1、一帆风顺,吉星高照。 Good luck.

2、一帆风顺,心想事成。 It's all plain sailing.

3、一毕业就散了,一分离就忘了。 As soon as I graduated, I broke up. As soon as I separated, I forgot.

4、一生至少该有一次,为了某个人而忘了自己。 In your life, there will at least one time that you forget yourself for someone.

5、不如不如归去,子规啼,参商永离何时归期。 It's better not to go back. Zigui is crying. When is the time to go back.

6、不妄求,则心安,不妄做,则身安。 If you don't ask rashly, you will feel at ease. If you don't do rashly, you will feel at ease.

7、不泣离别,不诉终殇。 Don't cry to leave, don't tell the final sorrow.

8、事业有成,幸福快乐。 Success in business, happiness.

9、亲爱的过去,请别再拍我的肩膀,我不想再回头。 Dear past, please don't pat me on the shoulder, I don't want to look back.

10、人生若白驹过隙,转眼忽至离别,珍重! Life is like a fleeting moment, suddenly to leave, cherish!

11、人间好事到头少,六月盛夏离别多。 There are few good things in the world, but there are many departures in the midsummer of June.

12、今我往矣,杨柳依依! Now I'm gone, yangliuyiyi!

13、光阴似箭,一转眼,六年的同窗生涯已成为过去。 Time flies, in a twinkling of an eye, six years of schoolmate career has become the past.

14、六年时光匆匆过,中学生活永铭记。 Six years passed in a hurry, and my life in middle school is forever remembered.

15、决心要成功的人,已经成功了一半。 Those who are determined to succeed are half done.

16、别离是一朵孤傲的云,下雨,让她爱上了母校的土地。 Parting is a lonely cloud, rain, let her fall in love with the land of her alma mater.

17、前程似锦,永远开心! Bright future, happy forever!

18、功夫自难处做去,学问从苦中得来。 Kung Fu is hard to do, and learning is hard to get.

19、只要心中有一片希望的田野,勤奋耕耘将迎来一片翠绿。 As long as there is a field of hope in the heart, hard work will usher in a green.

20、同桌,突然想着,毕业了还能这么快乐的在一起耍么? Deskmate, suddenly thought, graduation can be so happy to play together?

21、四年的不离不弃,四年的风雨同舟,谢谢一路有你相伴。 Four years of inseparable, four years of ups and downs in the same boat, thank you for your company all the way.

22、回忆的画面一幕幕在拼凑,提醒我你已远走。 Memories of the scene in patchwork, remind me that you have gone away.

23、大展宏图,人生快意! Grand plan, happy life!

24、如果说青春也有缺点,那就是它消逝得太快了。 If there is a shortcoming in youth, it is that it goes away too fast.

25、如花美眷,似水流年。 As beautiful as flowers, as time goes by.

26、小孩才说再见,大人只计划重逢。 Children say goodbye, adults only plan to meet again.

27、尚未配妥剑转眼便江湖,愿历尽千帆归来仍少年。 The sword has not yet been properly matched. I'll be back in the river and lake in the twinkling of an eye.

28、就算终有一别,也别辜负相遇。 Even if there is a difference, don't let it down.

29、就这样,将离别;就这样,要分离。 In this way, will leave; So, separation.

30、岁月如歌,唱响未来! Every year is like a song, singing the future!

31、岁月流逝只令容颜苍老,激情不再却使心灵枯萎。 The passage of time only makes the face old, but passion no longer makes the heart wither.

32、岁月辗转成歌,时光流逝如花。 Time goes by like a flower.

33、希望我们,还有聚在一起的机会。 I hope we have a chance to get together.

34、年轻的我们一起哭,只因为我们不敢笑。 Young we cry together, just because we dare not laugh.

35、往前走,决不能把命运的纤绳,拴在青春的幻想上。 Go forward, never tie the rope of fate to the illusion of youth.

36、心有灵犀,志趣相投。 They have the same interests.

37、想你所想,帮你所需。 Think what you want, help what you need.

38、愿与同僚,共分此乐。 I'd like to share this joy with my colleagues.

39、愿你今后在不断探索的日子里,天天都有新的收获! May you have new harvest every day in the days of continuous exploration in the future!

40、愿你前行的道路,桥都坚固,隧道都明朗。 May the bridge be strong and the tunnel be clear.

41、愿你在中学的生活里将幽默进行到底。 May you carry on humor to the end in your middle school life.

42、愿你对过往的一切情深义重,但从不回头。 May you have a deep love for the past, but never look back.

43、愿你成为自己的太阳,活成自己曾经渴望的模样。 May you be your own sun and live as you once longed for.

44、愿你特别美丽,特别平静,特别凶狠,也特别温柔。 May you be beautiful, calm, fierce and gentle.

45、愿有前程可奔赴,亦有岁月可回首。 May there be a future to go to and years to look back on.

46、我们赢得起,输的起,有什么可怕的! We win, we lose, what's terrible!

47、我会努力读书,每个星期六都会回来,我忘不了小学! I will study hard and come back every Saturday. I will never forget primary school!

48、承诺常常很像蝴蝶,美丽的飞盘旋然后不见。 Commitment is often like a butterfly, beautiful Frisbee spin and then disappear.

49、时间如风,记忆入壶,自此别后,望君珍重。 Time like the wind, memory into the pot, since then, I hope you cherish.

50、昔我来思,桃李累累! Once upon a time, I came to think that there were so many peaches and plums!

51、昨天的你最勤奋,今天的你最自信,明天的你最成功! Yesterday you are the most diligent, today you are the most confident, tomorrow you are the most successful!

52、最后一个夏天,我们就要说再见。 Last summer, we will say goodbye.

53、有那么一个人,让你曾经发了疯的想,如今拼了命的忘。 There is such a person, let you have a crazy thought, now desperate to forget.

54、栀子花开,多么可爱,一如你们一张张曾经纯真的笑脸! Gardenia open, how lovely, as you have a pure smile!

55、桌,没我在身边唠叨,会不会有些不习惯。 Table, without me around nagging, will not be some not used to.

56、每段青春都会苍老,但我希望记忆里的你一直都好。 Every youth will be old, but I hope you are always good in my memory.

57、毕业了,大家都走了!见面了,大家淡忘了曾经的我们! Graduation, everybody's gone! Meet, we forget once we!

58、毕业了,心中有太多太多的不舍! Graduation, there are too many hearts do not give up!

59、毕业季,我们各奔东西,独自流浪在不同的地点。 Graduation season, we go our separate ways, wandering alone in different places.

60、毕业那天,我以为我离开了地狱,其实我是离开了天堂。 On the day of graduation, I thought I left hell, but actually I left heaven.

61、没有辛勤的劳动,哪有甜美的收获? No hard work, no sweet harvest?

62、流水匆匆,岁月匆匆,唯有友情永存心中。 Water in a hurry, time in a hurry, only friendship forever in the heart.

63、点亮希望,扬帆起航。 Light up hope and set sail.

64、爱数学吧,她让你拥有灵动的头脑,智慧的人生! Love mathematics, she let you have a smart mind, intelligent life!

65、用汗水织就实力,用毅力成就梦想,用拼搏铸就辉煌。 With sweat to weave strength, with perseverance to achieve dreams, with hard work to create brilliant.

66、男儿无泪,那是边上有人,有时笑着、心却已经碎了。 Man without tears, it is someone on the side, sometimes smile, but the heart has been broken.

67、盼再别后见面,分离时有甜蜜的想念。 Hope to meet again after parting, and have sweet miss when separated.

68、真正的毕业不是离开那所学校,而是那群人散了。 The real graduation is not to leave that school, but that group of people scattered.

69、祈愿有天拿成功来描绘我们的理想,毕业,加油! I wish one day to describe our ideal with success, graduation, come on!

70、穿过岁月,一眼望过去,尽是我们青春的影子。 Through the years, a glance at the past, is the shadow of our youth.

71、绽放最绚烂的笑容,给明天更美的梦。 Bloom the most gorgeous smile, give tomorrow a more beautiful dream.

72、美美的,再穿一次学生青春服装拍一次照吧。 Beautiful, wear the student's youth clothes again and take a picture.

73、脚下的路还很长,活着就要坚决走下去。 The road under our feet is still very long. We must resolutely go on living.

74、艰难困苦是幸福的源泉,安逸享受是苦难的开始。 Hardship is the source of happiness, and ease is the beginning of suffering.

75、莫问前程,但行好事。 Don't ask about the future, but do good.

76、行者常至,为者常成。 The traveler often comes, the doer often becomes.

77、衡量一天,不看收获而看播种。 Measure the day, not the harvest but the sowing.

78、谢谢你们一直照顾我,以后我会常回来看你们的。 Thank you for taking care of me. I'll come back to see you often.

79、谢谢你们,希望到了初中我们还是好朋友。 Thank you. I hope we are still good friends in junior high school.

80、趁年轻,没理由不去闯,哪怕败,我也要败的漂亮! While young, there is no reason not to rush, even if the defeat, I also want to lose the beautiful!

81、趁青春没有理由不去闯,即使会败,我也要败得漂亮! Take advantage of youth, there is no reason not to rush, even if I will be defeated, I will be defeated beautifully!

82、这一年,毕业季。你们的,毕业季。我们却,各奔东西。 This year, graduation season. Your graduation season. But we're going our separate ways.

83、远离,不会晾干曾经深厚的友谊。 Far away, will not dry once deep friendship.

84、送给你一本好书,愿它在你的心田里注进一滴甘露。 Give you a good book, may it pour a drop of dew into your heart.

85、那是可以让我潸然泪下,让我用一生去交换的笑容。 That's the smile that can make me cry and exchange my whole life.

86、青春不是一段时光,而是那一群人。 Youth is not a period of time, but a group of people.

87、青春也许就像写不完的诗,各式各样的都有。 Youth may be like endless poems, all kinds of.

88、青春常驻,健康幸福。 Permanent youth, health and happiness.

89、青春是一场大雨。即使感冒了,还盼望回头再淋它一次。 Youth is a heavy rain. Even if you have a cold, you'll look forward to drenching it again.

90、顺境要善待他人,逆境要善待自己。 Be kind to others in good times and yourself in bad times.