

3、一片泉水等着倒酒。 -蒋介石《梅花割·吴江上舟》

4、上万里高城之一,杨柳如亭州。 -徐渭《咸阳东城大厦》

5、不穿浅色衬衫,仍会偷走眼泪。 -史达祖《夜花,流梭,灵魂》

6、不要怪平阳,双眼泪,笛中笛。 -周邦彦《大T·月声春雨》

7、丹沙成金,骑龙飞在太清家,云浩海思令人尴尬。 -李白《飞龙,两个第一,一个》

8、为写裙子的时间,悲伤red。 -吴文英《巴斯兰香·淮安林仲禹午后沉重》

9、事物是不做事的人,想先流泪。 -李庆昭,武陵Spring · Spring Festival Evening" 28, red tears sneak, full of spring breeze. - Nalan Xingde "Picking the Sons at the Time" 29, the branches rogue and tears smell, the old scars between the new scars. - Qin Guan, "鹧鸪天·枝流流流和泪闻" 30, no words, including stocks, 钇 铮 铮 铮 铮 铮 铮 , , , 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕- Xue Zhaoyun "浣溪沙·红蓼渡头秋正雨" 31, a glimpse of the column is not seen, 鲛绡 鲛绡 tears think about it. ——Feng Yanxi, “鹊 枝 ·································································· - Li Shangyin, "Gifts and Gifts, One of the First" 33, the Central Plains Gan Gegu also heard, and there are anti-Hu Chuan descendants! The survivors are reluctant to recover, and a few tears are shed in the future. - Lu You "Guan Shanyue" 34, no one alone, this hate who complained. - Cao group "Bu operator Lan" 35, frustration is also a monologue, more than only know. - Zhang Ji "Zibei Lusi" 36, Dongfeng has no one to see, revealing the slight meaning, Liu Ji lace. - Su Shi, "a bunch of flowers, this year's spring invading the year" 37, and now know the taste, want to say still. - Xin Qiji, "The Ugly Child, Book Boshan Road, Middle Wall" 38, relying on the dry, just no emotion. - Li Qingzhao, "Spot lips, sorrow" 39, curtain control hook, cover the Pearl House, rain and rain for the flower. - Qiao Ji "Spring grievances, not to sculpt the saddle door before the willow" 40, the old scene of depression, send the king to go to Tim. - Mao * "Candle Shadow Shake Red · Send Hui Zong" 41, white hair books Shengzhou tears, as cool as possible, do not drop to Niushan. - Liu Kezhuang, "Groom, Nine," 42, not in the eyes of the blue, is the time to come. - Zhang Yuanqian "Shizhou slow, cold water depends on the traces" 43, years are not easy to be old, Qian Kun is difficult. - Wu Qian "Man Jiang Hong · Yu Zhang Teng Wang Ge" 44, Sanxiang 愁鬓 秋 autumn, Wanli loyal to the moon. - Lu Lun "Ezhou in the evening" 45, Qu Gang jumping fish, round lotus diarrhea, lonely no one sees. - Su Shi, "Yong Yule · Pengcheng Night Stay Swallow House" 46, the most is the temple of the Emperor's resignation, the church is still playing away from the song, tears on the palace. - Li Wei, "Breaking for a 40-year home country" 47, I do not know what day to start work. - Wang Guowei "虞美人·弄梅骑竹游游日" 48, the candle has a heart to say goodbye, for people to cry to dawn. - Du Mu "gift" 49, Yi Junyao in Xiaoxiang month, 愁 listen to clear dreams long. - Wang Changling "Send Wei 2" 50, hurt Gao Huaiyuan a few hours poor. - Zhang Xian "a bunch of flowers, hurts a few times when the Huaiyuan is poor" 51, 愁 高 Gao Gao Liang father, like Jin Yuxi business. - Zheng Sixiao "two 砺" 52, two hundred and twenty rivers, tears stained with blood. - Zhang Qiongying "Man Jianghong · title Nanjing Yishan" 53, a flute as a building, Xie Niang hangs in front of the wind. - Shi Dazu "Jade蝴蝶,晚雨,未被破坏的宫殿树

10、于遵化拿出凤城,楼下的荷花刘庆卿。 -聂圣琼“鹧鸪天·别情”

11、从传道人半醉,天子是无辜的。 -李商隐《后宫功》

12、令人窒息和宣誓。 -李清照《玉楼春,红酥,肯,琼,暗恋》

13、伤处充满红线,烦人而无影。 -张克ji《西红球春之恋》 20日,他的家乡在七夕,饭店受益。 -孟浩然《七夕天堂》

14、但有一首清歌,全为黄昏而付出。 -黄小麦《向阳夜月,清明附近》

15、冰河相扑。 -纳兰·兴德《佛人,白日梦的冬天已经过去了一半》

16、别府天黑了,午夜罗微。 -李贺《七夕》 22日,世界上几次,山形依然寒冷。 -刘禹锡《西西山怀旧》

17、却砸碎Gui,悲凉的梁父,泪如雨下。 -朱敦如“水龙吟放放千”》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》一位缠绵的人,穿过山峦,画画。”

18、只有蒿的菠菜,坐在黑夜中。 -白居易《乡村生活的苦寒》


20、在河里晚了,好日子,被谋杀了。 -宋·问《周安·秋日》

21、坐在方房群上,白露着花紫。 -李白《秋思》

22、城贼不被*,人穷而穷。 -袁洁《小偷从官邸退役》


24、夜寒鸦很尴尬。 -辛弃疾《鹧鸪天·晚日鸦鸦愁》

25、大方但生活,孤独而悲伤。 -陆机《门口有马匹》

26、小春独自一人,想看,于冠芳草路。 -魏庄《木兰·独筑春欲小楼》

27、峰峦隐隐约约,眼泪谢娘眉。 -史达祖《朱罗乡·春春玉》

28、已被指责到骨头贫乏,想着用毛巾擦眼泪的马。 -杜甫《还赠吴郎》

29、当客人感到悲伤时,他丢了工作,听了眼泪。 -李白,《幽春》

30、惟梦,别致,黄昏斜水。 -周邦彦《花罪小小梅花》

31、想想这一次,眼泪浸在红袖克中。 -魏庄“应天长,别来半岁书”

32、愁行天天天天天天天天天天天天天天天天天天。。。。。-纳兰星德“ **新·用押韵送张剑扬江华》

33、愁黛黛黛黛双蛾,昼夜涂画。 -史达祖《双双艳颜》


35、故乡东路长,双袖龙水不干。 -岑参《天天进京》

36、故乡今晚在想一千英里,而明朝又是一年。 -高米“夜班除外”

37、无人庭上,秋月明,夜霜欲先降。 -张维《夜坐,朝廷,没人,求月明》

38、时间只提醒老人们,不信多情,久恨离亭,泪水春衬衫酒易醒。 -晏《“”“桑子·时时时时只只只只只只只只[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ [[[[[[-[纳兰性德”“山花子,风吹飘荡,残迹不断”

39、春天去,红飞万点似海。 -秦观《前秋外水边的沙》

40、昨日齐水送眼泪给毛巾,红色的妆容已经崭新。 -萧子宪《春秋四首诗》,其中三首


42、梦回远方,只在梨花开。 -辛弃疾《虞楼春·前风劝春光住》



45、白天的色彩已经耗尽,月亮清澈无眠。 -李白《长相思三白》

46、眼中的眼泪,言语无语。 -刘Yong《虞林Ling·冷切》

47、眼泪不晴,眉毛依旧。 -公车游“卜营,风雨送人来”

48、眼泪没有从窗户掉下来。 -几句话“思远人,红叶,黄花,秋天的傍晚”

49、秦汉难过,学生们被木炭包着,读者感叹。 -张克久《卖花,留恋》

50、红豆难以忍受,满眼是泪。 -牛溪集《升扎子,月牙如眉》

51、草也为人所知,而花花实际上是白色的。 -曹雪芹《唐多灵刘魁》

52、见新愁,现也以鸥。 -张“《高阳台·西湖春风》

53、该名男子在西北有神舟,还有西桥的眼泪。 -刘克庄,“于楼春·戏剧林推”


55、那是阴雨黄昏。 -欧阳修,《青年之旅,圆柱和第12泉》

56、邮局没人,听着嗡嗡的声音,第一次困了。 -周邦彦《大T·悦音春雨》

57、酒窖常客少,月比云多。 -苏Shi《西江月间,大梦世界》

58、长途开车,歌舞,风吹。 -徐俊宝的妻子“满庭芳·汉尚繁华”
