1、世界像个马戏团,我们都是里面的小丑,强颜欢笑。 The world is like a circus, we are all clowns inside, forced to smile.
2、你不会看见我爱你的狼狈。你只会看到我的笑脸。因为我是小丑。 You won't see that I love you. You will only see my smiling face. Because I'm a clown.
3、你做小丑你说心疼,我现在找到工作,你又怀疑我。 You do clown you say heartache, I now find a job, you doubt me.
4、你可以不懂小丑的悲伤,但不能把小丑悲伤的权利也剥夺吧? You can't understand the clown's sadness, but you can't deprive the clown of his right to sadness, can you?
5、你总再重复着过时的舞蹈,灯光昏暗,没人能看懂你的快乐。 You always repeat the old-fashioned dance, the light is dim, no one can understand your happiness.
6、你是刺眼的骄傲,我只是一个卑微的小丑。 You are dazzling pride, I am just a humble clown.
7、你的微笑不过是你的伪装,谁偷走了小丑的面具。 Your smile is just your disguise, who stole the clown's mask.
8、在生活中小丑其实并不快乐,面具只是掩饰悲伤的工具。 In life, the clown is not happy, the mask is just a tool to hide sadness.
9、如果小丑哭了,你会不会觉得它是在搞笑。 If the clown cries, do you think it's funny.
10、小丑一年四季不变的笑容,逗笑了所有人,却逗不笑自己的心。 The constant smile of the clown all year round amuses everyone, but does not amuse his own heart.
11、小丑也想有爱,可是他的爱在哪?无处可寻。 The clown also wants to have love, but where is his love? Nowhere to be found.
12、小丑的假面永远都是笑脸即使流泪,也没有人会注意。 Clown's mask is always a smiling face, even if tears, no one will notice.
13、小丑的悲哀,只有面具可懂。 Only the mask can understand the sorrow of the clown.
14、小丑的角色总能带给人们快乐,有些时候我们连小丑都不如。 The role of a clown can always bring people happiness. Sometimes we are not as good as a clown.
15、小丑费尽心思让别人大笑,却忘了让自己微笑。 The clown tries to make others laugh, but forgets to make himself smile.
16、小丑面具笑得比谁都更开心,藏不住那一双哭红的眼睛。 The clown mask laughs more happily than anyone else and can't hide his red eyes.
17、小丑,究竟是娱乐了他人,还是滑稽了自己。 Clown, whether it is entertainment of others, or funny himself.
18、感觉自己像个小丑。被别人嘲笑着。 I feel like a clown. Being laughed at.
19、我就像个小丑一样,永远不会是最重要的那个! I'm like a clown. I'll never be the most important one!
20、我愿为你做一个跳梁小丑,而你眼中的我从来都是跳梁小丑。 I'd like to be a clown for you, and I'm always a clown in your eyes.
21、我是一个小丑,试图解救别人,却忘记需要被超度的还有自己。 I'm a clown, trying to save others, but forgetting that I need to be overrun.
22、我是小丑、我的世界是黑暗的、到处充满嘲笑声。 I am a clown, my world is dark and full of laughter.
23、我还在原地等你,你却已经忘记曾来过这里。 I'm still waiting for you, but you've forgotten to be here.
24、收起你的眼泪,别再为他心碎,爱情世界总有不完美。 Put away your tears, don't break your heart for him, there are always imperfections in the love world.
25、有时候,觉得自己像个小丑,无论多悲伤,人们都会觉得你在演戏。 Sometimes, feel like a clown, no matter how sad, people will think you are acting.
26、直到你眼角有泪光闪烁,我才知道浓墨重彩下你的哀伤。 I didn't know your sadness until there were tears in your eyes.
27、自己把别人当作小丑,自己何尝不是他人眼中的小丑呢? If you treat others as clowns, how can you not be the clown in the eyes of others?
28、若有一天,小丑失去了观众地时候,观众是否以为他从来没有存在过。 If one day, the clown lost the audience, whether the audience thought he never existed.
29、蓝蓝的海,蓝蓝的天与哪蓝蓝的彩妆,还有着淡淡的忧伤。 Blue sea, blue sky and blue makeup, there is a touch of sadness.
30、黑暗的自己甘心剥落了,小丑少了魂魄少了具体,少个另一个自己。 The darkness of their own willing to peel off, the clown less soul, less specific, less another himself.