1、你以为我愿意陪你这个脑残啊。 You think I'm willing to be with you.

2、你俩别这么暧昧,嘴都亲上了。 Don't be so ambiguous, you two kiss each other.

3、你在不放手,我告你袭警了。 If you don't let go, I'll sue you for assaulting the police.

4、你小畜生,小结巴,落榜生。 You little beast, little stutter, loser.

5、你快起来,你这样是在破坏现场。 You get up. You're destroying the scene.

6、你拿个破手机就能找到人吗? Can you find someone with a broken cell phone?

7、八六版的西游记你看过吗? Have you seen the journey to the West in 1986?

8、呼个毛线,又不是溺水。 It's not drowning.

9、善恶不是对立,而是纠缠的关系。 Good and evil are not opposites, but entanglements.

10、大骗子,大变态,老流氓。 Big liar, big pervert, old rascal.

11、我不后悔这么做,我爱你。 I don't regret it. I love you.

12、我愿意奉献我毕生精血。 I am willing to devote my whole life.

13、我莫家拳一个打十个啦。 My Mojia boxing is ten at a time.

14、我账户里一分钱也没有啦。 I don't have a cent in my account.

15、最精彩的部分才刚开始。 The best part has just begun.

16、案子一破,你二百五,我二百五! As soon as the case is solved, you're two hundred five, I'm two hundred five!

17、每个人背后都有原罪。 There is an original sin behind everyone.

18、皮蛋,这一切跟皮蛋都有关系吗? Pipan, does all this have anything to do with Pipan?

19、等等,这位姑娘长得真清秀啊! Wait, this girl is so pretty!

20、纽约还有一个名字,叫罪恶之城。 New York has another name, the city of sin.

21、纽约这么大,上哪去找五百万啊。 New York is so big, where can I find five million.

22、老秦,所有人都在等你啦。 Lao Qin, everyone is waiting for you.

23、腿挺白的,就是粗了点。 The legs are white, but they are a little thick.

24、记住,以后千万别叫我表舅啊。 Remember, don't call me cousin in the future.

25、还想炼仙,美死你了还。 Still want to refine the immortal, beautiful dead you return.

26、这一切都是Q早已安排好的局。 All this is the bureau that Q has already arranged.

27、这些小丑,都是陆先生找来的。 These clowns are all from Mr. Lu.

28、这嘴边的五百万可不能飞了呀。 The five million on my lips can't fly.

29、这是我们的国粹,你们有吗? This is the quintessence of our country. Do you have it?

30、阿香啊,你的口味真的是太重了。 Ah Xiang, your taste is really heavy.