1、一年之计种谷,一月之计种韭。 A year's plan is to plant grain, and a month's plan is to plant leek.

2、一时劝人以口,百世劝人以书。 At one time, people are advised to speak, while at all times, people are advised to write.

3、不怕百战失利,就怕灰心丧气。 If you are not afraid of losing all battles, you are afraid of being discouraged.

4、不骑马不摔跤,不打水不掉筲。 No horse, no wrestling, no water, no Shau.

5、业余时间的努力和探索,决定了你的人生高度和命运。 The efforts and explorations in your spare time determine the height and destiny of your life.

6、事亲须当养志,爱子勿令偷安。 You should keep your mind when you are in love with your son.

7、亲卿爱卿,是以卿卿,我不卿卿,谁当卿卿。 I love you dearly. I love you dearly. I don't love you. Who should be you.

8、人有逆天之时,天无绝人之路。 When a man is against the sky, there is no way for him.

9、从来茶倒七分满,留下三分是人情。 Never pour tea seven points full, leaving three points is human feelings.

10、从此花天酒地,闭口不谈真心真意。 From then on, I'll have fun and shut up.

11、从此莫念莫愁,闭口不言长相厮守。 From then on, don't worry. Keep quiet and stay together forever.

12、你知道吗,我比你想象的,更想在你身边。 You know, I want to be by your side more than you think.

13、做人一身正气,为官两袖清风。 Being a man with integrity and being an official with both sides in the air.

14、做好第一次并不难,难的是做好每一次。 It's not hard to do well for the first time, but it's hard to do well every time.

15、先穿袜子再穿鞋,先当孙子再当爷。 Put on socks and shoes first, and be a grandson and then a master.

16、冬天起床,别人是困难户,我是钉子户。 When I get up in winter, others are difficult households, and I am nail households.

17、勿傲才以骄世,不恃宠而作威。 Don't be arrogant. Don't be arrogant.

18、友休不择就交,事休不算就做。 If you don't choose to make friends, you can do whatever you want.

19、只要小伙心态好,到哪都是巴厘岛。 As long as you have a good mentality, Bali is everywhere.

20、只要结局是好的,过程怎么哭都行。 As long as the outcome is good, the process can cry.

21、叶子的离开不是风的召唤,而是树的舍弃。 Leaves leave is not the call of the wind, but the abandonment of the tree.

22、团结就是力量,众志可以成城。 Unity is strength. All people can become a city.

23、处常时胆要小,处变时胆要大。 The gall should be small when the place is normal, and large when the place is changed.

24、外面有了孤佬,女人就要跳槽。 There are lonely guys out there, so women are going to jump jobs.

25、天空中没有翅膀的痕迹,但我已飞过。 There is no trace of wings in the sky, but I have flown by.

26、少说话,多做事和听,善言不必多,言多必有失。 Speak less, do more and listen. Speak well without much, and speak much without loss.

27、廉者一尘不染,明者细察秋毫。 The incorruptible are spotless, the wise are scrutinized.

28、很多东西看久了都会腻,唯独你,越看越欢喜。 A lot of things will be tired of watching for a long time, only you, the more you look, the happier you are.

29、总是这样,记得的太少,忘记得太多。 Always like this, remember too little, forget too much.

30、感谢我的不完美,让我看清了真正对我好的人是谁。 Thanks for my imperfection, let me see who is really good to me.

31、愿你世界犹如暖阳,明媚不忧伤。 May your world be warm and sunny without sorrow.

32、愿你所有阳光无需假装,愿你此生尽兴赤城善良。 I wish you all sunshine without pretending. I wish you all the best in your life.

33、慧眼观人长处,正心慎我独时。 A wise eye sees a man's strengths, and a prudent heart watches when I am alone.

34、我们有时总把后果看得过于严重,最后难为了自己。 Sometimes we take the consequences too seriously, and it's hard for us.

35、我们热爱这个世界时,才真正活在这个世界上。 We live in this world when we love it.

36、我送你此心至诚,百年不变,千岁未寒。 I send you this sincere heart, unchanged for a hundred years, not cold for a thousand years.

37、把棱角包裹起来,放入内心深处。 Wrap the edges and corners and put them into the heart.

38、摇曳在笔尖的舞姿,是聚光灯下最浓烈的一抹艳红。 Swaying at the tip of the pen is the most intense touch of bright red in the spotlight.

39、时间就像一张网,你撒在哪里,你的收获就在哪里。 Time is like a net. Where you scatter it, your harvest will be there.

40、有些痛,说不出来,只能忍着,直到能够慢慢淡忘。 Some pain, can not say, can only bear, until can slowly forget.

41、有多少人曾打着歌词的幌子,说出了心里话。 How many people have said what they have in mind under the guise of lyrics.

42、有志者肝胆壮,无私者天地宽。 Those who have the will have the courage, and those who are selfless have a broad world.

43、有时候遗忘,是最好的解脱;而沉默,是最好的诉说。 Sometimes forgetting is the best liberation, while silence is the best telling.

44、有灯掌在暗处,有钢使在刃上。 There are lamp palms in the dark and steel envoys on the blades.

45、每天只剩四种感觉,困饿累烦。 There are only four kinds of feeling left every day, tired and tired.

46、没有旅行的生活,只能称之为生存。 Life without travel can only be called survival.

47、涉江而过,芙蓉千朵,诗也简单,心也简单。 Crossing the river, there are thousands of hibiscus flowers, simple poems and simple hearts.

48、爱情也是一门学问,爱你的人,会努力学会怎样爱你。 Love is also a knowledge. Those who love you will try to learn how to love you.

49、爱是一种感觉,跟时间长短没关系。 Love is a feeling that has nothing to do with time.

50、珍爱一切的最好方式,就是意识到你很可能会失去他。 The best way to cherish everything is to realize that you are likely to lose him.

51、生活就是,一边点火,一边冒烟。 Life is lighting and smoking.

52、竹子编成箩筐,生米做成熟饭。 Bamboo is woven into baskets and raw rice is used for mature rice.

53、笨蛋才恋爱,我好想当笨蛋啊。 I want to be a fool.

54、给予和接受都是一份馈赠,既需要谦逊,也需要勇气。 Both giving and receiving are gifts, which need both humility and courage.

55、言行不辱列祖,问心无愧青天。 Words and deeds do not insult our ancestors, and we have a clear conscience.

56、谁不是一边痛骂生活,一边咬牙坚持。 Who is not at the same time scold life, while gritting teeth insist.

57、贪小利终会吃大亏,做恶人毕竟无好报。 Greed for small profits will lead to great losses. Being a villain, after all, has no good return.

58、金钱就像水一样,缺水,渴死,贪多,淹死。 Money is like water, lack of water, thirsty, greedy, drowned.

59、闲谈休论荣枯,静坐常思得失。 Don't talk about ups and downs. Sit still and think about gains and losses.

60、面对不公,别气愤,别宣泄。 In the face of injustice, don't be angry, don't vent.