1、一个永远不能说出口的秘密,也只能是个秘密。 A secret that can never be told can only be a secret.

2、一切都是我放不下,想不开,现在,重新再来。 Everything is I can't put down, can't think of it, now, again.

3、万人追不如一人疼,万人宏不如一人懂。 Ten thousand people chase is not as good as one person's pain, ten thousand people's macro is inferior to one person's understanding.

4、不要忘本,任何时候,任何事情生活感悟。 Don't forget the origin, any time, anything, life experience.

5、不负对方就好,想不负此生太难。 It's good to live up to each other. It's too hard to live up to this life.

6、人们总说来日方长,却忘了世事无常。 People always say that there is a long way to go, but they forget that things are changeable.

7、人生就像蒲公英,看似*,却身不由己。 Life is like dandelion, seemingly free, but involuntarily.

8、以前沧海不是水,除却巫山不是云。 In the past, the sea is not water, but Wushan is not cloud.

9、伤心落泪时,谁是你心灵的港湾。 Who is the harbor of your heart when you are sad and tearful.

10、你不是青春期靠后,就是更年期提前了。 After puberty, it's early menopause, or you're not.

11、你别用了所有深情,最后却换来认命两个字。 You don't use all the deep feelings, but in the end, you get the word "die".

12、你可怀疑任何人,但绝不要怀疑你自己。 You can doubt anyone, but never yourself.

13、你唯一应该去超越的人,是昨天的自己! The only person you should surpass is yesterday's self!

14、你所谓的不适合、不过是想要丢下我的借口。 Your so-called not suitable, just want to leave my excuse.

15、你来过一阵子,我却怀念了一辈子。 You've been here for a while, but I miss it all my life.

16、你要走了我的所有,唯独不要了我。 You want to leave all I have, but you don't want me.

17、你让我道歉,还是让我告白。 Do you want me to apologize or let me confess.

18、像*一样信感情,最后又像*一样踢出去。 Like a fool to believe in feelings, and finally like a fool to kick out.

19、全世界我都可以放弃,更何况区区一个你。 I can give up all over the world, let alone just one you.

20、其实,我一直都在乎你,只是你没有发现。 In fact, I always care about you, but you didn't find out.

21、分手后的思念那么痛,痛到连回忆都不敢触碰。 The missing after breaking up is so painful that even the memories dare not touch.

22、努力吧,等你优秀了,你想要的都会来找你。 Work hard, when you are excellent, you will come to you if you want.

23、即使再见面,也只是成熟的表演,还不如不见。 Even if we don't see each other again, it's better to see you.

24、原谅是容易的。再次信任,就没那么容易了。 It's easy to forgive. Trust again, it's not that easy.

25、后来我终于忘了你,连提起都只剩下笑意。 Later, I finally forget you, even mention are left with a smile.

26、在你要走之际,我才发现,我是真的爱上了你。 When you want to leave, I found that I really fell in love with you.

27、如果时间可以倒流,我在回忆里等你。 If time can go back, I'll wait for you in my memory.

28、宜言饮酒,与子偕老,琴瑟在御,莫不静好。 It's good to drink wine, grow old with your son, and enjoy the music.

29、对你又怎能说忘就忘呢,毕竟真的喜欢过你。 How can you say forget it, after all, I really like you.

30、尊重现在,善待自己,往事不记,后事不提。 Respect the present, treat yourself well, forget about the past, and don't mention the future.

31、就算是破罐子,我也一定比别人摔的响。 Even if it's a broken jar, I'm sure it's louder than others.

32、希望你所拼命争取的,最后都能如你所愿。 I hope that what you strive for will be as you wish in the end.

33、幸好爱情不是一切,幸好一切不都是爱情。 Fortunately, love is not everything. Fortunately, everything is not love.

34、当年打打闹闹,现在见面匆匆一笑。 In those days, when they were fighting and making trouble, now they meet and smile in a hurry.

35、想做星河的水手,带你漫游整个宇宙。 I want to be a sailor of Star River, and take you to roam the whole universe.

36、成熟男生是细心,未成熟男生是幼稚。 Mature boys are careful, immature boys are naive.

37、成长,就是将你哭声调成静音的过程。 Growth is the process of turning your crying into silence.

38、我不是没有脾气,只是在害怕失去。 I'm not without temper, just afraid of losing.

39、我们不要和好了,坏了就是坏了。 Let's not make up, bad is bad.

40、我们笑着说再见,却深知再见遥遥无期。 We smile and say goodbye, but we know that goodbye is far away.

41、我是一个情绪疯子,每天为你换几百遍心情。 I'm an emotional lunatic. I change my mood for you hundreds of times every day.

42、我的好坏不用你来评论,道不同,不相为谋。 I don't need you to comment on my good or bad.

43、我的心,你的世界,不过是车水马龙的瞬间。 My heart, your world, is just a busy moment.

44、我站在你左侧,却像隔着银河。 I stand on your left, but like across the Milky way.

45、或许等待本身就是错误,你一直都没回头。 Maybe waiting itself is a mistake, you never look back.

46、所有的妥协终是为梦想开出繁花一片。 All the compromises are the flowers for the dream.

47、撒娇,有时候是一种高层次的耍赖。 Being coquettish is sometimes a kind of high-level play.

48、明明是很简单的事情却被人心弄得如此复杂。 It is very simple, but it is so complicated by people's heart.

49、有棱有角的害处是,别人啃起你来十分方便。 The harm of being angular is that it is very convenient for others to nibble on you.

50、没有借口,没有谎言,也不会食言。 There are no excuses, no lies, and no reneging.

51、熬夜真辛苦,喜欢你也一样。 It's hard to stay up late. I like you, too.

52、爱情使人忘记时间,时间也使人忘记爱情。 Love makes people forget time, and time makes people forget love.

53、真正的幸福,经的过坎坷,经的过平淡。 True happiness, after the rough, after the plain.

54、继续努力,日子是越过越好的。 Continue to work hard, the days are better.

55、自从用了黑人牙膏,牙齿白了,人黑了。 Since the use of black toothpaste, teeth white, people black.

56、被抛弃时,才明显感到孤独的重量。 The weight of loneliness is obvious only when abandoned.

57、说好的永远在一起,只是从嘴不从心。 Say good forever together, just from the mouth not from the heart.

58、请微笑。这比解释为何悲伤要容易。 Please smile. It's easier than explaining why you're sad.

59、运气有时也是很重要的一种实力。 Luck is sometimes a very important strength.