1、一个优秀的人:守时,不吹嘘,有底线,不占小便宜。 An excellent person: punctuality, no boasting, bottom line, no taking advantage.
2、不会生气的人是愚者,不生气的人乃真正的智者。 He who is not angry is a fool, but he who is not is a real wise man.
3、不经历伤痛怎能练就强有力的翅膀挣脱牢笼飞向远方。 How can we get rid of the cage and fly to the distance without suffering.
4、与其违心赔笑,不如一人安静;低质量的社交不如高质量的独处。 It's better to be quiet than to laugh against your heart; low quality social communication is better than high quality solitude.
5、人不能总是懒惰,懒惰久了,能力容易变成废品。 People can't be lazy all the time. If they are lazy for a long time, their ability is easy to become waste.
6、人心惟危,道心惟微,惟精惟一,允执厥中。 The mind of the people is only in danger, the mind of the Tao is only tiny, the essence is the only one, and the promise is right.
7、今天拼搏努力,他日谁与争锋。 Work hard today, who will fight in the future.
8、会有始料未及的运气,会有突如其来的惊喜。 There will be unexpected luck and unexpected surprise.
9、内心强大,才能道歉,但要更强大,才无需别人道歉。 If you have a strong heart, you can apologize, but if you have to be stronger, you don't need others to apologize.
10、创造机会的人是勇者,等待机会的人是愚者。 Those who create opportunities are brave, while those who wait for them are stupid.
11、千人千般苦,苦苦不相同。 Thousands of people suffer from different kinds of hardships.
12、在身边才算拥有,爱到习惯才是长久。 Only when you are around can you have it, and only when you love to get used to it can you have it for a long time.
13、家!甜蜜的家!天下最美好的莫过於家。 Home! Sweet home! There is nothing better than home.
14、希望是生命的阳光,行动是希望的翅膀。 Hope is the sunshine of life, and action is the wing of hope.
15、希望是附丽于存在的,有存在,便有希望,有希望,便是光明。 Hope is attached to existence. When there is existence, there is hope. When there is hope, there is light.
16、当你生气时,不要冲着你的同事、朋友发火,要注意别人的感受。 When you are angry, don't get angry with your colleagues or friends. Pay attention to the feelings of others.
17、当所有人都低调的时候,你可以高调,但不能跑调。 When everyone is low-key, you can be high-key, but not off-key.
18、心中装满着自己的看法与想法的人,永远听不见别人的心声。 People who are full of their own opinions and ideas will never hear the voice of others.
19、志之所趋,无远勿届;志之所向,无坚不摧。 The trend of ambition is not far away; the direction of ambition is invincible.
20、想想光头强,想想辉泰朗,在想想汤姆猫,我有什么理由放弃。 Think about bareheaded Qiang, think about huitailang, think about Tom cat, what reason do I have to give up.
21、成功的人是跟别人学习经验,失败的人只跟自己学习经验。 Successful people learn from others, while unsuccessful people learn from themselves.
22、成大事不在于力量多少,而在能坚持多久。 Success does not lie in how much strength, but in how long it can last.
23、我以为真正的美丽,是可以通过时间考验的东西。 I think real beauty is something that can pass the test of time.
24、我们心中的恐惧,永远比真正的危险巨大的多。 The fear in our hearts is always greater than the real danger.
25、我跟自己说,就算成长的环境再阴暗,也有开花的权利。 I told myself that no matter how dark my growing environment is, I still have the right to blossom.
26、抛弃今天的人,不会有明天;而昨天,不过是行去流水。 He who abandons today will not have tomorrow, but yesterday is just running water.
27、有些事情本身我们无法控制,只好控制自己。 Some things are beyond our control, so we have to control ourselves.
28、有时一人独坐,其实并不寂寞。只想自己待会儿,别人却想太多。 Sometimes sitting alone is not lonely. I just want to be myself, but others think too much.
29、沟通心灵的桥是理解,连接心灵的路是信任。 The bridge to connect the soul is understanding, and the road to connect the soul is trust.
30、现在很痛苦,等过阵子回头看看,会发现其实那都不算事。 It's very painful now. When you look back later, you will find that it's nothing.
31、生活不是等待风暴过去,而是学会在雨中翩翩起舞。 Life is not waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain.
32、生活就是要把你折腾的死去活来,你要做的就是咬牙坚持下去。 Life is to toss you to death, what you have to do is to grit your teeth and stick to it.
33、用坚定和温和的态度表现不满,你就不会招致憎恨。 Show dissatisfaction with firmness and gentleness, and you won't incur hatred.
34、真正随缘了才能顺利,真的放下了才能得到。 Only when you really go along with the fate can you go smoothly, and only when you really put it down can you get it.
35、空空的口袋不能阻碍你的未来,空空的脑袋你将永远贫穷。 Empty pocket can't hinder your future, empty head you will always be poor.
36、经过大海的一番磨砺,卵石才变得更加美丽光滑。 After some honing of the sea, the pebbles become more beautiful and smooth.
37、苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之。 In line with the conviction that I will do whatever it takes to serve my country even at the cost of my own life,regardless of fortune or misfortune to myself.
38、若你流泪,湿的总是我的脸,若你悲戚,苦的总是我的心。 If you shed tears, wet is always my face, if you sad, bitter is always my heart.
39、若生活不如意,请相信另有安排。 If life is not satisfactory, please believe that there are other arrangements.
40、莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切。 Don't wait, white youth head, empty sad.