1、一草一木皆生命,一枝一叶总关情。 Every plant and grass has its own life, and every leaf has its own relationship.

2、万人齐参与,共建绿色生命树。 Ten thousand people joined in building a green tree of life.

3、与自然重建和谐,与地球重修旧好。 Reconstruct harmony withnature and reconstruct the old with the earth.

4、为了我们自己,也为了我们后代,请保护环境。 For ourselves and for our future generations, please protect the environment.

5、举手之劳,美化校园。 Raise your hands and beautify the campus.

6、习惯决定成绩,细节决定命运。 Habit decides achievement, and detail decides fate.

7、人人爱花草,空气环境好。 Everyone loves flowers and plants, and the air is good.

8、人类善待自然、就是善待自己。 Man treats nature kindly, that is, he treats himself kindly.

9、人类有了绿树、鲜花和小草,生活才会更美丽。 With green trees, flowers and grass, life will be more beautiful.

10、人重脸,树重皮,请勿墙上留痕迹。 Heavy face, heavy bark, do not leave traces on the wall.

11、你在我心中最美,请不要将我摧毁。 You are the most beautiful in my heart, please don't destroy me.

12、保护环境山河美,持续发展事业兴。 Protect the environment, develop continuously.

13、保护环境,造福人民。 Protect the environment and benefit the people.

14、保护生态环境,就是爱护自已。 Protecting the ecological environment means protecting oneself.

15、保护碧水蓝天,共建绿色家园。 Protect the blue water and sky, and build a green home together.

16、倡导绿色消费,建设绿色家园。 Advocate green consumption and build a green home.

17、全面规划,统筹兼顾,推进水利协调发展。 Comprehensive planning, overall planning and consideration, to promote coordinated development of water resources.

18、关爱环境靠大家,清新空气每一天。 Care for the environment depends on everyone, fresh air every day.

19、判天地之美、析万物之理。 Judging the beauty of heaven and earth and analyzing the principles of all things.

20、历览前贤国与家,成由勤俭败由奢。 Experience the past virtuous country and home, success from diligence and frugality from luxury.

21、只要给予一些爱,就能给你带来郁郁葱葱的绿荫。 Just give some love, you can bring lush shade.

22、同顶一片蓝天,共护一方水土。 A blue sky at the same top protects one side's soil and water.

23、地球不是天然宝库,能源更需你我呵护。 The earth is not a natural treasure house. Energy needs more care from you and me.

24、地球只有一个,失去它,我们到哪里去寻找家园。 There is only one earth, lose it, where we go to find our home.

25、地球是我们,从后代手中借来的。 The earth is ours, borrowed from future generations.

26、垃圾回收,保护地球,举手之劳,参与环保。 Garbage recycling, protection of the earth, hands up, participate in environmental protection.

27、垃圾混置是垃圾,垃圾分类是资源。 Garbage mixing is garbage, and garbage classification is resource.

28、多栽一棵树,就给人类多增添一丝生存的希望。 Planting one more tree will add a little more hope for human survival.

29、失去生态平衡,人类寸步难行。 Losing the ecological balance makes it difficult for human beings to take any steps.

30、小草微微笑,请你绕一绕。 Grass smiles, please go around.

31、我们是幼苗,我们都需要呵护。 We are seedlings, and we all need to take care of them.

32、我是一朵花,请爱我,别采我。 I am a flower, please love me, don't pick me.

33、手下留情,脚下留青。 Be merciful, leave green under your feet.

34、把绿色带到世界每一个角落,让绿色流入人们心中。 Bring green to every corner of the world, let green flow into people's hearts.

35、拒绝白色污染,从少用一个塑料袋开始! Refuse white pollution, start with less plastic bags!

36、拒绝白色污染,从环保意识不再苍白开始! Refuse white pollution, from the environmental awareness is no longer pale!

37、搞好水土保护,改善生态环境。 Do a good job in soil and water conservation and improve the ecological environment.

38、构建和谐社会大环境,倡导文明环保新气象。 Construct a harmonious society and advocate a new atmosphere of civilization and environmental protection.

39、楼道整洁,当然有你一份功劳。 The corridor is clean and tidy. Of course, you have a contribution.上一页12下一页

40、每个人都要保护环境,否则人们会自生自灭。 Everyone should protect the environment, otherwise people will be born and die.

41、每人少扔一张纸,地球就会更美丽。 Everyone throws less paper, and the earth will be more beautiful.

42、水光山色与人亲,说不尽,无穷好。 Water, scenery and relatives are endless and infinitely good.

43、水是生命之源,树是生命之根。 Water is the source of life, and trees are the root of life.

44、汽车是消耗资源的无底洞,是移动的大气污染源。 Cars are bottomless depletion of resources and mobile sources of atmospheric pollution.

45、清扫清洁坚持做,亮丽环境真不错。 Cleaning, cleaning and persistent, beautiful environment is really good.

46、清洁一点,干净一片。 Clean a little, clean a piece.

47、环保做不好,生命就难保。 Life is hard to protect if environmental protection is not done well.

48、环保,还宝,让我们的世界更好! Environmental protection, Huanbao, make our world better!

49、用我们的爱心,迎来校园的一片绿。 With our love, usher in a green campus.

50、绿化做得好,染污就减少。垃圾分类放,环境有保障。 If the greening is done well, the pollution will be reduced. Garbage is classified and put in a safe environment.

51、绿化是我们生存的希望,美化是我们做人的根本。 Greening is our hope for survival and beautification is the foundation of our life.

52、绿色与生命时时相伴,环境与健康息息相关。 Green is always accompanied by life, and environment is closely related to health.

53、绿色象征生命,珍惜生命,环保第一。 Green symbolizes life, cherishes life, environmental protection first.

54、节约能源做的好,后代子孙没烦恼。 Good energy conservation, future generations do not worry.

55、花木有情报春晖,同学爱护喜心扉。 Flowers and trees have information about Chunhui. Students love and love their hearts.

56、花草树木都是宝,没它我就不行了。 Flowers, plants and trees are treasures. I can't do without them.

57、草儿绿、花儿香,环境优美人健康。 Green grass, fragrant flowers, beautiful environment, people's health.

58、西外是我们共有的家园,爱护它是我们共同的心愿。 Xiwai is our common home. To cherish it is our common wish.

59、要想校园净又美,健康文明记心里。 If you want the campus to be clean and beautiful, keep healthy and civilized in mind.

60、见垃圾,弯个腰,争做绿色小使者。 See the garbage, bend over and strive to be a little green messenger.

61、让天更蓝,让水更清,让我们从小事做起。 Let the sky be bluer, let the water be clearer, let's start small.

62、让校园阳光普照,让绿色神圣美妙。 Let the campus sunshine, let the green sacred wonderful.

63、请不要向天空吐烟,那是地球妈妈的笑脸。 Please don't smoke into the sky. It's the smiling face of Mother Earth.

64、请您爱护绿色,绿是生命之源。 Please love green, green is the source of life.

65、轻轻地我走了,正如我轻轻地来。 I walked away gently, just as I came gently.

66、轻轻抬起你的小脚,我在你的脚下微笑。 Lift your little feet gently and I smile under your feet.

67、近水不可枉用水,近山不可枉烧柴。 Do not use water in vain near water or burn firewood in vain near mountains.

68、追求美好生活,应先拥抱绿色。 In order to pursue a better life, we should embrace green first.

69、追求美好生活,应先拥抱绿色! In pursuit of a better life, we should embrace green first!

70、郁郁葱葱,创新州。 Luxuriant, innovative state.
