1、一个人觉得寂寞,是因为害怕踏出最初的一步。 A person feels lonely because he is afraid to take the first step.
2、七弦琴上梨花雪,清雅香尘染琼月。 Pear blossoms and snow on the seven-stringed piano, elegant fragrance and dust stained Qiongyue.
3、不怕念起,唯恐觉迟。既已执手,此生不负。 Don't be afraid to think, lest you feel late. Having handled it, I will live up to it.
4、不怕输的人最勇敢,不将就的人最好看。 He who is not afraid of losing is the bravest, and he who is not ready is the most beautiful.
5、不经意扯起了嘴角,这世界就是一闹剧。 Inadvertently pulled up the corners of the mouth, the world is a farce.
6、世间安得两全法,不负如来不负卿。 The Tathagata is worthy of the two laws in the world.
7、为了遇见你,竟花光了我所有的运气。 It took all my luck to meet you.
8、人世间有百媚千红,唯有你,是我的情有独钟。 There are many beautiful things in the world, only you are my favorite.
9、人生没有完美,容得下才能活得潇洒。 Life is not perfect, can live with ease.
10、人间没有永恒的夜晚,世界没有永恒的冬天。 There is no eternal night on earth, and there is no eternal winter in the world.
11、从无话不说到无话可说,多深刻多难忘我都懂。 I know how deep and unforgettable I am from having nothing to say to having nothing to say.
12、你不知道吧,我曾经毫无指望的喜欢过你。 You don't know. I liked you hopelessly.
13、你是我的星光,我的天空因你而璀璨。 You are my star, my sky is bright because of you.
14、你瘦的时候在我心里,胖了就在里面卡着出不来了。 When you were thin, you were in my heart. When you were fat, you could not get stuck in it.
15、你走的太急,我开始怀疑,曾经你是否来过。 You went too fast, and I began to wonder if you had ever been here.
16、假如真的回不去了,那我宁愿我们错过。 If I really can't go back, I would rather we miss it.
17、初恋,旧爱,新欢,第几个才是你老伴。 First love, old love, new love, the number one is your wife.
18、千万不要回头看,身后的千万盏灯火,都不是你的归处。 Never look back. The thousands of lights behind you are not your home.
19、千军万马未乱我半分心跳,最后竟败给你浅浅一笑。 My heart beats half a heartbeat, but I finally give you a smile.
20、只要有想见的人,就不再是孤身一人了。 As long as there are people who want to see, they will no longer be alone.上一页12下一页
21、后来我过得很好,只是偶尔遗憾没有你的陪伴。 Later, I had a good time, but occasionally regretted not having your company.
22、喜欢一个人没有错,错就错在喜欢一个不喜欢自己的人。 It's not wrong to like a person, but it's wrong to like a person who doesn't like himself.
23、在一个人最安静的时候,往往也是最悲伤的时刻。 When a person is quietest, it is often the saddest moment.
24、在某种情况下,一个人的存在本身就要伤害另一个人。 In some cases, one person's existence itself will hurt another person.
25、好自夸的人没本事,有本事的人不自夸。 A good boaster has no ability, but a good one does not boast.
26、如果不能白头偕老,那还不如相忘江湖。 If we can't grow old together, we might as well forget the rivers and lakes.
27、如果事与愿违,就相信一定另有安排。 If things go against our wishes, we believe that there must be other arrangements.
28、如果可以,我不愿带上眼镜。也许,模糊的世界,最美。 I don't want to wear glasses if I can. Perhaps, the vague world is the most beautiful.
29、如果真的爱,你可以等待,待你有了能耐,待你还爱。 If you really love, you can wait until you have the ability to love you.
30、弱水三千,为你情钟。黄泉碧落,死亦不休。 Weak water 3000, for your love. Yellow Spring falls blue, and death never ceases.
31、当一切都随风而逝的时候,特别的瞬间都成了永恒。 When everything goes with the wind, special moments become eternity.
32、往事不回头,余生不将就。前路迢迢,愿你且行且珍惜。 Never look back, never live the rest of your life. It's a long way to go. I hope you can do it and cherish it.
33、得到,不一定能长久。失去,不一定不再拥有。 Get, not necessarily for a long time. Lost, not necessarily no longer owned.
34、忆君心似西江水,日夜东流无歇时。 Recalling your heart is like the water of Xijiang River, flowing eastward day and night.
35、总得熬过无人问津的日子,才能拥抱你的诗和远方。 You have to survive the days when nobody cares about it before you can embrace your poetry and the distance.
36、成熟,就是少一些自以为是,多一些自知之明。 Maturity means less self-righteousness and more self-knowledge.
37、我不等了,就当风没吹过,你没来过,我没爱过。 I do not wait, when the wind has not blown, you have not come, I have not loved.
38、我也曾走路带风,可后来学会了恋爱。 I used to walk with wind, but later learned to love.
39、我们不能一起出生,但是我们可以一起*苍生。 We can't be born together, but we can be born together.
40、我所知道的关于你的事情,就只有天气预报了。 All I know about you is the weather forecast.
41、我是人间惆怅客,断肠声里忆平生。 I am a sorrowful guest on earth. I remember my life in the sound of broken bowels.
42、我第一次见到你,就有一种特别的感觉。 The first time I saw you, I had a special feeling.
43、我若成佛,天下无魔,我若成魔,佛奈我何。 If I become a Buddha, there is no devil in the world. If I become a devil, what will I do?
44、晚睡等于慢性**,早起就是当场去世。 Sleeping late is a chronic suicide. Getting up early is death on the spot.
45、有些事,我们明知道是错的,也要去坚持,由于不甘心。 Some things, we know is wrong, but also to adhere to, because not reconciled.
46、有些人一辈子都在骗人,而有些人用一辈子去骗一个人。 Some people cheat all their lives, while others cheat all their lives.
47、有时候明知道是痛苦的,偏偏爱上了一些痛苦的感觉。 Sometimes I know it's painful, but I prefer some painful feelings.
48、有那么多人看着我等着我倒下,我拼了命也不能输。 There are so many people watching me waiting for me to fall, and I can't lose even if I'm desperate.
49、树叶回到了大地的怀抱,你也该回到我的怀抱了。 Leaves have returned to the embrace of the earth, you should also return to my embrace.
50、树的方向,风决定。人的方向,自己决定。 The direction of the tree is determined by the wind. Man's direction is determined by himself.
51、等待不可怕,可怕的是不知道什么时候是尽头。 It's not terrible to wait. It's terrible not to know when the end is.
52、给我一句早安,让我知道今天还有你。 Give me a good morning and let me know you're here today.
53、菩提清佛扣红尘,你做花下客君卿,若渡你三生有幸。 Bodhisattva clears Buddha's buckle on the red dust. You are the guest of the emperor, and you are fortunate if you spend your three lives.
54、近视的唯一不好,就是连你的笑容也模糊了。 The only bad thing about myopia is that your smile is blurred.
55、这一瞬的温暖,我愿用一生去换取。 This instantaneous warmth, I would like to use my life to exchange.
56、这世界是你的遗嘱,而我是你唯一的遗物。 The world is your will, and I am your only relic.
57、这个冬天,没有惊喜,没有温度,没有关系。 This winter, no surprise, no temperature, no matter.
58、那种拼了命想要做好一件事,却搞砸了另一件事的心情。 That kind of desperate desire to do one thing, but failed to do another thing.
59、长大这两个字连偏旁部首都没有,一看就很孤独。 Growing up is a lonely word without the capital on the side.
60、陪你走过漫长马拉松的人是我,等在终点的却是别人! It's me who accompanies you through the long marathon, but it's someone else who waits for you at the end of the marathon.