1、一个人的价值在于他的才华,而不在他的衣饰。 A person's value lies in his talent, not in his clothing.

2、一个人,只要知道付出爱与关心,她内心自然会被爱与关心充满。 A person, just know that love and care, her heart will be filled with the love and care about nature.

3、一朝开始便永远能将事业继续下去的人是幸福的。 Once start forever will continue happy is the man who is my career.

4、不从泥泞不堪的小道上迈步,就踏不上铺满鲜花的大路。 Don't move from the muddy trail, cannot step the road covered with flowers.

5、不经巨大的困难,不会有伟大的事业。 Without great difficulty, there would be no great cause.

6、与困难作斗争,虽然要历尽艰苦,但苦尽甘来,这也是一种乐事。 To fight hard, though it is hard to make, but no sweet without sweat, it is also a pleasure.

7、世上唯有贫穷可以不劳而获。 Nothing is to be got without pains but poverty.

8、世界上最难忘记的两件事,一是遇见,二是忘记。 The most difficult to forget two things in the world, one is met, 2 it is to forget it.

9、两点之间未必直线最短,有时迂回曲折能够更快地抵达终点。 Shortest between two points is not necessarily linear, sometimes the twists and turns to end faster.

10、乘风破浪勇立潮头,沧海横流方显本色。 Braving the yong best ", the sea and the cross flow show true colors.

11、人生重要的不是所占的位置,而是所朝的方向。 Life is important is not of the position, but towards direction.

12、人的大脑和肢体一样,多用则灵,不用则废。 The human mind and body, multi-purpose the spirit, and no waste.

13、你不怕困难,困难就怕你。 You are not afraid of difficult, difficult is afraid of you.


15、信念之于人,犹翅膀之于鸟,信念是飞翔的翅膀。 Faith is to the people, of wings to a bird, the flying wings of our faith is.

16、傻瓜的心在嘴里,智者的嘴在心里。 A fool's heart in his mouth, wise men have their mouth in their heart.

17、凡是重要工作,必须要做计划;凡是计划,必须要量化。 Every important work, must do plan; Every plan, must be quantitative.

18、勤劳的人会有各种幸运,懒惰的人则只有一种不幸。 Hard-working people have all sorts of lucky, lazy people would only a misfortune.

19、去适应环境,别叫环境去适应你。 To adapt to the environment, don't let environment to adapt to you.

20、古之成大事者,不唯有超世之才,亦必有坚韧不拔之志也。 Ancient into event of not only the special, also there will be a perseverance of volunteers also.

21、只会幻想而不行动的人,永远也体会不到收获果实时的喜悦。 Will only fantasy and not a man of action, never also experience the joy of harvest.

22、只有傻瓜才会千方百计去讨好所有的人。 Only a fool would one thousand ways to please all the people all the time.

23、告诉你使我达到目标的奥秘吧,我惟一的力量就是我的坚持精神。 Tell you the mystery of the enable me to reach the goal, the power of my only is my adhere to the spirit.

24、在失败面前一百次感叹,不如一次实干。 In front of the failed one hundred times, as a work.

25、在学习上做一眼勤、手勤、脑勤,就可以成为有学问的人。 In learning to do a diligent, hardworking, the brain attendance, can be learned.

26、在小事上对真理持轻率态度的人,在大事上也是不足信任的。 Small people who hold the flippant attitude on truth, is also a lack of trust in.

27、在挫折中成长,让自己变的更完美! Grow in the setback, let oneself become more perfect!

28、多锻炼身体,身体垮了什么都没有了,男人女人要对自己好一点。 More exercise, what all have no body to break down, men and women to be a bit better to oneself.

29、大胆自已地表现自已,别人无理由轻视你。 Boldly show yourself, the other people have no reason to despise you.

30、天将降大任于斯人也,天不降大任,你不还是斯人吗? Day will drop responsibility on has, it doesn't fall, you still don't they?

31、安于现状不是我的个性,碌碌无为不是我的目标! The status quo is not my personality, doing nothing is not my goal!

32、家!甜蜜的家!天下最美好的莫过于家。 Home! Sweet home! Home is the most beautiful place in the world.

33、对于成功的坚信不疑时常会导致真正的成功。 For successful entails that often leads to true success.

34、小偷,其实是向自己偷东西最多的人。 The thief, is actually to steal the most.

35、幸运并非没有恐惧和烦恼;厄运并非没有安慰与希望。 Prosperity is not without fears and disasters; Adversity is not without comforts and hopes.

36、开拓者走的是弯弯曲曲的路,而他留下的却是又直又宽的足迹。 The blazers are winding road, but he left behindis straight and wide footprint.

37、很多失败不是因为能力有限, Many fail not because ability is limited, but because there is no stick it out.

38、心有多宽,舞台就有多大,心有多高,梦想就有多远。 How wide is the heart, the stage has how old, how high is the heart dreams have how far.

39、悲观面对成功,乐观面对失败,轻松面对自己,宽容面对。 Pessimism in the face of success, optimistic in the face of failure, easily face yourself, face.

40、成功与失败的分水岭可以用这几个字来表达。 The watershed between success and failure can use these words to express.

41、成功决不喜欢会见懒汉,而是唤醒懒汉。 Success never like meeting a bum, but wake up lazy.

42、成功是结果。而不是目的。 Success is the result. Rather than a purpose.

43、成熟不是心变老,而是眼泪在眼里打转却还保持微笑。 Mature not heart grow old, but tears in eyes swirling still keep smiling.

44、我们不能选择命运,但是我们能改变命运。 We can't choose the fate, but we can change the destiny.

45、我喝酒是想把痛苦溺死,但这该死的痛苦却学会了游泳。 I drink is to want to drown pain, but this damn pain was learned how to swim.

46、我是江南第一燕,为衔春色上分梢。 I am jiangnan first yan, for the bit points tip on the spring scenery.

47、我走过很多路,我的袜子里装满错误,我的脚因此变得成熟。 I walked through a lot of road, full of mistakes in my socks, my feet are so mature.

48、改变,从现在开始;成功,由今天起步。 Change, from now on; Success, start from today.

49、时间是治疗心灵创伤的大师,但绝不是解决问题的高手。 The time is the treatment of trauma masters, but is not the player to solve the problem.

50、有了梦想,才有动力,有了动力,才能实现梦想。 Have a dream, to have power, have the power, to achieve your dreams.

51、望远镜可以望见远的目标,却不能代替你走半步。 The telescope can see far goal, but does not take the place of you go half step.

52、果断的放弃是面对人生面对生活的一种清醒的选择。 Decisive give up is a kind of sober in the face of life in the face of life choice.

53、每一件事都要用多方面的角度来看它。 Every thing is to use various point of view it.

54、永不放弃梦想,忘掉你的失意日子,但不要忘记黄金的时光。 Never give up dreams, forget about the days it's been cloudy, but don't forget your hours in the sun.

55、永久地持有对生活的美好认识与执着追求。 Forever hold on understanding and persistent pursuit of a better life.

56、沉思的人有一个目标,幻想的人却没有。 Reflective people have a goal, not fantasy.

57、没有昨天的失败,就没有今天的成功。 Without the failure of yesterday, there is no success today.

58、活鱼会逆流而上,死鱼才会随波逐流! Live fish will be upstream, dead fish will go with the flow!

59、理想和行动要结合起来,只说不行,要紧的是做。 Ideal and combined in action, but said no, what matters is doing.

60、生命生命,那是自然会给人类去雕琢的宝石。 Life is life, it is naturally to human beings to carve gems.

61、生活不是等待风暴过去,而是学会在雨中翩翩起舞。 Life isn't about waiting for storm in the past, but learn to dance in the rain.

62、用乐观的心态迎接困难,因为能打败你的,只有你自己。 With optimistic attitude to meet difficult, because can beat you, only you.

63、目标不是都能达到的,但它可以作为瞄准点。 Goal is not to can achieve, but it can serve as the aiming point.

64、目标和信念是战胜困难和不幸的利剑,可以使人发挥出超常的潜能。 Target and faith is the sword, overcome difficulties and misfortune can make people to exert extraordinary potential.上一页12下一页 Confidence comes from strength, strength comes from the diligence.

65、知识象烛光,能照亮一个人,也能照亮无数人。 Knowledge is like a candlelight, can illuminate a person, also can illuminate countless people.

66、立志漫长清华园,刻苦方能未明湖。 Resolves to long settled in, can not siminghu hard.

67、笨鸟先飞勤能补拙,爱心永铸付出无限。 To the hard work, never cast give infinite love.

68、联通九州,鸣响未来;二十在线,志在一搏! Unicom kyushu, ringing the future; Twenty online, aim at a desperate!

69、聪明只是一张漂亮的糖纸,务实与努力彩色成功的实质。 Smart is a pretty sweet wrappers, practical and trying to color the essence of success.

70、胜利者往往是从坚持最后五分钟的时间中得来成功。 The winner is often from the stick to the last five minutes from time success.

71、船放在港口最安全,但那不是造船的目的。 Ship in port is the most safe, but that's not what ships are for.

72、若不给自己设限,则人生中就没有限制你发挥的藩篱。 If don't give yourself limits, then in the life, there is no limit your play barriers.

73、虚荣的人注视着自己的名字;光荣的人注视着祖国的事业。 Vain people staring at his name; Glorious people watched the cause of the motherland.

74、要想比别人懂得多,就要比别人多下功夫学习。 If you want to know more than others, will work harder than others to learn.

75、觉得自己做的到和做不到,其实只在一念之间。 Feel yourself to and can't do that, in fact, only between a read.

76、让爱心伴我左右,让文明与你同行。 Let love around me, let civilization with you.

77、过错是暂时的遗憾,而错过则是永远的遗憾! Fault is temporary regret, but miss is forever regret!

78、选才的三大忌:论资排辈、只看文凭不看水平、认人为亲。 Choose three big fear: seniority, only see the diploma level, people kiss.

79、青春没有失败,努力就在今朝! Youth without failure, efforts in today!

80、青春真的很单薄,什么都很轻,风一吹,我们就走散了。 Youth is really very thin, very light, the wind blows, we lost contact.

81、黑暗将使人更加珍惜光明,寂静将使人更加喜爱声音。 Darkness would make people more appreciative of sight; silence would make people more likely to sound.
