1、一朵花一生守,一颦一笑一春天。 A flower lives a life, a smile a spring.

2、一朵花,什么花?花朵为谁娇艳? A flower, what flower? Who are the flowers beautiful for?

3、一朵花,便是一个微小的世界。 A flower is a tiny world.

4、一花一世界,一叶一如来。 One flower, one world, one leaf, one Tathagata.

5、一花一世界,一叶一菩提。 One flower, one world, one leaf, one Bodhi.

6、三月春来开翠幕,一枝花放起红云。 In March spring comes the green curtain, and a flower puts out red clouds.

7、人生如花,花似人生。 Life is like flower, flower is like life.

8、人面不知何处去,桃花依旧笑春风。 People do not know where to go, peach blossom still smile spring breeze.

9、以花为伴,岁月静好。 With flowers as company, years are quiet.

10、众木正如梦,一枝方日春。 The trees are just like dreams, and one branch is just like spring.

11、但得片时花轰烈,何求终岁气从容。 But when you have to spend a short time, why do you want to be calm all the year round.

12、你好,三月;花开,春风醉! Hello, March; flowers bloom, spring wind drunk!

13、冬天的铃兰,吸引着翠绿的呼吸。 The lily of the valley in winter attracts the green breath.

14、去年今日此门中,人面桃花相映红。 In this door last year, peach blossom faces are red.

15、参差素影瑶台同,绰约雪蕊玉殿香。 Different Su Ying Yao Tai, Chuo Yu Yu Dian Xiang.

16、因为一朵花,爱上一座城。 Because of a flower, fall in love with a city.

17、坐下来静赏花开,定下来静观自在。 Sit down and enjoy the blooming flowers. Settle down and watch yourself.

18、坐看云卷云舒,静听花开花落! Sit and watch the clouds roll, and listen to the flowers bloom and fall!

19、大理三月,红了樱花,青了黛瓦! Dali March, red cherry blossom, green Daiwa!

20、天上遥遥银汉里,人间纷纷篱落边。 The sky is far away, and the world is surrounded by fences.

21、小寒三候水仙开,素洁幽雅凌波来。 Xiaohan three waiting for narcissus to open, simple and elegant Lingbo.

22、岁月如花,笑看花开。 Years like flowers, smile to see the flowers bloom.

23、希望之花,永开不败。 The flower of hope never fails.

24、年分四季轮还,花开花谢花又来。 The year is divided into four seasons, and the flowers bloom and wither again.

25、年年花相似,又不尽相同。 The annual flowers are similar, but not the same.

26、微风花似醉,采得野菊带露归。 Breeze flowers like drunk, picked wild chrysanthemum with dew.

27、心念一树花,自有欢乐地。 The heart thinks a tree flower, own happy ground.

28、我是沙伦的玫瑰,是谷中的百合花。 I am the rose of Sharon, the lily of the valley.

29、我绝不学那攀援的凌霄花。 I will never learn from the climbing Lingxiao flower.

30、扬州明月红谂希汉宫春风暮烟中。 Yangzhou bright moon red fence, Han palace spring breeze in the evening smoke.

31、拾一朵岁月之花,温暖前行。 Pick up a flower of years, warm forward.

32、掬水月在手,弄花香满衣。 Holding water moon in hand, making flowers full of clothes.

33、故作小红桃李色,尚余孤瘦雪霜姿。 He pretends to be a little red peach and plum, but he is still lonely and thin with snow and frost.

34、春天的花开,需要春风的抚慰。 Spring flowers, need the comfort of spring wind.

35、望去分明临水岸,开残容易逐杨花。 Looking at the clear waterfront, open can easily by poplar.

36、楚臣襟佩三年瑞,天女袖添千里香。 Chu Chen Lapel three years auspicious, tiannv sleeve add thousand li.

37、欲雨红花含晓露,乍晴紫陌笑春风。 To rain, red flowers with the Xiaolu, at first clear, purple Mo smile spring breeze.

38、疏篱鸟雀迎风噪,春诸草花映桃红。 Sparrow sparrow wind noise, spring flowers reflect peach.

39、磬口素妆含绿萼,檀心蜡蕊溢清香。 Qingkou plain makeup contains green calyx, sandalwood heart wax pistil overflow fragrance.

40、秋光好,一岁清秋花最丽。 Autumn light is good, one year old autumn flowers are the most beautiful.

41、置身一片花海,静享一世花开。 Place yourself in a sea of flowers and enjoy the blooming flowers for a lifetime.

42、羽冠唱晓人间白,锦衣经霜篱角红。 The feather crown sings the world white, and the brocade is red by the frost fence corner.

43、花依旧,风悠扬,人影眷盼。 The flowers are still, the wind is melodious, and the shadows are looking forward to it.

44、花儿,都笑的那么无忧无虑。 Flowers, all smile so carefree.

45、花开两生面,人生佛魔间。 Flowers bloom twice, life between Buddha and devil.

46、花开如火,也如寂寞。 Flowers bloom like fire and loneliness.

47、菊的心里,住着芬芳。 Chrysanthemum heart, live fragrance.

48、蝴蝶为花醉,花却随风飞。 Butterflies are drunk with flowers, but flowers fly with the wind.

49、赏一树花开,盼一世安好。 Enjoy a tree blooming, hope for a good life.

50、赏一窗花开,盼一世安好。 Enjoy a window of flowers, hope for a good life.

51、路过季节,路过花。 Passing season, passing flower.

52、这一刻,只闻花香,不谈过往。 At this moment, I only smell the flowers, not talk about the past.

53、遇见花开,唯美了光阴。 Meet flowers, beautiful time.

54、遮天红艳花如火,飘絮白映实似棉。 Covering the sky, the red flowers are like fire, and the white floating flocs are like cotton.

55、镜湖三百里,菡萏发荷花。 Jinghu three hundred miles, the lotus flowers.

56、雨丝愁见红心结,风片喜闻紫蕊香。 Rain sad see red heart knot, wind slice like to smell the fragrance of pistil.

57、静赏花开花落,一切随缘自在。 Enjoy the flowers blooming and falling, everything is at ease.

58、风过依稀鸣玉磬,雨来仿佛洗金钟。 When the wind blows, the jade chimes ring faintly, and the rain washes the golden bell.

59、风雨人生,花开花落花正盛! Wind and rain life, flowers bloom and fall is flourishing!

60、香于半路先迎客,花已全开正及时。 On the way, the flowers are in full bloom.