1、不要对挫折叹气,姑且把这一切看成是在你成大事之前,必须经受的准备工作。 Don't sigh at setbacks, just think of them as preparations you have to go through before you can make a big difference.
2、与其有恃无恐,不如用盛衰的笔墨,好好的挥洒出一篇气势浩荡的写意人生,过往的年华,就当作是一个魔幻的梦,此去经年,良辰好景依旧! Rather than being fearless, it is better to use the ups and downs of the pen and ink, well sprinkle a magnificent freehand life, the past years, as a magical dream, this past years, the good times are still the same! uuuuuuuuuuuu
3、世界是你们的,也是我们的,但是归根结底是你们的。你们年青人朝气蓬勃,正在兴旺时候,好像早晨八、九点钟的太阳。希望寄托在你们身上。 The world is yours and ours, but in the final analysis it is yours. You young people are full of vigor and vitality, whenthey are prosperous, like the sun at eight or nine o'clock in the morning. Hope rests on you.
4、人生多一份挫折,就多一份人生的感悟;人生多一次跌打,就多一条抗争的经验。 One more setback in life, one more insight into life; one more fall in life, one more experience of struggle.
5、原本我们苦苦放不下的一些东西其实是那么微不足道。他说的也许是对的,我爱的不是他,而是我对爱情的想象,现在,我是爱上了这个地方。 Some of the things that we can't bear to put down are actually so insignificant. He may be right. I love him not, but my imagination of love. Now, I am in love with this place.
6、只有一条路不能选择,那就是放弃的路;只有一条路不能拒绝,那就是成长的路。 There is only one way that can not be chosen, that is, the way to give up; there is only one way that can not be refused, that is, the way to grow up.
7、只有轮回继续转,日升月沉草木枯荣。是谁说过:时间仍在,是我们在飞逝。 Only the reincarnation continues to rotate, the sun rises, the moon falls, the plants wither and flourish. Who said: Time is still there, we are flying.
8、在世上诸般美好事物中,有两者最公平,那就是青春与梦想,它不分尊卑,人人都可享有。 Among all the beautiful things in the world, there are two fairest things: youth and dreams, which are enjoyable to all without distinction between dignity and inferiority.上一页12下一页
9、在你的记忆里,我已成灰烟散去。在我的记忆里,你已化青石驻留。不如寄给你一张未来的明信片吧,听我诉说曾经。 In your memory, I've gone to dust. In my memory, you have fossils. It's better to send you a future postcard and listen to me tell you about the past.
10、感叹着,光阴似流水,年华匆匆过,过往种种是否也只能留待追忆了?曾经的我们最掏心,所以也最开心,曾经。 Sigh, time is like running water, time flies by in a hurry, all kinds of past can only be remembered? Once we are the most heartfelt, so also the happiest, once.
11、懦弱的人只会裹足不前,莽撞的人只能引为烧身,只有真正勇敢的人才能所向披靡。 The cowardly can only hold back, the reckless can only lead to burning, only the truly brave can be swept away.
12、我们是青春,我们是夜空璀璨的星星;我们是不羁,我们是天边执着的飞鹰。 We are young, we are the stars in the night sky; we are uninhibited, we are the eagles in the sky.
13、我们的生命,就是以不断出发的姿势得到重生。为某些只有自己才能感知的来自内心的召唤,走在路上无法停息。 Our life is to be reborn in a position of constant departure. For some calls from the heart that can only be perceived by oneself, walking on the road can not stop.
14、我觉得之所以说相见不如怀念,是因为相见只能让人在现实面前无奈地哀悼伤痛,而怀念却可以把已经注定的谎言变成童话。 I think it's better to say that meeting is better than remembering, because meeting can only make people feel helpless grief in front of reality, but remembering can turn the fated lies into fairy tales.
15、把握青春,就是将这份美丽献给伟大的世界,这样才会无限延长,才能体现出它宝贵的价值。 To grasp youth is to dedicate this beauty to the great world, so that it can be indefinitely prolonged and its precious value can be embodied.
16、时间是最公开合理的,它从不多给谁一份,勤劳者能叫时间留给串串的果实,懒惰者时间给予他们一头白发,两手空空。 Time is the most open and reasonable. It never gives more to anyone. Hard-working people can call time for string of fruits. Lazy people can give them time with white hair and empty hands.
17、明明没有难过的理由,明明该充满希望对着太阳微笑。但就是一个字都不想说,一个表情都懒得做。轻轻微笑都觉得耗费了气力。 Clearly there is no reason to be sad, clearly there should be full of hope to smile at the sun. But even if you don't want to say a word, you are too lazy to do an expression. Smiling gently is a drain on energy.
18、有些人错过了,永远无法在回到从前;有些人即使遇到了,永远都无法在一起,这些都是一种刻骨铭心的痛。 Some people miss it and can never go back to the past; some people will never be together even if they meet, these are a kind of deep-seated pain.
19、朋友相会再别离,别离再相聚;秋风吹旷野,一期只一会。我会珍惜你我的友情,更期待相会的时刻。 Friends meet and leave again, leave again; autumn wind blows the wilderness, only for a while. I will cherish your friendship and look forward to meeting you.
20、纸张有些破旧,有些模糊。可每一笔勾勒,每一抹痕迹,似乎都记载着跨越千年万载的思念。 The paper is a little worn and a little blurred. But every sketch, every trace, seems to record thousands of years of miss.
21、蝴蝶为花醉,花却随风飞,花舞花落泪,花哭花瓣飞,花开为谁谢,花谢为谁悲。 Butterflies are drunk with flowers, but they fly with the wind. Flowers dance and shed tears. Flowers cry and petals fly.
22、谁曾从谁的青春里走过,留下了笑靥;谁曾在谁的花季里停留,温暖了想念;谁又从谁的雨季里消失,泛滥了眼泪。 Who has passed through whose youth, leaving a smile; who has stayed in whose flower season, warm miss; who has disappeared from whose rainy season, flooded with tears.
23、走过千万年无法消散的寂寞烟云,你信不信世界上仍有那么一个人,等你在时间尽头。 After thousands of years of loneliness, you believe there is still one person in the world, waiting for you at the end of time.
24、这就是青春:充满着力量,充满着期待、志愿,充满着求知和斗争的志向,充满着希望、信心的青春。 This is youth: youth full of strength, expectation, volunteer, aspiration to seek knowledge and struggle, hope and confidence.
25、那么,疯狂吧!在最美的年华里!青春是终将腐朽的,时间对谁都公平,谁都只有这几年新鲜,谁都输不起。 So go crazy! In the most beautiful years! Youth will eventually decay, time is fair to everyone, who has only a few years of fresh, who can not afford to lose.
26、那远去的青春,是如此模糊又如此清晰,是我生命里的插曲吗?它是那么的遥不可及。 Is that fading youth so vague and so clear an episode in my life? It's so far out of reach.
27、青春不是年华,而是心境;青春不是桃面,丹唇,柔膝,而是深沉的意志,恢宏的理想,炽热的感情;青春是生命的源泉在不息的涌流。 Youth is not a time of life, but a state of mind; youth is not a peach face, red lips, soft knees, but a deep will, a grand ideal, a burning emotion; youth is the source of life in the constant flow.
28、青春乃心境,而非年华;青春非现于桃面朱唇之艳,灵活矫健之躯,而现于志士之气,遐想之境,**之盛。 Youth is a state of mind, not a time of life. Youth is not a beautiful, flexibleand vigorous body, but a state of ambition, reverie and passion.
29、青春伴随着梦想,如诗如画,如歌如曲,追逐梦想的微光,即使前方荆棘满地,也依然要风雨兼程,永不言弃。 Youth is accompanied by dreams, such as poetry, such as songs, pursuing the glimmer of dreams, even if the front is full of thorns, it still has to go through both storms and never give up.
30、青春啊,是最幸福的时光,因为它的前面就是光明和康庄大道。 Youth, ah, is the happiest time, because its front is the bright and magnificent road.
31、青春就像一颗梅花树,是那样的坚强,又是那样的脆弱,她在寒冬腊月奔放,又在阳春三月凋落,她是默默无闻,但是向往未来的,充满**的! Youth, like a plum tree, is so strong and so fragile. She is free in the cold winter and late months, and withered in the spring and March. She is unknown, but yearning for the future, full of passion!
32、青春掌握在手中,人生三岔路的方向就会渐渐明晰;青春掌握在手中,命运交响曲的真谛也将浮出水面。 Youth in hand, the direction of life's three forks will gradually clear; Youth in hand, the true meaning of the fate symphony will also emerge.
33、青春无语,却焕发出活力,鲜花无语,却散发出芬芳,春雨无语,却滋润着大地。 Youth is silent, but it glows with vitality, flowers are silent, but it emits fragrance, spring rain is silent, but it moistens the earth.
34、青春是在那春天里生长着郁郁葱葱生命的开始,青春是无法释怀的过去,青春是任意挥霍的年少,青春是年轻冲动过后进取向上的心。 Youth is the beginning of a lush life in that spring. Youth is an unforgettable past. Youth is a wasteful youth. Youth is the heart of the backward orientation of young impulse.
35、青春是天边的虹,转瞬即逝,却又柔美异常;青春是清晨的雾,朦胧含蓄,却又适合徜徉;青春是山涧的溪,清丽柔和,却又时常飘荡。 Youth is the rainbow of the horizon, fleeting, but very beautiful; Youth is the fog of the morning, hazy and implicit, but suitable for wandering; Youth is a mountain stream, beautiful and soft, but often drifting.
36、青春气贯长虹,勇锐盖过怯懦,进取压倒苟安。如此锐气,二十后生有之,六旬男子则更多见。年岁有加,并非垂老;理想丢弃,方堕暮年。 Youth runs through the rainbow, courage overwhelms cowardice, enterprise overwhelms safety. Such vigor is found in the post-twentieth generation, and more in the sixties. Age increases, not ageing; ideals are discarded, and old age falls.
37、青春的岁月,冲动的年纪。这是一本什么样的书?谁能真正读懂青春二字的含义?轻狂么,是的吧,谁的青春岁月不曾轻狂呢。 Years of youth, age of impulse. What kind of book is this? Who can really understand the meaning of the word "youth"? Are you frivolous? Yes, whose youth has never been frivolous?
38、青春的笑声在何时变成一种喧闹,于是我四处流浪在宁静的街角。 When did the laughter of youth become a kind of noise, so I wandered around the quiet corner.
39、青春,它就如一轮初升的太阳,朝气蓬勃,活力无限,在它那金灿灿的脸上,展现出我们孩童的天真与可爱。 Youth, like a rising sun, is full of vigor and vitality. On its golden face, it shows the innocence and loveliness of our children.
40、青春,是一场透明的悲伤,当你真正经历过了青春才知道,青春充满着多少的忧伤,青春的道路是多么的坎坷,真正到了青春这个季节想要的只有逃跑。 Youth is a transparent sadness. When you really experience youth, you will know how much sadness youth is full of, how rough the road of youth is, and what you really want in this season of youth is to escape.