1、一片白茫茫,大树披上了银装,小草穿上一件件小棉袄。 A vast expanse of white, trees covered with silver, grass put on a small cotton padded jacket.
2、今夜的雪,像回忆中的星星、萤火虫、蒲公英,还像梦中的梨花。 The snow tonight is like the stars, fireflies, dandelions in memory, and pear flowers in dreams.
3、今夜的雪,虽,凉了我的心,但,深了我的记忆。 Tonight's snow, although, cool my heart, but, deep my memory.
4、你瞧,时而盘旋时而纷飞,时而相竞逐追奔的雪花是多么的兴奋。 You see, sometimes circling, sometimes flying, sometimes competing, chasing snow is how excited.
5、冬夜,美。晴朗的夜晚,月亮不怕冷,依然圆缺有序,张弛有度。 Winter night, beautiful. On a clear night, the moon is not afraid of cold, it is still round and orderly, and has a degree of relaxation.
6、冬天像美丽的少女,亭亭玉立,楚楚动人。 Winter is like a beautiful girl, graceful and charming.
7、冬天的雪是美丽的、有爱心的、调皮的,我喜欢冬天的雪。 Winter snow is beautiful, loving and naughty. I like winter snow.
8、冬日的阳光,如溪水般绵绵缠缠,悠悠然然,只要一点,便足矣。 The sunshine in winter is as long as a stream.
9、冬日里的阳光很暖很暖,即使在严寒的冬天也会有温暖。 The sunshine in winter is very warm, even in the cold winter.
10、冬是秃枝,孤独:冬是枯叶情深:冬是梅花,坚强:冬是白雪,纯洁。 Winter is bald, lonely: winter is dead leaves, deep love: winter is plum, strong: winter is snow, pure.
11、冬雨总是很吝啬,不想让大地得到雨的洗刷。 Winter rain is always very stingy, do not want to let the earth get rain wash.
12、初冬的早晨,是冰冷的,是美丽的,也是奇妙的。 The early winter morning is cold, beautiful and wonderful.
13、啊!今天的雪景,是我看到的最美丽的雪景了。 Ah! Today's snow scene is the most beautiful one I have ever seen.
14、夜晚的冬天少了几许热闹与活泼,却增添了几分宁静与安然。 The winter at night is less lively and lively, but more peaceful and peaceful.
15、大片大片的雪花像千万只白蝴蝶漫天飞舞,奇妙极了! The snowflakes are like thousands of white butterflies flying all over the sky. It's wonderful!
16、干枯发黄的小草们,在刺骨寒风的吹拂下,显得奄奄一息。 The withered and yellow grasses are dying under the biting wind.
17、我们迎走了丰收的秋姑娘,而冬妹妹伴着轻快的步伐来到了我们身边。 We welcome away the harvest of autumn girl, and winter sister with a brisk pace came to us.
18、树枝上那一簇一簇的积雪,就像一朵朵白云一样,好看极了。 Clusters of snow on the branches, just like clouds, are very beautiful.
19、看,雪花越下越大,不一会儿,整座城市就成了雪的世界。 Look, the snowflakes are falling bigger and bigger. In a short time, the whole city will become a world of snow.
20、空中,晶莹的雪花像轻盈的玉蝴蝶在翩翩起舞。 In the air, crystal clear snowflakes are dancing like light jade butterflies.
21、虽然,冬天的夜晚是那么冷,那么静,但是我还是很喜欢冬天的夜晚。 Although, winter night is so cold, so quiet, but I still like winter night.
22、走在雪地里,像踩在棉花上,像走在迷茫的白海中。 Walking in the snow, like stepping on cotton, like walking in the confused white sea.
23、这年冬天,地都冻裂了缝,小北风像刀子似的猛刮,大雪满天飞。 This winter, the ground was cracked, the north wind was blowing like a knife, and the snow was flying all over the sky.
24、透过窗户向外看,外边一片银白,鹅毛大雪漫天飞舞。 Looking out of the window, it's silver and snowy.
25、那年冬天,那个冷呀,把人冻得鼻酸头疼,两脚就像两块冰。 That winter, it was so cold that it made my nose ache and headache. My feet were like two pieces of ice.
26、那雪花洁白如絮,在地上,像一床洁白的棉被,给大地妈妈来取暖。 The snowflakes are as white as wadding, on the ground, like a white quilt, to warm mother earth.
27、那飘飘洒洒的雪花像鹅毛,像柳絮,给天地之间织起了一张白色的网。 The floating snowflakes, like goose feathers and catkins, weave a white net between heaven and earth.
28、雪就如一个姑娘一般,纯洁且无瑕,美丽且美好。 Snow is like a girl, pure and flawless, beautiful and beautiful.
29、雪悄无声息地飘起来了,雪花起初并不大,像一片片的羽毛飘落下来。 The snow floated up quietly. The snowflakes were not big at first, like pieces of feathers falling down.
30、雪终于停了,茫茫的田野一片雪白,房舍群山披上了银装。 The snow finally stopped, the vast fields were white, and the houses were covered with silver.
31、雪花有着六边的形状,一根一根剔透分明。 Snowflakes have the shape of six sides, one by one clear.
32、雪花纷纷扬扬地飘落下来,给大地披上了一件白色的外衣。 Snowflakes are falling down, giving the earth a white coat.
33、雪越下越大,从一点点变成一团团,似从天上撒下来了棉花团。 More and more snow, from a little bit into a ball, like cotton from the sky down.
34、雪越下越大,片刻后雪花如鹅毛一般四处飘洒,漫天飞舞。 The snow is falling more and more. After a moment, the snowflakes are flying around like goose feathers.
35、雪,冬之精灵,纯粹的洁白,纤尘不染,美得自然,而又超凡脱俗。 Snow, the spirit of winter, is pure white, spotless, beautiful, natural, and extraordinary.
36、雪,它们手拉手,把世界装扮成一片银装素裹的天地。 Snow, they hand in hand, the world dressed up as a world of silver.
37、雪,是你净化了大自然,也净化了我的心灵。 Snow, you purify the nature, but also purify my heart.
38、雪,是冬天的使者,它送走了秋姐姐,迎来了冬姑娘。 Snow is the emissary of winter. It sends off sister Qiu and ushers in winter girl.
39、雪,洁白而晶莹,像仙女撒下凡间的花瓣,给了我们一个纯洁的世界。 Snow, white and crystal clear, like the petals of a fairy, gives us a pure world.
40、雪,洁白而美丽;雪,神奇的东西;雪,是晶莹的。 Snow, white and beautiful; snow, magical things; snow, is crystal clear.