1、一个篱笆打三个桩,一个好汉要有三个帮。 A fence of three stakes, a hero to have three.
2、世界上能为别人减轻负担的都不是庸庸碌碌之徒。 The world who lightens the burden of someone else are not ordinary people.
3、世间最庄严的问题是:我能做什么好事? The world's most solemn question is: what can I do?
4、举手之劳,何足挂齿。 No, not worth bothering about.
5、人人为我,我为人人。 The everyone is I, I is an everyone.
6、人家帮我,永志不忘;我帮人家,莫记心上。 People help me, I will always bear in mind; help others, Mo in mind.
7、你要记住,永远要愉快地多给别人,少从别人那里拿取。 You have to remember, always happy to give others, take less from them.
8、信任一位虚伪的朋友,增加一个敌对的证人。 Trust a false friend, add a hostile witness.
9、助人为乐是一种美德。 Helping others is a virtue.
10、助人为乐是共产主义世界观的体现。 Helping others is the embodiment of the * world outlook.
11、助人是人格升华的标志。 Helping people is the symbol of sublimation of personality.
12、助人要从日常小事做起,不因善小而不为。 Help people to start from the little things, not because of the good and not small.
13、勿因恶小而为之,勿因善小而不为。 Do not for the sake of evil and small, do not be good for small and not for.
14、千里送鹅毛,物轻礼重。 Thousands of miles to send goose, ritual light weight.
15、千里送鹅毛,礼轻情意重。 Thousands of miles to send goose, courtesy light weight friendship.
16、友情的纽带,或会因情绪激动而绷紧,但决不可折断。 The bonds of friendship, or because of emotional tension, but must not break.
17、君子贵人贱己,先人而后己。 The gentleman Guirenjianji ancestors, and then have.
18、周围都有好朋友的人, Have good friends around, people do not know how much happiness than besieged on all sides.
19、好事须相让,恶事莫相推。 Good to go, the evil thing is to push.
20、帮人帮到底,送佛送到西。 Help people in the end, sent to the west.
21、帮助他人的同时也帮助了自己。 Help others and help yourself.
22、帮助别人的人,能得到别人的帮助。 Help others, can get the help of others.
23、帮助别人要忘掉,别人帮己要记牢。 Help others to forget, others have to help jilao.
24、幸福就是用我的爱让每一个人感到温暖。 Happiness is to use my love to make everyone feel warm.
25、当你遇到不幸悲伤的时候,看看比你不幸的人;当你遇到喜事忘乎所以的时候,要看看比你更幸运的人。 When you meet misfortune sad, to see someone less fortunate than you; when you are happy to see himself, the more fortunate than you.
26、怯懦的人,会把朋友送给刽子手。 Timid people, will be a friend to the executioner.
27、情深恭维少,知己笑谈多。 Love small compliment, many friends joke.上一页12下一页
28、我帮别人的人,能得别人的帮助。 I help others, can get the help of others.
29、救人一命胜造七级浮屠。 Save a life Better than build a seven-storied pagoda.
30、最好的满足就是给别人以满足。 The best satisfaction is to satisfy others.
31、朋友看朋友是透明的,他们彼此交换着生? Friends see friends are transparent, they exchange with each other?
32、朋友间保持一定的距离,而使友谊永存。 Keep a distance between friends, and keep friendship forever.
33、朋友间必须是患难相济,那才能说得上是真正的友谊。 Friends must be in adversity, that can be said to be true friendship.
34、朋友需要你今天帮助,千万不要等到明天。 Friends need your help today, do not wait until tomorrow.
35、柴多力量高,人多力量大。 Firewood is more powerful and more powerful.
36、树直用处多,人直朋友多。 Trees are more useful, more people than friends.
37、桃花潭水深千尺,不及汪伦送我情。 Profound friendship a thousand feet deep, less than Wang Lun gave me love.
38、每有患急,先人后己。 Every suffering from acute, very quick.
39、独学而无友,则孤陋而寡闻。 Science alone without friends, is solitude and smell.
40、真正的朋友应该说真话,不管那话多么尖锐。 A true friend should tell the truth, no matter how hard it is.
41、砖连砖成墙,瓦连瓦成房。 Even the brick brick wall, Walianwacheng room.
42、穷者独善其身,达者兼善天下。 The poor are spared, to benefit all the people in the world.
43、经常帮助别人,但是不能让被帮的人觉得理所当然。 Often help others, but can not let the people who take for granted.
44、老吾老,以及人之老;幼吾幼,以及人之幼。 Old I old, and the old man; young I young, and young people.
45、良言一句三冬暖,恶语伤人六月寒。 Three sentence statement in June, abusable cold.
46、花要叶扶,人要人帮。 Flowers to leaf help, people want people to help.
47、荷花虽好,也要绿叶扶持。 Lotus is good, but also to support green leaves.
48、要散布阳光到别人心里,先要自己心里有阳光。 To spread the sun to the hearts of others, we must first have their own hearts.
49、诚心能叫石头落泪,实意能叫枯木发芽。 Sincerely call stone tears, real meaning can be called wood germination.
50、谁要求没有缺点的朋友,谁就没有朋友! He who asks for a friend without faults will have no friend!
51、财富不是真正的朋友,而朋友却是真正的财富。 Wealth is not a true friend, but a friend is a true treasure.
52、赠人玫瑰,手留余香。 You share rose get fun。
53、近朱者赤,近墨者黑。 The wolf howl.
54、酒逢知己千杯少,话不投机半句多。 Friends, disagreeable conversation half sentence.
55、金银财宝不算真富,团结友爱才是幸福。 Treasure is not really rich, solidarity is happiness.
56、风大便凉,人多便强。 The wind is cool, people are more strong.