1、八小时的训练,痛的只是身体,但如果输球,你痛的是心。 Eight hours of training, the pain is only the body, but if you lose, your pain is the heart.

2、别关注你做了什么,而要关注你如何做。 Don't focus on what you do, focus on how you do it.

3、压力、挑战,所有消极的东西都是成功的催化剂。 Pressure, challenges, all the negative things are the catalysts for success.

4、压力、挑战,这一切消极的东西都是我能够取得成功的催化剂。 Pressure, challenges, all these negative things are the catalyst for my success.

5、只有站在那条路的终点,才会在回首的时候感到所有的付出都是值得的。 Only standing at the end of that road, will I feel that all the efforts are worth when I look back.

6、只要心够决! As long as the heart is determined!

7、如果你害怕失败,那么你很可能会失败。 If you are afraid of failure, you are likely to fail.

8、如果我感觉一些东西不对,我会呆在那不停地训练,直到我做到对为止。 If I feel something is wrong, I'll stay there and train until I get it right.

9、总有人是要赢的,那为什么不是我呢。 There are always people who want to win, so why not me.

10、总有人要赢的,那为什么不能是我呢! There are always people who want to win, then why not me!

11、恨我,因为我渴望你伟大,而伟大,需要不惜一切代价。 Hate me, because I long for you to be great, and great, need at all costs.

12、我不想做第二个乔丹,我只想做第一个科比。 I don't want to be the second Jordan, I just want to be the first Kobe.

13、我也不愿意那么做,但是我不能坐着,看着一场大*在我面前发生。 I don't want to do that either, but I can't sit and watch a * happen in front of me.

14、我想要英年早逝,我想名垂千史。 I want to die young, I want to be famous.

15、我是联盟最好的后卫。也许我不是最好的球员,但我认为没有人比我更出色。 I'm the best defender in the league. Maybe I'm not the best player, but I don't think anyone is better than me.

16、我正在跟伟大的球员进行对抗,跟世界上最好的球员进行对抗。这种对抗是我一直都渴望着的。 I'm playing against great players, against the best players in the world. This confrontation is something I've always wanted.

17、我没法和懒人相处,我们讲的不是同一种语言,我不了解懒人,也不想去了解。 I can't get along with lazy people. We don't speak the same language. I don't know lazy people and I don't want to know them.

18、我现在所做的一切,都是为了追求完美。 All I do now is to pursue perfection.

19、我现在所做的,是为了追求更加完美! What I do now is to pursue more perfection!

20、我知道每天凌晨四点洛杉矶的样子。 I know what Los Angeles looks like at 4 a.m. every day.

21、无论谁防守我,我都坚信你将在我崩溃之前崩溃! No matter who defends me, I firmly believe that you will collapse before I collapse!

22、朋友来来去去,只有冠军旗帜永远飘扬。 Friends come and go, only the champion flag will fly forever.

23、每次进入球馆,我感觉自己能击败所有人。 Every time I enter the stadium, I feel like I can beat everyone.

24、没有人见过洛杉矶早上四点钟的样子,我见过。 No one has seen Los Angeles at four in the morning. I have.

25、爱我或者恨我,两者必有其一。 Love me or hate me, there must be one of them.

26、要抓住一切机会,向所有人证明你自己,证明你能够迎接挑战。 Take every opportunity to prove yourself to everyone and that you can meet the challenge.