1、一个人有毅力和决心,能断然强制自己彻底根除不良习性,那是最令人钦佩的。 It is the most admirable that one has the will and determination to categorically force himself to eradicate bad habits thoroughly.

2、一次失败,只是证明我们成功的决心还不够坚强。 A failure is only proof that our determination to succeed is not strong enough.

3、一百个满怀信心和决心的人,要比一万个谨小慎微的和可敬的可尊重的人强得多。 One hundred full of confidence and determination of the people, respect people than can be ten thousand safe and respectable is much stronger.

4、下定决心,不怕牺牲,排除万难,去争取胜利。 Determined to sacrifice, overcome all difficulties, to strive for victory.

5、不下决心培养思考的人,便失去了生活中的最大乐趣。 He who has not made up his mind to cultivate thinking will lose the greatest pleasure in life.上一页12下一页

6、不确定的一天都不值得许诺,认定的一生也不足以言誓。 An uncertain day is not worth a promise, and a lifetime is not enough to swear.

7、不要只因一次失败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。 Do not, for one repulse, give up the purpose that you resolved to effect.

8、不问前程如何,但求落幕无悔。 Do not ask for future, but ended without regret.

9、世上所有任性的资格,都是留给那些展现出决心的人的。 All the wayward qualifications in the world are left to those who show their determination.

10、世界跟着我沉默,我跟着世界沉默。直到一切都沉默在时间里,消逝不见。 The world is silent with me, and I follow the world silent. Until everything is silent in time, disappear.

11、为了我要守护的人,即使是行星的轨道,我也会不惜一切的去将其改变。 For the person I want to protect, eventhe orbit of the planet, I will do whatever I can to change it.

12、为求必求之愿,而行撕心裂肺之事。 In order to seek the will to seek, to do the tore heart crack lung.

13、事情很少有人做不成的。其所以做不成,与其说由于条件不够,不如说由于决心不够。 There are few people who can't do it. It can not be done, not because of lack of conditions, rather than because of determination is not enough.

14、人们的毅力是衡量决心的尺度。 People's perseverance is a measure of resolution.

15、人总是逃避艰苦的思索。不下决心艰苦思索的人,便失去了生活中最大的乐趣。 People always escape from hard thinking. The man who has not made up his mind to think hard loses the greatest pleasure in life.

16、人生之要事在于确立伟大的目标与实现这目标的决心。 The important thing in life is to have a great aim and the determination to attain it.

17、人的本性中决无行善或作恶的所谓坚定不移的决心,除非在断头台上。 In human nature there is no such thing as good deeds or evil deeds, unless it is on the guillotine.

18、伟大的事业,需要决心,能力,组织和责任感。 Great career requires determination, ability, organization and sense of responsibility.

19、做一个强大而孤独的人。 Be a strong and lonely person.

20、做个骄傲的女骑士,保护我在乎的人。 Be a proud woman knight, protect the people I care about.

21、充沛的精力加上顽强的决心 With plenty of energy and dogged determination, many miracles have been created.

22、其实我的执着依然执着,却决心和你不再联络。 In fact, I am persistent, but I am determined not to contact you anymore.

23、再深的水我们也得淌,因为别无选择。 Even deeper water, we also have to drip, because there is no choice.

24、决心就是力量,信心就是成功。 Determination is strength, confidence is success.

25、勇猛、大胆和坚定的决心能够抵得上武器的精良。 Bravery, boldness and determination are worthy of good weapons.

26、千刀万剐,至死不悔!不成强者,唯死而已! Does not regret the death punishment by hacking process! No strong man, only death!

27、只要你下定决心,宇宙都会来帮你。 As long as you make up your mind, the universe will help you.

28、在下决心以前,犹豫也许是必要的。然而,一旦下了决心,就应该一直往前走。 Hesitation may be necessary before making up your mind. However, once you have made up your mind, you should go straight ahead.

29、在灵魂的运动里面,最重要的转轮是决心。 In the movement of the soul, the most important runner is determination.

30、如果你让我温暖的不像话,那就就随你浪走天涯,四海为家。 If you let me warm outrageous, just as you wave live.and, cosmopolitan.

31、如果最后是你,我甘愿放弃一切,哪怕是与世界为敌。 If at last it's you, I'm willing to give up everything, even if it's against the world.

32、如果这生活就是那大浪,那么我的努力就好比那板,我将踏在那块板上,冲向那浪。 If this life is the big wave, then my effort is like that board, and I'm going to step on that board and rush into that wave.

33、当我决定成为一个动画师时,我决心绝对不抄袭任何人。 When I decided to become an animator, I decided never to copy anyone.

34、意志命运往往背道而驰,决心到最后会全部推倒。 Destiny often goes against the will, and resolves to push it all at last.

35、成功的第一个条件就是要有决心;而决心要不得迅速干脆果断又必须具有成功的信心。 The first condition is to have success and rapid determination; determination must be decisive and simply intolerable confidence of success.

36、成本控制这种事情,不需要智慧,只需要决心。 The cost control of this kind of thing, without wisdom, only need determination.

37、我不需要别人的同情与可怜,更加不需要别人的施舍,我只需要自己的双手创造美好的未来。 I don't need sympathy and pity for others. I don't need handouts. I just need my hands to create a better future.

38、我对我说去吧,找回你自己,活出你自己,风雨交加也不改当年决定,要义无反顾倾其身心。 I said to me, go, find yourself, live your own, also do not change It's raining and blowing hard. when decided, should not hesitate to tilt the body and mind.

39、我愿平东海,身沉心不改。 I would like to calm the East China Sea, body sink heart not change.

40、我愿意用今生所有的时光,换她一场眼泪为我而流。 I would like to use all the time of this life, change her tears for me.

41、我要做的事情,就在此时,就在此刻,就在此地,就是此身。 What I'm going to do is right here, right here, right here, right now.

42、既然现在想放不下,当初就不应该拿起。 Now that you don't want it, you shouldn't have picked it up.

43、最大的决心会产生最高的智慧。 The highest resolution produces the highest wisdom.

44、最枯燥无味的作品也无法抵挡批评家找出它迷人之处的决心。 The most boring work can not withstand the critic's determination to find its charm.

45、每一个决心献身教育的人,应当容忍儿童的弱点。 Every man who is determined to devote himself to education should tolerate the weaknesses of his children.

46、比不会更可怕的是不敢面对。明天发表,我要勇敢面对。 Worse than nothing, dare not to face it. Tomorrow, I'm going to be brave.

47、泰山成砥砺,黄河为裳带。 Taishan Dili, the Yellow River weishang belt.

48、爱本质上应是一种意志行为,用自己的生命完全承诺另一生命的决心。 Love is essentially an act of will, a commitment to another life with one's own life.

49、猿族,不想要**。但若有必要,我们定将战斗。 The apes don't want war. But if necessary, we will fight.

50、理想必须要人们去实现它。这就不但需要决心和勇敢,而且需要知识。 Ideals have to be done by people. It requires not only determination and bravery, but also knowledge.

51、百折不挠的决心若与科学法则相抵触,犹如江心补漏劳而无益。 If the conflict with the determination to never yield in spite of reverses the rules of science, like it too late.

52、行动之前必须充分地酝酿;一旦定下决心,就应该果敢行动。 Before action must be fully brewed; once it is determined, it should be bold and resolute action.

53、要随时牢记在心中:决心取得成功比任何一件事情都重要。 Always bear in mind that your determination to succeed is more important than any one thing.

54、谁中途动摇信心,谁就是意志薄弱者;谁下定决心后,缺少灵活性,谁就是傻瓜。 Who wavered in confidence, who is weak willed; who determined after the lack of flexibility, who is a fool.

55、高考不为别的,就是为了证明爸妈在我身上砸的钱,不是打水漂。 The entrance is not for anything else, just to prove my parents in my body hit the money, not for naught.
