1、一个人,一座城市,一生心痛。 A person, a city, a lifetime of heartache.

2、一句我爱你,爱你到天荒地老。 I love you, love you to the end of time.

3、一枝合欢,二情常相悦。 One Acacia, two love often happy.

4、一生的他,她的一生。 All his life, her life.

5、一种很甜的毒药、戒不掉的爱! A kind of very sweet poison, can't give up love!

6、一路上有你,才变得甜蜜。 It's sweet to have you all the way.

7、不怕万人阻挡,只怕自己投降。 We are not afraid of being blocked by ten thousand people, but we are afraid of surrendering ourselves.

8、与你谈心,我懂得了温情。 Talk with you, I know the warmth.

9、为你,千千万万遍。 for you, a thousand times over.

10、人心对人心,你真我就真。 Heart to heart, you are true to me.

11、什么是心安,你就是答案。 What is peace of mind, you are the answer.

12、今天又是爱你的一天。 Today is another day to love you.

13、你好坏哦!我好喜欢。 You are so bad! I love it.

14、你慢慢吃,我等你。 Take your time. I'll wait for you.

15、你是一盏灯,值得我光明。 You are a lamp, worthy of my light.

16、你是我,戒不掉的瘾。 You're my addiction.

17、你是糖,我是蜜。 You are sugar, I am honey.

18、分手的爱情,思念的爱情。 Breaking up love, missing love.

19、原来,爱情一直和旁观者有关。 It turns out that love has always been about bystanders.

20、多少得失,只是一种错。 It's just a mistake.

21、好好改造,我等你。 I'll wait for you.

22、如果爱不疯狂,那就不是爱了。 If love is not crazy, it is not love.

23、山无棱,天地合,才敢同君绝。 Mountain without edge, heaven and earth together, only dare with the king absolutely.

24、带我走吧,我很好养的。 Take me away. I'm very well fed.

25、心中有丘壑,眉目做山河。 The heart has the gully, the eyebrow does the mountain river.

26、恨不经意,人来心离别。 If you don't care about it, you will leave.

27、恨相思,人离别。 Hate Acacia, people leave.

28、情书是我抄的,但爱你是真的。 I copied the love letter, but love you is true.

29、想你在弥漫,泛起了你的容颜。 Miss you in the diffuse, spread your face.

30、感谢你,曾赠予我一场空欢喜。 Thank you for giving me an empty joy.

31、愿你如星如月,夜夜相交皎洁。 May you be as bright as the moon and the stars.

32、我不会走,你不要走。 I won't go. You don't go.

33、我喜欢和你再一起的感觉。 I love the feeling of being with you again.

34、我喜欢的人啊他有一身的温暖。 I like the person ah, he has a warm body.

35、我是太阳。默默温暖着你而已。 I am the sun. It's just warming you in silence.

36、我有超能力,超喜欢你。 I'm super capable. I love you.

37、我爱你,爱你不离不弃。 I love you. I love you.

38、我的脚,陪你走天涯海角。 My feet, accompany you to the ends of the earth.

39、我真的很花心,喜欢每一个你。 I'm really playful. I like every one of you.

40、我见众生皆草木,唯你是青山。 I see that all living beings are plants, but you are the green mountain.

41、执子的手,漫漫的走。 Holding the hand, long walk.

42、携手此生,白头偕老。 Hand in hand in this life, grow old together.

43、既然无缘,何须誓言。 Since there is no chance, there is no need to swear.

44、时过境迁,物是人非。 As time goes by, things change.

45、时间会把陪伴熬成最美的情话。 Time will boil company into the most beautiful love words.

46、春雨落空城,满城皆相思。 Spring rain falling empty city, all over the city are Acacia.

47、有彩虹的时候,想你。 When there is a rainbow, I miss you.

48、植荒十年,一时春生。 Ten years of barren planting, a spring.

49、海底两万里,谁都不如你。 Twenty thousand miles under the sea, no one is better than you.

50、爱上你,是我生命的愉悦。 Falling in love with you is the joy of my life.

51、爱你一万年有一万个理由。 There are ten thousand reasons to love you for ten thousand years.

52、爱给了你,余生都是你。 Love for you, the rest of your life is you.

53、生死不弃,永永远。 Life and death do not give up, forever.

54、生活因有你,而阳光一片。 Life is full of sunshine because of you.

55、离开后,我把哭当成了笑。 After I left, I took crying as a smile.

56、缘分,让我们相遇。 Fate, let us meet.

57、自从爱你以后,才知爱的甜美。 Since I love you, I know the sweetness of love.

58、讨厌,你算什么东西? I hate it. What are you?

59、轻叹世间,情深缘浅。 Sigh the world, love deep edge shallow.

60、送你一颗真心,收获一颗芳心。 Send you a heart, harvest a heart.