1、不喊痛,不一定没感觉,是痛太深,淹没了所有的回声。 Don't shout pain, not necessarily not feeling, is the pain is too deep, flooded all the echo.

2、不如意的时候不要尽往悲伤里钻,想想有笑声的日子吧。 Don't try to be sad when you are unhappy, think about the days with laughter.

3、不洗澡的人,硬擦香水是不会香的。名声与尊贵,是来自于真才实学的。有德自然香。 Do not take a bath, hard to rub perfume is not sweet. And distinguished reputation from true skill and genuine knowledge. Natural incense.

4、不要为旧悲伤浪费新的眼泪。 Don't waste your new tears for the old sorrow.

5、不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。 Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened。

6、不要在你心情不好或者愤怒的时候做决定,因为这样的决定永远是错的。 Don't make decisions when you are in a bad mood or angry, because it is always wrong.

7、不要在流眼泪的时候做任何决定,情绪负面的时候说话越少越好。 Don't make any decisions when you are in tears.

8、不要觉得自己很不幸,世界上比我们更苦的人还很多。 Don't feel bad about yourself. There are many more people in the world who are more bitter than us.

9、不要跟一个人和他议论同一个圈子里的人,不管你认为他有多可靠。 Don't talk to someone about the same circle of people, no matter how reliable you think he is.

10、世上并没有用来鼓励工作努力的赏赐,所有的赏赐都只是被用来奖励工作成果的。 The world has not been used to encourage the efforts of the work of the reward, all the reward is only used to reward the results of the work.

11、世上没有绝望的处境只有对处境绝望的人。 There is no desperate situation in the world, only those who despair of the situation.

12、为什么一次次的心痛,却还是不知悔改的想继续,只是一点点的不甘心,竟变得这么贪心。 Why the heartache again and again, but still do not want to continue to repent, just a little reluctant, actually become so greedy.

13、为什么要让别人来评价自己的快乐程度,把握好自己。 Why let others to evaluate their own happiness, to grasp their own.

14、人生没有彩排,每天都是直播;不仅收视率低,而且工资不高。 Life is not a rehearsal, every day is broadcast; not only low ratings, but wages are not high.

15、人生的苦闷有二,一是欲望没有被满足,二是它得到了满足。 There are two kinds of depression in life, one is that the desire is not satisfied, the other is that it is satisfied with the two.

16、以诚感人者,人亦诚而应。 To be sincere and moving, people should also be sincere.

17、你不要一直不满人家,你应该一直检讨自己才对。不满人家,是苦了你自己。 You should not always dissatisfied with others, you should always review their own right. Dissatisfaction with others, you are bitter.

18、你的生命不再只属于你自己 Your life no longer belongs to you, but to all who love you!

19、你给我一滴眼泪,我就看到了你心中全部的海洋。 You give me a drop of tears, I saw your heart all the oceans.

20、你走的那天,我决定不掉泪,迎着风撑着眼帘用力不眨眼。 The day you left, I decided not to tears, against the wind and not to blink of an eye.

21、先知三日,富贵十年。 Prophet three, riches and honour for ten years.

22、光看别人的脸色,自己还活不活,拥有自我,又不囿于自我。 At the other people, oneself also live, have a self, and is not limited by self.

23、内心没有分别心,就是真正的苦行。 Don't have a heart, that is true asceticism.

24、分手了就做回自己,一个人的世界同样有月升月落,也有美丽的瞬间,把他归为记忆。 Break up to do back to himself, a person's world also has amonth to rise and fall, there is a beautiful moment, put him into memory.

25、因为深爱,所以无语;因为懂得,所以宽容;因为想保存一份美好,所以选择遗忘。 Because of love, so no language; because understand, so tolerant; because want to save a good, so choose to forget.

26、在人生的大海中,我们虽然不能把握风的大小,却可以调整帆的方向。 In the sea of life, although we can not grasp the size of the wind, but you can adjust the direction of the sail.

27、在前进的路上,主动搬开别人脚下的绊脚石,有时往往也是为自己铺路。 On the way to actively move others at the foot of a stumbling block, paving the way for yourself sometimes.

28、在泪水中浸泡过的微笑最灿烂,从迷惘中走出来的灵魂最清醒。 The most brilliant smile soaked in tears, the soul of the most out of the confusion.

29、多谢你的绝情,让我学会死心。 Thank you for your unfeeling, let me learn to forget.

30、好心态才有好状态。 A good state of mind.

31、对于沙漠中的旅行者,最可怕的不是眼前无尽的荒漠,而是心中没有绿洲。 To the traveler in the desert, the most terrible thing is not the endless desert, but no oasis in the heart.

32、已经抬不起头了,好想躺下来好好休息,觉得一切可以慢慢来。 I can't lift my head, I want to lie down and have a good rest.

33、幸福不会遗漏任何人,迟早有一天它会找到你。 Happiness will not miss anyone, sooner or later it will find you.

34、幸福之家,就是吵架声比邻居低一些的家庭。 A happy home is a family with a few quarrels.

35、幸福是种感觉,不知足,永不会幸福。 Happiness is a feeling, not content, never happy.

36、当你不知道和他说什么的时候,那就什么也不要说,沉默有无限种含义。 When you don't know what to say to him,don't say anything.

37、当你再也没有什么可以失去的时候,就是你开始得到的时候。 When you have nothing to lose, it's time to start.

38、当你感到悲哀痛苦时,最好是去学些什么东西。学习会使你永远立于不败之地。 When you feel sad and painful, it is best to learn something. Learning will make you invincible forever.

39、当你知道迷惑时,并不可怜,当你不知道迷惑时,才是最可怜的。 When you know the confusion, not poor, when you do not know the confusion, is the most pathetic.

40、心中有恶,就会心神不宁,去恶念。 Evil, the hearts will be hung up to evil.

41、快乐一天是一天、痛苦一天是一天、没必要苦着脸过日子。生气生一会儿就够了。 A happy day is a day, a day is a day, there is no need to face life. Angry for a while is enough.

42、快乐,不是永恒的;痛苦,也不是永恒的。 Happiness is not eternal, it is not eternal.

43、总有一些句子,会滴墨成伤;总有一个人,会在记忆里站成永恒。There are always some sentences, will drop into the wound; there is always a person, will stand in the memory of eternity.

44、成功者绝不放弃放弃者绝不成功。 Winners never give up.

45、我不想像现在这样被数理化压垮,因为成绩而丢失存在感,变成一个机械且复杂的人。 I don't think now is math down, because the results and loss of sense of presence, become a mechanical and complex person.

46、我们始终都在练习微笑,终于变成不敢哭的人。 We have been practicing smiling,and finally become a person who can not cry.

47、我发现自己挺可怜的,没有人疼没有人懂也没有人爱,孤孤单单一个人走着。 I find myself very poor, no one hurts no one knows no one love, lonely alone.

48、我总在抱怨自己没鞋子穿,直到有一天,我遇到了一个没有脚的人。 I was always complaining that I had no shoes, until one day, I met a man who had no feet.

49、我想开了看开了放手了,有一丝快乐,有一丝苦笑,却还是那么的舍不得。 I'd like to have a look to let go, there is a joy, with a wry smile, but still so reluctant.

50、我放下了尊严,放下了个性,放下了固执,都只是因为放不下你。 I put down the dignity, put down the character, put down the stubborn, just because you can not let go.

51、或许,转身是为了忘却,可是,转过身,却发觉,有一种撕心裂肺叫做思念。 Perhaps, turn to forget, but turned around, but found that there is a piercing called miss.

52、把你的脸迎向阳光,那就不会有阴影。 Turn your face to the sunshine, and there will be no shadow.

53、既然爱,为什么不说出口,有些东西失去了,就在也回不来了! Since love, why not say exports, some things lost,they can not come back!

54、旧的不去新的不来! The old do not go new!

55、时光没有教会我任何东西,却教会了我不要轻易去相信神话。 Time has not taught me anything, but has taught me not to be easy to believe the myth.

56、时间总会过去的,让时间流走你的烦恼吧! Time will pass, let time flow away your troubles!

57、最好的节约是珍惜时间,最大的浪费是虚度年华。 The best save is to cherish the time, is the biggest waste of time.

58、有开始的东西是总有一天会结束的东西。 There is something that begins with the end of the day.

59、有时候分开是最好的决定。 Sometimes separation is the best decision.

60、有时候,我们明明原谅了那个人,却无法真正快乐起来,那是因为,你忘了原谅自己。 Sometimes, we forgive the person, but can not really happy, it is because you forget to forgive yourself.

61、毁灭人只要一句话,培植一个人却要千句话,请你多口下留情。 Destruction of people as long as a word, but a thousand words to cultivate a person, please watch your tongue.

62、混乱生起的地方,也是宁静生起的地方。透过智慧,哪里有混乱,哪里就有宁静。 The place where chaos is born is also the place where peace is born. Through wisdom, where there is confusion, there is peace.

63、烦恼中光阴也虚度了,笑对人生。 Trouble in the time is wasted, smile to life.

64、生气是拿别人做错的事来惩罚自己。 Angry is to take others to do something wrong to punish yourself.

65、生活的最大悲剧不是失败,而是一个人已经习惯于失败。 The great tragedy of life is not the failure, but the failure of a man to get used to it.

66、男人哭了,是因为他真的爱了;女人哭了,是因为她真得放弃了。 The man cried, because he really love; woman cry, because she really had to give up.

67、红尘画卷,画得是谁的生死之恋?最后却只能守着那不变的容颜,一守就是一千年。 The red painted scroll, who is the love of life and death? Finally can only keep the same appearance, a guard is one thousand years.

68、结束以后别告诉他我恨你,因为,爱情是两个人的事,错过了大家都有责任。 Do not tell him that I hate you, because love is a matter of two people, miss everyone has a responsibility.

69、缘分像一本书。翻的不经意会错过童话,读得太认真又会流干眼泪。 Fate is like a book. Turn the casual will miss the fairy tale, read too seriously and tears.

70、能为别人设想的人,永远不寂寞。 Who can imagine for others, never lonely.上一页12下一页

71、能够说出的委屈,便不算委屈;能够抢走的爱人,便不算爱人。 To be able to say the grievance, it will not be wronged; to take away the lover, it is not a lover.

72、若能一切随他去,便是世间自在人。 If all can go with him, then the world is free.

73、获得朋友的唯一之道,是自己主动去做别人的朋友。 The only way to get a friend is to be a friend.

74、蚁穴虽小,溃之千里。 Nest is small, the collapse of a thousand miles.

75、让烦恼心事见鬼去吧,先开心一乐。 Let the troubles go to hell, first happy.

76、让生活的句号圈住的人,是无法前时半步的。 Let life periods around people, is unable to reach a half step.

77、说谎的人必须有很好的记忆力。 Liars must have a good memory.

78、过去的一页,能不翻就不要翻,翻落了灰尘会迷了双眼。 The last page, can not turn, do not turn, turn over the dust will be lost in the eyes.

79、这不是最糟糕的事,一切都邑畴昔的!但愿你快点好起来! This is not the worst thing, everything will be past! I hope you get better soon!

80、鸟儿美在羽毛,人们美在勤劳。 The birds are beautiful, the people are beautiful.
