1、一年四季满是盛景,心中满是欢喜,只因遇见你。 The whole year is full of grand scenery, and my heart is full of joy, just because I met you.

2、一想到明天又有你的陪伴,我就开心一整天。 The thought of your company tomorrow will make me happy all day.

3、一直忘了告诉你,我有多幸运,遇见的是你。 I always forget to tell you how lucky I am to meet you.

4、不怕银河路迢迢,鹊桥相会甜蜜绕。 Not afraid that the Milky way is far away, magpie bridge meet sweet around.

5、不管什么遭遇,记得内心装满开心的童话。 No matter what happens, remember the fairy tale full of happiness.

6、世界上,最快乐的力量,是一生一世。 The happiest power in the world is life.

7、享受彼此的温暖,有缘有爱成双对。 Enjoy each other's warmth, fate and love into a pair.

8、亲爱的,孟婆汤,我陪你喝。 Honey, Mengpo soup, I'll drink with you.

9、从此庸人不再自扰,遇山绕道,遇你就抱。 From then on, mediocre people no longer disturb themselves. When they meet the mountain, they will take a detour and embrace you.

10、但愿君心似我心,共谱爱曲敬如宾。 I hope your heart is like my heart, and I hope you can make love with you.

11、你大概是土豆,煎炒蒸炸都合我胃口。 You are probably a potato. Frying, steaming and frying are all to my taste.

12、你怕麻烦吗?能麻烦你和我在一起吗? Are you afraid of trouble? Can I trouble you to stay with me?

13、你是叉柄我是叉,一起吃饭不分家。 You are the fork handle, I am the fork, eat together without separation.

14、你清空了我的个人历史,重构了我的时间轴。 You emptied my personal history and reconstructed my timeline.

15、你的一切,都装进我的脑子里,永远深刻。 Your everything, put into my mind, forever deep.

16、你的宝贝小心翼翼地捎一个晚安给你。 Your baby is careful to send you a good night.

17、你的笑容总是在我脑海中,让我难忘。 Your smile is always in my mind, let me unforgettable.

18、你知道我最大的缺点是什么吗?缺点你啊小傻瓜。 Do you know what my biggest weakness is? Fault you, little fool.

19、你那么平凡的名字,却牵扯到我那么多的情绪。 You so ordinary name, but involve me so much emotion.

20、全世界都可以是你的,但你是我的。 The whole world can be yours, but you are mine.

21、咖啡一个人喝是苦的,俩人喝是幸福的。 It's bitter to drink coffee alone, but happy to drink it for two.

22、天知道我有多爱你,天知道我动了真情。 God knows how much I love you. God knows that I have moved the truth.

23、如果我是蜈蚣,会用一千对臂膀抱着你。 If I were a centipede, I would hold you in a thousand arms.

24、如果没有你的爱,活着的目标将难复再! Without your love, living goals will be hard to come by!

25、对不起,知错不改了,继续喜欢你吧。 I'm sorry. I don't change my mistakes. I'll continue to like you.

26、山河动,天地摇,与君一曲婵娟共赋。 Mountains and rivers move, heaven and earth shake, and you a song Chan Juan Fu.

27、希望你的陪伴,直到永远。 Hope your company, forever.

28、希望白头偕你老,风尘仆仆到暮年。 I hope you'll grow old with you in your old age.

29、想念你,从白天一直想念到黑夜。 Miss you, from day to night.

30、愿我们的爱情地久天长,幸福永远! May our love last forever and happiness forever!

31、我不擅长恋爱,但我天生爱你。 I'm not good at love, but I love you by nature.

32、我会一直爱,纵使寂寞成海。 I will always love, even if lonely into the sea.

33、我对全世界说晚安,独独对你说喜欢。 I say good night to the world and like you alone.

34、我想你的时候,如海那般深厚! When I miss you, as deep as the sea!

35、我是图图小淘气,面对哥哥很好奇。 I'm a naughty Tutu. I'm curious about my brother.

36、我的三观,不正很歪,全部偏向你。 My three outlooks are not right, they are all biased towards you.

37、我要你在我身旁,我要你为我梳妆。 I want you by my side. I want you to make up for me.

38、我路过全世界,却只停留在你的面前。 I pass the world, but only stay in front of you.

39、所珍重的事物太多,不过你在其中,名列前茅。 There are too many things to value, but you are at the top of the list.

40、攒下所有梦见你的瞬间,够不够换见你一面。 Save all the dream of your moment, enough to see you one side.

41、时间冲不淡真情的酒,距离拉不开思念的手。 Time does not dilute the wine of true feelings, distance can not open the hand of missing.

42、春风十里不如你,梦里梦外都是你。 Spring breeze ten miles is not as good as you, dreams are you.

43、有你的陪伴,生活不再孤单。 With your company, life is no longer lonely.

44、梦想的生活有一百种,种种都有你。 There are a hundred kinds of dream life, all of which have you.

45、没有你在身边,一切是你! Without you around, everything is you!

46、没有你,我的天空没有白云。 Without you, there are no white clouds in my sky.

47、海可枯,石可烂,不可与你散。 Sea can be dry, stone can be rotten, can not be scattered with you.

48、满天星光,最爱你许过愿望的那一颗。 Stars all over the sky, I love the one you wish most.

49、熟悉的温度在我眉心平静,我真的爱你。 Familiar with the temperature in my eyebrows calm, I really love you.

50、爱你,所以会枕着你的名字入眠。 Love you, so I will sleep under your name.

51、生愿共赴巫山,死愿齐赴黄泉。 Life wish to go to Wushan, death wish to go to huangquan.

52、生活若少了你,快乐就缺了一角。 If life is short of you, happiness is missing.

53、用唯美的言语,记下浪漫的情怀。 Write down romantic feelings with beautiful words.

54、眼中只有你,你是我生命中的奇迹。 Only you in my eyes, you are a miracle in my life.

55、眼角眉梢都是你,字里行间也是你。 You are at the corner of your eyes and eyebrows, and you are between the lines.

56、终有一天你会明白,失去比拥有更踏实。 One day you will understand that losing is more reliable than owning.

57、车马很慢,阳光很暖,你很好看。 The cars and horses are very slow, the sun is very warm, you are very good-looking.

58、这份喜欢,迫在眉睫,阁下你接好。 This love is imminent. Please accept it.

59、送你一盒浓情巧克力,让念你的情浓得化不开。 Send you a box of affectionate chocolate, let read your love is too thick to open.

60、除了你以外,以后不想再对谁特别好了。 I don't want to be nice to anyone except you.