1、2爱是一种享受,在不久的将来,你在期待着一个新生命降临,将要成为母亲的你同样伟大,母亲节快乐! 2 Love is a kind of enjoyment. In the near future, you are looking forward to a new life coming. You will be a mother as great as you are. Happy Mother's Day!

2、一二一,踏步走。向前进,大声喊:妈妈,妈妈,我爱你! One two one, step by step. Go ahead and shout: Mom, Mom, I love you!

3、一枝康乃馨,一句“我爱你,妈妈”就能让母亲失去光彩的脸颊重绽灿烂笑容。 A carnation, a "I love you, Mom" can make the mother lose the glory of the cheek again brilliant smile.

4、世上只有妈妈好,没有天就没有地,没有您就没有我,谢谢您给我带来的一切一切,我爱您妈妈。 There is only mother in the world, there is no heaven and no earth, there is no me without you. Thank you for everything you bring to me. I love your mother.

5、为了天堂伟大的圣母,为了人间自己平凡的妈妈,每一个男人都应该善待和尊敬女性。 For the sake of the great Virgin of Heaven and the ordinary mother of the world, every man should treat and respect women.

6、今天是母亲节,愿你永远健康美丽;一切事情都顺心如意。没有鲜花,没有礼物,只有我深深的祝福! Today is Mother's Day. May you always be healthy and beautiful. Everything goes smoothly. No flowers, no gifts, only my deep blessings!

7、你永远是我孩子的漂亮妈妈。祝你节日快乐,心情靓足一百分。 You will always be my child's beautiful mother. I wish you a happy holiday and a good mood.

8、君子之交淡如水,所以每到节日的时候,我总不忘记对你送上一句:节日快乐。等我说完了,我才想起今天是母亲节! Gentlemen's friendship is as light as water, so every time the festival comes, I always remember to send you a sentence: Happy holidays. When I finished, I remembered that today is Mother's Day!

9、在忙吗?妈妈,儿女都已经长大,让我们好好报答,您不要总是忙这又忙那,享享清闲安度晚年。祝您母亲节快乐! Are you busy? Mother, children have grown up. Let's pay back. Don't always be busy here and there. Enjoy a quiet old age. Happy Mother's Day to you!

10、在母亲的眼中,你永远是她最爱的孩子。母亲节祝福短信,希望更多的孩子多多关心多多爱自己的父母。 In the mother's eyes, you will always be her favorite child. Mother's Day blessings message, hope that more children care more and love their parents.

11、外边风吹雨打折磨着我,屋内和煦的阳光温暖着我,因为屋内有您,我爱您妈妈! Outside the wind and rain tormented me, the warm sunshine inside warmed me, because there are you in the room, I love your mother!

12、太阳升,月儿落。慈母心,共日月。儿在千里母在家,一纸言语解千愁。最新不过母亲亲。待儿归故里,抱您比天恩! The sun rises and the moon sets. Mother's love, sun and moon. The son is at Qianli's mother's home, a piece of words to solve thousands of worries. Latest but mother's mother. When children return home, hold you more gracious than God!

13、妈妈我感谢您赐给了我生命,是您教会了我做人的道理,无论将来怎么样,我永远爱您! Mother, I thank you for giving me life. It is you who taught me how to be a man. No matter what the future may be, I will always love you.

14、妈妈,今天是一个您也许不会记得而我永远不会忘记的日子!妈妈:祝您母亲节快乐! Mom, today is a day you may not remember and I will never forget! Mom: Happy Mother's Day to you!

15、妈妈,女儿已长大,不再牵着您的衣襟,走过春秋冬夏,母亲节快乐! Mother, the daughter has grown up, no longer holding your skirt, through spring, autumn, winter and summer, happy Mother's Day!

16、妈妈,您脸上的皱纹不过是表示原来有过笑容的地方,在我心目中,您永远是最美的。祝您节日快乐,健康幸福! Mom, the wrinkles on your face are just the places where you used to smile. In my mind, you are always the most beautiful. Happy holidays, health and happiness!

17、妈妈,谢谢您,是您给了我生命。 Thank you, Mom. You gave me life.

18、妈:自从您将自己定位于贤妻良母的角色以后,就日夜操劳,以至于没有时间去理会太多的节日,祝您母亲节快乐 Mom: Since you positioned yourself as a good wife and mother, you have worked day and night, so that you have no time to attend to too many festivals. Happy Mother's Day to you.

19、希望在这特别的日子送上我特别的问候:准妈妈们,请耐心等待宝宝的出生,母亲节同样是你们的节日,节日快乐! I hope to send my special greetings on this special day: expectant mothers, please wait patiently for the birth of babies, Mother's Day is also your holiday, happy holiday!

20、康乃馨的芬芳恰似母亲的味道,安静典雅,朴实如华,如您给我的爱,细水流长,亲爱的妈妈,节日快乐! The fragrance of carnation is just like the taste of mother. It's quiet and elegant. It's simple and luxurious. Like the love you give me, the water is long, dear mother. Happy holidays!

21、思念母亲千里试问平安否?且把思念遥相寄。绵绵爱意与关怀,浓浓情意与祝福,母亲节快乐! Thousands of miles to miss my mother and ask if it is safe? And send your thoughts to each other. Continuous love and care, strong feelings and blessings, happy Mother's Day!

22、我们的母亲!是多么的伟大!我们的母亲!是多么的坚强!我们的母亲!是多么的细心! Our mother! How great! Our mother! How strong! Our mother! How careful!

23、我是从故乡屋檐下飞出的一只小鸟,每一根羽毛成长都凝结着您的深情抚爱和谆谆教导,谢谢您,母亲。 I am a bird flying out from the eaves of my hometown. Every feather grows with your affectionate caress and earnest teaching. Thank you, Mother.

24、所有杰出的非凡的人生,都有出色的母亲。所有的母亲,都是这世间最尊贵的一种种族。 All outstanding and extraordinary lives have excellent mothers. All mothers are the most noble race in the world.

25、所有的母亲,都是这世间最尊贵的一种种族。母亲是英勇无畏的,当事情涉及到她所诞生的和她所热爱的生命的时候。 All mothers are the most noble race in the world. Mother is courageous when it comes to herbirth and the life she loves.

26、最近很忙吗?很久没有收到你的消息,不知道你过得好不好。快到母亲节了,帮我向你妈妈问候一声,祝她身体健康! Have you been busy lately? I haven't heard from you for a long time. I don't know if you are well or not. It's almost Mother's Day. Help me to say hello to your mother and wish her good health.

27、有人说,世界上没有永恒的爱,我说不对,母亲永恒,她是一颗不落的星。 Some people say that there is no everlasting love in the world. I am not right. Mother is everlasting. She is an everlasting star.

28、母亲您给了我生命,而我则成了您永远的牵挂。在我无法陪伴左右的日子里,愿妈妈您每一天都平安快乐。 Mother, you gave me life, and I became your eternal concern. In the days when I can't accompany you, I wish you peace and happiness every day.

29、母亲是烦恼中的一曲古筝,当你义气消沉时,优雅的旋律一飘荡,眼前立即一片青翠。 Mother is a zither in troubles. When you are depressed in righteousness, the elegant melody flutters and green immediately before your eyes.

30、母亲是黄集中的一朵鲜花,当你落寞惆怅时,看一眼满目青翠,闻一下香沁心脾,心里得到恬适不会孤单。 Mother is a flower in Huang Ji. When you are lonely and melancholy, look at the green eyes, smell the fragrance and refresh your heart. You will not be lonely when you feel comfortable.

31、母亲节快乐、我们一起祝妈妈母亲节快乐。愿母亲每天都快快乐乐。没有烦恼的过每一天。 Happy Mother's Day. Let's wish our mothers a happy Mother's Day. May mother be happy every day. Live every day without worries.

32、母亲节,愿您永远健康,美丽;一切事情都顺心,如意。送上鲜花,送上我深深的祝福! On Mother's Day, may you always be healthy and beautiful; everything goes well and well. Send flowers, send my deep blessings!上一页12下一页

33、母爱似水净明清,亲情如花香沁心。节操高尚乐奉献,快慰如临春意馨。乐音烛光祝福您。 Mother's love is as pure as water, Ming and Qing Dynasty, and kinship is as fragrant as flowers. The virtue is noble and dedicated, and the joy is like the fragrance of the coming spring. Music candlelight bless you.

34、母爱原来是一种酒,饮了就化作思念。 Mother's love is a kind of wine, and when it is drunk, it turns into yearning.

35、母爱是明澈的山泉,洁净而碧澈。她纯而不梁真而无邪诚而无瑕,她能洗涤一切污浊。 Mother's love is a clear spring, clean and clear. She is pure but not liangzhen, sincerity and flawless, she can wash all the dirt.

36、牡丹朵朵红,芳草处处香,灯火点点明,写下浓浓情,母亲节将临,天气时无常,希望母亲享安康,祝福母亲寿绵长! Peony blossoms red, fragrant grass everywhere incense, lights lit, write down the strong feelings, Mother's Day will be approaching, the weather is changeable, I hope that mother enjoys well-being, wishing her mother a long life!

37、虽然你有时不免有些罗嗦,还有些脾气,但我还是认为,你是我心目中最好的妻子,孩子最好的妈妈。 Although you are sometimes a bit verbose and temperamental, I still think that you are the best wife in my mind and the best mother of my children.

38、轻轻一声问安,将我心中的祝福化作阳光般的温暖,永恒地留在您眼中您心中。 With a gentle greeting, my blessings will be transformed into sunny warmth and remain in your eyes forever.
