1、为什么又是我,不是你呀。 Why me, not you.

2、五百万,你跑哪里去啦。 Five million. Where are you.

3、他说的是你,不是你们。 He's talking about you, not you.

4、你个小结巴,我咬死你。 You little stutter, I'll bite you to death.

5、你再动我,我爆发了我。 If you move me again, I will explode.

6、你就是天才,因为你就是Q。 You are a genius, because you are Q.

7、你破个屁,你有一点点线索吗? Do you have a clue?

8、你给我闭嘴,我可是你舅舅啊。 Shut up, I'm your uncle.

9、你要送飞机哟,我打飞机去找你。 You're going to fly. I'll fly to you.

10、切丝,切片,切块,要什么主食。 Shredding, slicing, chopping, what kind of staple food do you want.

11、唐仁,你的风水局不灵了。 Tang Ren, your feng shui situation is not working.

12、大师,你看是不是这样子。 Master, do you think so.

13、如果你输了,你要陪我约会。 If you lose, you're going to date me.

14、我们是血浓于水的亲戚啊! We are relatives whose blood is thicker than water!

15、我只有一个选择,那就是,道。 I have only one choice, that is, Tao.

16、我才是侦探,他不过是我的管家。 I'm the detective. He's just my housekeeper.

17、我相信他,就像相信我自己一样。 I believe in him as much as I believe in myself.

18、我这么一笑是不是有点像坏人? Am I a bit of a villain with such a smile?

19、放心玩,我不会告诉你婆婆啦。 Don't worry. I won't tell your mother-in-law.

20、澡堂,是正规的那种吗? Bathhouse, is it a regular one?

21、犯罪的不是兽,是兽性。 It's not animals that commit crimes. It's animals.

22、知道什么人最需要钱吗?穷人。 Do you know who needs money most? The poor.

23、糟了,不装扮不让接近队伍。 Oh, no way. No way to get close to the team.

24、线索已经断了,现在去哪里啊。 The clue is broken. Where are you going now.

25、船来了,老子要闪人啦。 The boat is coming. I'm going to leave.

26、这个小姑娘长得真清秀。 The little girl is so pretty.

27、这么久了,你不想回去吗? So long, don't you want to go back?

28、这里的人都以为我是九零后啦。 People here think I'm post-90s.

29、通缉令是他存在过的唯一证明。 The warrant is the only proof of his existence.

30、那天晚上到底发生什么了。 What happened that night.