1、一个有信念者所发出的力量,大于九十九个有兴趣者。 The power of one person with faith is greater than that of 99 people with interest.

2、一句对不起,让我们的爱败给了时间,输给了距离。 A sorry, let our love lost to time, lost to distance.

3、不发生点烂事,永远看不清身边人的模样。 If something bad doesn't happen, you'll never see the people around you.

4、不拼一把,怎么知道自己是人物还是废物。 If you don't fight, how can you know whether you are a character or a waste.

5、不知道自己的无知,乃是双倍的无知。 Not knowing your ignorance is double ignorance.

6、不经一番寒彻苦,哪得梅香扑鼻来。 Without some cold and bitter experience, there is no plum fragrance.

7、不要去想是否能够成功,既然选择了远方,便只顾风雨兼程! Don't think about whether you can succeed. Since you have chosen the distance, you only care about the wind and rain!

8、不要因为没有掌声就放弃梦想。 Don't give up your dream just because there is no applause.

9、不要慨叹生活的痛苦!慨叹是弱者。 Don't lament the pain of life! Sigh is weak.

10、世界上没有绝对不好的事情,只有绝对不好的心态。 There is no absolutely bad thing in the world, only an absolutely bad attitude.

11、世界那么大,应该带父母去看一看。 The world is so big that you should take your parents to have a look.

12、世间没有美丽的天使,只有善良的女人。 There are no beautiful angels in the world, only good women.

13、人本来就是不完美的,但是可以用努力消除这些不完美。 People are not perfect, but they can be eliminated with efforts.

14、人生是需要奋斗的,只有你奋斗了才不会后悔。 Life needs struggle. You won't regret it until you struggle.

15、人的价值,是由自己决定的。 People's value is determined by themselves.

16、人类的全部智慧都包含在这两个词中:等待和希望。 All human wisdom is contained in these two words: waiting and hope.

17、人臣若无学业,不能识前言往行,岂堪大任。 It would be a great responsibility for a minister if he did not study and could not understand his past words and deeds.

18、任何成绩的质变都来自于量变的积累。 The qualitative change of any achievement comes from the accumulation of quantitative change.

19、你现在唯一要做的就是努力,跑不过时间就跑过昨天的自己。 The only thing you have to do now is work hard. If you can't run, you'll run past yesterday's yourself.

20、做人不要低声下气,因为你的父亲曾把你高高举起。 Don't be humble, because your father held you high.

21、凡心所向,素履以往,生如逆旅。 Where the heart goes, I walk in the past, and life is like an adverse journey.

22、刀不磨要生锈,人不学要落后。 If a knife is not worn, it will rust, and if a man does not learn, he will fall behind.

23、创业者不需要听好话的,创业者需要听的是真实的话。 Entrepreneurs don't need to listen to good words. Entrepreneurs need to listen to real words.

24、别让懦弱占满了自己的大脑,要勇敢一点,理智一点。 Don't let cowardice fill your brain. Be brave and rational.

25、勤学又勤问,不怕头脑笨。 Study and ask frequently, not afraid of being stupid.

26、只在山顶的人,不会贪念山腰的风景。 People who are only on the top of the mountain will not covet the scenery on the hillside.

27、只有努力不会背叛你。 Only efforts will not betray you.

28、只有努力过后,才会遇见更好的自己。 Only after hard work can we meet better ourselves.

29、只有经过地狱般的磨炼,才能炼出创造天堂的力量。 Only through hell like training can we refine the power to create heaven.

30、因为心无所属,所以随遇而安。 Because the heart has nothing to belong to, so let it be.

31、失望攒够了就放手吧,没有非谁不可,去找一个对你好的人。 Let go when you have saved enough disappointment. No one has to find someone who is good to you.

32、女人靠自己的本事,掌握自己的命运。 Women depend on their abilities to control their own destiny.

33、好问不迷路,好做不受贫。 Good questions do not get lost, good deeds do not suffer poverty.

34、如何改变自己才不会伤到自己,也不会伤到别人。 How to change yourself will not hurt yourself or others.

35、如果下定决心要做一件事,那请做的让人无可挑剔。 If you are determined to do something, please do it impeccably.

36、如果你是对的,你的世界就是对的。 If you are right, your world is right.

37、学习并不等于模仿某种东西,而是掌握技巧和方法。 Learning does not mean imitating something, but mastering skills and methods.

38、学习最重要的是效率。没有效率的学习都是在浪费时间。 The most important thing in learning is efficiency. Inefficient study is a waste of time.

39、宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来! April showers bring May flowers!

40、容易发怒,是品格上最为显着的弱点。 Irritability is the most obvious weakness in character.

41、少为失败找理由、多为成功找方法,大事小事认真对待。 Find less reasons for failure, more methods for success, and take big and small things seriously.

42、已去之不可留,已逝之情不可恋,能留能恋,就没有今天。 You can't stay what has gone, and you can't love what has gone. If you can stay and love, there will be no today.

43、希望未来我的名字,能成为你们口中的骄傲。 I hope you can be my proud name in the future.

44、心若简单,生活就简单;心若复杂,生活就充满痛苦。 If the heart is simple, life is simple; If the heart is complex, life is full of pain.

45、忍不住想要爱你的冲动,却不得不止于你看她的眼中。 Can't help the impulse to love you, but you have to stop looking at her eyes.

46、忙碌的人,也许懒得享受;但懒汉根本没资格享受! Busy people may be too lazy to enjoy; But lazy people are not entitled to it!

47、想要受到别人尊敬,必须学会尊敬别人。 If you want to be respected, you must learn to respect others.

48、愿昨日风霜皆成明日勋章。 May yesterday's wind and frost become tomorrow's medal.

49、所有的经历,都是一种懂得,懂得,是生命中最美的缘。 All experiences are a kind of understanding and understanding, which is the most beautiful fate in life.

50、所谓的幸运,就是当你准备好了的时候,机会来了。 The so-called luck is that when you are ready, the opportunity comes.

51、执着的信念的持续销售的有生力量。他给了你使不完的信心。 Persistent belief is the effective force of continuous sales. He gave you endless confidence.

52、有志于功名者,必得功名,有志于富贵者,必得富贵。 Those who aspire to fame will get fame, and those who aspire to wealth will get wealth.

53、有时候丢下面子,说句‘对不起’可以赢得更多的尊重。 Sometimes losing face and saying 'I'm sorry' can win more respect.

54、来不及说出的对白,消散在不拼凑不全的未来。 Too late to say the dialogue, dissipated in the incomplete future.

55、梦是一种欲望,想是一种行动,梦想是梦与想的结晶! Dream is a desire, think is an action, dream is the crystallization of dream and think!

56、模拟的意义在于如何走下去。 The significance of simulation lies in how to go on.

57、每个结局都会变成一个新的开始。 Every ending will become a new beginning.

58、每天的坏心情,都在睡前都清零。 The bad mood every day is cleared before going to bed.

59、比我优秀的人都还在努力,我有什么资格说放弃? People who are better than me are still working hard. What qualifications do I have to give up?

60、没有谁会去可怜窝在墙角哭泣的弱者,不拼搏就只有被淘汰。 No one will pity the weak who cry in the corner. If they don't work hard, they will only be eliminated.

61、海浪的品格,就是无数次被礁石击碎又无数次地扑向礁石。 The character of the wave is that it has been broken by the reef countless times and jumped on the reef countless times.

62、猖狂的事情阅历一次就好,比如翻越千迈水的往看看一个人。 It's good to experience rampant things once, such as looking at a person over a thousand miles of water.

63、生活中最大的幸福,是坚信有人爱我们。 The greatest happiness in life is the conviction that we are loved.

64、真正的勇者,不是没有眼泪的人,而是含着眼泪奔跑的人。 The real brave is not a person without tears, but a person who runs with tears.

65、积极思索造成积极人生,消极思索造成消极人生。 Positive thinking leads to positive life, and negative thinking leads to negative life.

66、站的高,才能看得远,心气不高,如何想得远? Standing high, you can see far. If your heart is not high, how can you think far?

67、经过云端的道路,只亲吻攀登者的足迹。 The road through the clouds only kisses the footprints of the climbers.

68、背对太阳,阴影一片。迎着太阳,霞光万丈。 Back to the sun, a shadow. Facing the sun, the glow is boundless.

69、自己没有展露光芒,就不怪别人没有眼光。 If you don't show your light, you don't blame others for their lack of vision.

70、薄技在身,胜握千金。 A skilful hand is better than a golden one.

71、要么留住尊严,要么留住男人、别把尊严丢了,男人也走了。 Either keep the dignity, or keep the man. Don't lose the dignity, and the man is gone.

72、认真生活,就能找到生活里藏起来的糖果。 If you live seriously, you can find the candy hidden in life.

73、说喜欢你的人可能有很多,但会照顾你情绪的人才是最难得。 There may be many people who like you, but those who will take care of your emotions are the most rare.

74、读书不离口,写字不离手。 You can't read without your mouth and write without your hand.

75、读书有三到:心到、眼到、口到。 There are three to reading: heart, eye and mouth.

76、这世界太吵闹,你要把自己照顾好。 The world is too noisy. You should take good care of yourself.

77、追求生活的真理,拓展生命的宽度。 Pursue the truth of life and expand the width of life.

78、选择与你步伐一致的人同行,如果没有,那就一个人。 Choose someone who walks with you at the same pace. If not, be alone.

79、通向人类真正伟大境界的道路只有一条。 There is only one way to the true greatness of mankind.

80、遇到困难不要抱怨,既然改变不了过去就努力改变未来。 Don't complain when you encounter difficulties. Since you can't change the past, try to change the future.

81、那些所谓梦想的'东西,被岁月打上一枚又一枚的标签。 Those so-called 'dream' things are labeled one after another by years.

82、骐骥一跃,不能十步;驽马十驾,功在不舍。 A horse can't take ten steps in one leap; It's hard to give up.