1、一个人最可怕的不是失败,而是他在失败的阴影下看不见阳光。 A man the most terrible not failure, but he can't see the sun under the shadow of failure.

2、一帆风顺,并不等于行驶的是一条平坦的航线。 Running is smooth, does not mean a smooth course.

3、一次失败,只是证明我们成功的决心还够坚强。 A failure, just to prove we are determined to succeed is strong enough.

4、世人历险如此,忍耐平夷在后头。 The world adventure, patience to come.

5、人生就像一幅画,应该多一些亮丽的色彩,少一些灰暗的色调。 Life is like a painting, should be more bright beautiful colour, less shades of gray.

6、人生谁无少年时,甜苦酸辛各自知。Who life as a teenager, sweet bitter will know.

7、伪装的善良比真实的凶残更可怕。 That being kind is more terrible than being real ferocity in disguise.

8、你和书本一定是好朋友吧,要不你怎会知道那么多。 You and books must be a good friend, or else how can you know so much.

9、你提出的数学问题可真多,注意观察周围的事物,你可真细心啊! There were so many math questions, you observe things around, you really care!

10、你是你人生的作者,何必把剧本写得苦不堪言。 You are the author of your life, why should you write the screenplay.

11、你要知道, You know, we are not only for now, but the struggle for the future!

12、具有良好自我价值感的人一般来说也会以观察的态度来评价自己。 People with good self-worth in general will be to see attitude to evaluate yourself.

13、出点子的与实现点子的这二种人,后者才是高手。 Of ideas and implementation ideas of the two kinds of people, the latter is superior.

14、初恋是初开的花朵,浓郁芬芳。使人终身回味初恋的甜蜜和**。 First love is open flowers, rich fragrance. Make the person aftertaste the sweetness of love and passion for life.

15、即使道路坎坷不平,车轮也要前进;即使江河波涛汹涌,船只也航行。 Even if the bumpy road, the wheels also advance; Even choppy rivers, the ships navigation.

16、只有收获,才能检验耕耘的意义;只有贡献,方可衡量人生的价值。 Can only be verified, the significance of cultivation; Only, can measure the value of life.

17、大胆勇敢点,伟大无比的气力自会来匡助你。 Bold and brave point, enormous strength will be great to help you.

18、如果你热爱自己的工作,那么想要出类拔萃并非难事。 If you love your job, you want to excellence is not difficult.

19、如果早起的那只鸟没有吃到虫子,那就会被别的鸟吃掉。 If the early bird doesn't eat worms, that would be eaten by other birds.

20、幸福不是因为你拥有得多,而是由于你计较得少。 Happiness is not because you have more, but because you care less.

21、当有人说你是傻瓜时,证明你离成功不远了。 When someone says you are a fool, prove that you are not far from success.

22、成功,往往住在失败的隔壁! Success and failure often live in the next door!

23、我们向来喜欢崇拜自己的人,但我们不一定喜欢自己崇拜的人。 We always like the person who adore ourselves, but we not necessarily like the person which ourselves worship.

24、我们每一做一件事都应该既小心谨慎,又充满信心。 We each do one thing should be cautious, and full of confidence.

25、我崇拜创造的精神崇拜力崇拜血崇拜心脏我崇拜**崇拜悲哀崇拜破坏。 I adore to create the spirit of worship worship blood worship heart I worship bomb worship sorrow worship.上一页12下一页

26、我荒废的今日,正是昨日殒身之人祈求的明日。 I leave uncultivated today, was precisely yesterday perishes tomorrow which person of the body implored.

27、敢于面对现实,勇于承担责任,才会不断进步。 Dare to face the reality, have the courage to take responsibility, will progress.

28、整!往死里整!一定要整出个人样来! The whole! The whole to the dead! Must the whole individual sample!

29、早晨不起,误一天的事,幼时不学,误一生的事。 Morning, miss a day, not learn at a young age, miss a lifetime.

30、每天早上醒来,你荷包里的最大资产是个小时。 Wake up every morning, your greatest asset is a hour in his pockets.

31、没有天生的信心,只有不断培养的信心。 No natural confidence, only by constantly cultivate confidence.

32、没有等出来的辉煌;只有走出来的美丽。 And out of the brilliant; The beauty of the only to come out.

33、浪费时间等于浪费生命。 Wasting time is equal to wasting your life.

34、爱情是一个文明的字,爱情可以给人带来光明。 Love is a civil word, love can bring light to the person.

35、看别人不顺眼,是自己的修养不够。 Look at the others not pleasing to the eye, is their own self-cultivation is not enough.

36、积木搭起的房子看似很美,却会在不经意间轰然倒塌。 Lego house looks very beautiful, but can be in casual collapsed.

37、能够管住自己是你将来成功的保障。 Can hold themselves is the guarantee of your success in the future.

38、记得三个尊:尊重自已,尊重别人,保持尊严,对自已的行为负责。 Remember the three respects: respect yourself, respect others, stand on dignity and pay attention to your behavior.

39、走了就不再回来,如同那流逝的时间,爱亦是如此。 Go no longer come back, as the passage of time, love is also like this.

40、跟着理智走,要有勇气;跟着感觉走,就要有倾其所有的决心。 Follow reason, have the courage; All follow, will have their determination.

41、选择正确,是“成功”迈出的第一步。 Choose the right, take the first step is "success".
