, feel better? Want to pour a glass of water for you, want to fills a leg for you, want to give you a meal, want to every day with you, but no one side, only a clockwork SMS, wish dad every day happy, everything!

31、父亲节祝福短信:删除昨天的烦恼!重建今天的快乐!设置明天的幸福!储存永远的爱心!粘贴美丽的心情!打印你迷人的笑容!祝父亲节好运! Father's day greeting message: delete yesterday's troubles! Reconstruction for today's happy! Setting tomorrow's happiness! Store the forever love! Paste the beautiful mood! Print your charming smile! Good luck to father's day!

32、父亲节,发短信,送祝福:愿父亲,少抽烟,勤锻炼,少喝酒,保健康,少烦恼,快乐到,少忧虑,多开心;祝父亲,永远健康,永远年轻。 Father's day, send text messages, send blessing: wish father, less smoking, regular exercise, drinking less alcohol, protect health, less trouble, happy, worry less, how happy; I wish my father healthy, forever forever young.

33、父亲节,送你一封温馨,装满甜蜜;送你一包甜蜜,充满幸福;送你一袋幸福,填满健康;送你一桶健康,溢满平安;送你一筐平安,塞满快乐,祝你节日快乐,老爸! Father's day, send you a warm, full of sweet; Send you a pack of sweet, full of happiness; Send you a bag of happiness, fill the health; Send you a bucket of health, fill peace; Send you a basket of peace, full of joy, wish you happy holidays, dad!

34、父爱深深深几许,往事堆烟,点滴无重数。游子离家飘泊处,抬眼哪见父年暮。父爱如山,父恩似海,父亲节就要到了,提前将节日的祝福献给天下父亲:祝身体健康,快乐幸福! Father very deep how much the past smoke, intravenous drip, no multiplicity. The wanderer drifted away from home, look up late which see the father. Father, however, the father as the sea, and father's day is coming, early to holiday greetings toall fathers: wish a healthy body, happy happiness!

35、父爱的山,教会我为人的坚强;父爱的水,给予我生命的滋养;父爱的林,遮挡一路的风霜;没有了父爱的生活我不敢想象,惟愿父亲永远福寿安康! The father loves the mountain, taught me to be strong; The father loves the water, give me life; A father Lin, shade all the way wind and frost; I can't imagine life without a father, father longevity and health forever!

36、父爱,是儿加油的站;父爱,是儿照明的灯;父爱,是儿力量的泉;父爱,是儿精神的柱。父亲节,祝福敬爱的老爸快乐平安,幸福吉祥! Father love, is the son of refueling station; A father and son lighting lamp; A father is son force of spring; Father's love, is the spirit of the column. Happy father's day, blessing dear dad peace, happiness, good luck!

37、爸爸,妈妈,祝你们身体永远健康,天天快乐。爸爸,献上我的谢意,为了这么多年来您对我付出的耐心和爱心。父亲节快乐,子孝父心宽。 Dad, mom, I wish you good health forever, happy every day. Dad, offer my thanks, for so many years you have patience and love for me to pay. Happy father's day, father son filial piety otimista.

38、生命中有缘与您成为血脉至亲,是我最大的幸运;迷茫时能够有您无条件地鼓励,是我最大的财富;短信里句句饱含父亲节孩儿的心意,愿父亲您永远都安康! Decree by destiny with you in my life become blood relatives, is my biggest fortune; Confusion can have you encourage unconditionally, is my greatest wealth; That text message speak with child, father's day to father you always health!

39、用开心填补父亲的闲暇,用欢心涂抹父亲的时光,用孝心浸染父亲的岁月,用顺心点缀父亲的人生,父亲节,祝父亲,健康长寿,快乐幸福,平安常绕。 With happy to fill their father's leisure, with heart daub father time, filial piety father's age and in almost every father's life, father's day, I wish father, longevity and health, happiness, peace often around.

40、苍老的皱纹中,勾勒着生活的艰辛,双手的老茧上,蕴藏巨大的付出, Old wrinkles, draw the outline of the hardships of life, calluses on both hands, there is huge, white hair, of love and care for me, dad festival arrived, dad you were laborious, I love you, wish you a happy holiday, and physical well-being.

41、虽男人原是铁石心肠,但只要他当了父亲,他就有一颗温柔的心爸爸,在这特殊的日子里,所有的祝福都带着我们的爱,挤在您的酒杯里,直到心底。父亲节快乐。 Man is a heart of stone, but as long as he became a father, his father has a tender heart, in this special day, all blessings with our love, crowded in your glass, until the bottom of my heart. Happy father's day.

42、让白云捎去我的思念;我想您;让吉祥鸟送去我的祝福,祝您健康;虽不能在您的身边陪你过父亲节,但我会真心地祈祷,祝爸爸父亲节快乐! Let the clouds take my thoughts; I think you; Let the lucky bird send to my blessing, wish you health; Although can't accompany you in your side before father's day, but I'll pray sincerely, I wish my father happy father's day!

43、逝去的时光依然美丽,因为有你;寒冷的时节依然温暖,因为有你;幸福的时光格外灿烂,因为有你;欢乐的时刻格外酣畅,因为有你。爸爸,因为有你我的人生更美好,爸爸节快乐。 Lost time still beautiful, because have you; The cold season is warm, because have you; Happy time very bright, because have you; Particularly comfortable, happy hour is because of you. Dad, my life more beautiful because of you, happy father day.上一页12下一页

44、那亲这亲,不如自己的爹妈亲!那美这美不如自己的爹妈美!那好这好不如自己的爹妈好!祝福母亲节的妈妈平安健康快乐!祝福父亲节的爸爸平安健康快乐! That the kiss, kiss is the mother and father! The beauty that beauty is the beauty, dad! Ok this is better than his own parents! Happy mother's day mother health peace! Wish the father's day dad peace healthy and happy!
