1、一场雨后,草丛里的野花探出头来了。 After a rain, the heads of wild flowers in the grass were sticking out.

2、一朵朵盛开的野花,争先恐后睁开眼睛。 One after another in full bloom of wild flowers, competing to open their eyes.

3、一朵朵荷花,如少女一样羞答答在夜色中盛开。 One after another lotus, like a girl in full bloom in the night.

4、一颗颗晶莹剔透的露珠连在一起,像一串精美的珍珠链。 One after another crystal clear dewdrops connected together, like a string of exquisite pearl chain.

5、五点左右,艳丽的蔷薇欢快的绽开了笑脸。 Around five o'clock, the gorgeous rose bloomed happily with a smile.

6、五颜六色的小野花在碧绿的草地上欢笑着。 Colorful small wild flowers are laughing on the green grass.

7、兰花,既不妖艳,不与百花争艳,又不炫耀,独自默默孤傲。 Orchid, neither coquettish, do not compete with flowers, and do not show off, alone silent proud.

8、又是一年秋风落叶,人去楼空,还有多少春秋经得起等待! It is a year of autumn wind and fallen leaves, empty, how many spring and autumn can stand waiting!

9、向日葵满脸笑容的看着自己的同伴,高兴的笑了。 Sunflower looks at his companion with a smile on his face and smiles happily.

10、周围的大山像一幅五颜六色的花布。 Around the mountains like a colorful cloth.

11、啊!百合花不仅好看,而且坚强用途还多。我喜欢它。 Ah! Lily is not only good-looking, but also strong, and has many uses. I like it.

12、在青海高原上,蓝蓝的湖水平静的像一块碧玉,透明极了。 On the Qinghai Plateau, the blue lake is calm like a piece of Jasper, extremely transparent.

13、墙角的梅花在跳着优美的舞蹈。 The plum blossom in the corner is dancing beautifully.

14、夏天,盛开的荷花像一个个亭亭玉立的少女,美丽极了。 In summer, the lotus in full bloom is like a beautiful girl.

15、夏日雨后,荷花向着太阳展开笑脸。 After the summer rain, lotus faces the sun with a smile.

16、山脚下的片片高粱,像一片红色的海洋。 At the foot of the mountain, pieces of sorghum, like a red sea.

17、广玉兰总是绽放出最灿烂的笑容。 Magnolia grandiflora always blooms the most brilliant smile.

18、广阔无际的沙漠,就像大海一样无边无际,一眼望不到尽头! The vast and boundless desert, just like the sea, has no end at all!

19、早晨,大雪飘舞的冬,街道上空空的,这好像是雪的天堂。 In the morning, the snowy winter, the streets are empty, this seems to be the paradise of snow.

20、春天像一位画家,尽情地挥动着画笔,打扮着祖国各地。 A painter is waving his brush all over the country.

21、春天是一个优美的舞蹈,让世界充满微笑。 Spring is a beautiful dance that makes the world smile.

22、春天是一首美妙的乐曲,让世界充满音符。 Spring is a wonderful music that fills the world with notes.

23、春天来了,花园里的花争先恐后地去参加春天的盛会。 Spring is coming, the flowers in the garden rush to attend the Spring Festival.

24、春天,花儿舒展开花瓣伸了一个懒腰。 In spring, the flowers spread and the petals stretched.

25、春风吹,杏花不甘示弱地与百花争芳斗艳。 The spring breeze blows, the apricot flower does not want to be outdone to compete with the hundred flowers.

26、晚上,星星眨着眼睛,梅花也把自己的眼睛睁大了。 At night, stars blink, plum blossom also opened their eyes.

27、月季化像害羞的女孩,微笑着朝人们点头致意。 Rose like a shy girl, smiling and nodding to people.

28、月季花像害羞的女孩,微笑着朝人们点头致意。 Rose like a shy girl, smiling and nodding to people.

29、杜鹃花在春风到来时,笑的腰都弯了。 When the spring breeze comes, the cuckoo's waist is bent with laughter.

30、杜鹃花开千万朵,唯有此株见犹怜。 There are thousands of rhododendrons in bloom, but this one is still pitying.

31、枫叶嫣红,如美丽女子纤细的手,招招遥遥,惹人心动。 The maple leaves are bright red, such as the delicate hands of a beautiful woman. The movements are far away, attracting people's hearts.

32、柳树枝轻轻地向我挥着手儿,欢迎我来这里参观。 Willow branch gently waved to me, welcome me to visit here.

33、桂花姐姐绽开了她那美丽的笑脸。 Osmanthus sister opened her beautiful smile.

34、桂花开了,绽开灿烂的笑容,迎风舞蹈。 Sweet scented osmanthus is in bloom, with a bright smile and dancing in the wind.

35、桂花跳着美丽的舞蹈从树上飘落下来。 Sweet scented osmanthus is dancing beautifully and falling from the tree.

36、洁白无瑕的桂花在风中跳着悠扬的舞蹈飘然而下。 The pure and flawless Osmanthus fragrans fluttered down with melodious dance in the wind.

37、海棠树上露出了一个又一个粉红色的小脑袋。 Begonia trees exposed one after another pink small head.

38、海棠花慢慢睁开了眼欣赏这世界的万紫千红。 Begonia flowers slowly opened their eyes to appreciate the colorful world.

39、玉兰花揭开了脸上的面纱,向我们笑了起来。 Magnolia opened the veil on her face and laughed at us.

40、玫瑰花在太阳出来的时候悄悄的笑了。 The rose smiles quietly when the sun comes out.

41、玫瑰花带着少女般的羞涩缓缓开放。 The rose opens slowly with girlish shyness.

42、白霜在树叶上发亮,像是在绿底上绣着银白的锦绣。 The white frost shines on the leaves, as if embroidered with silver and white on the green background.

43、盛开的桃花像是一片片胭脂,又像是一团团云霞。 Peach blossom in full bloom is like a piece of rouge, but also like a group of clouds.

44、秋像强壮的青年,用胳膊撑起蓝天,为我们开辟新路。 Autumn, like a strong youth, holds up the blue sky with his arms and opens up a new road for us.

45、秋天的落叶像一支支黄色蝴蝶,振动翅膀,*飞翔。 Autumn leaves like a yellow butterfly, vibration wings, free flight.

46、秋风活蹦乱跳地驰聘过田野,田野里的一切都变成了金黄色。 Autumn wind galloped across the field, everything in the field turned golden.

47、绽放的腊梅傲立在冰雪中,那是在教我们顽强。 Blooming wintersweet stands in the ice and snow, which is to teach us tenacity.

48、艳丽的月季花好似一个个女孩跳着孔雀舞一样美丽。 The beautiful rose flowers are as beautiful as the peacock dance of girls.

49、花儿盛开了,花蕊探出头来,露出了笑脸。 The flowers are in full bloom, and the stamens stick out their heads and smile.

50、花瓣白若羊脂,形若象牙,洁白透明,玲珑剔透。 The petals are as white as lanolin and ivory in shape. They are white and transparent and exquisite.

51、蓬莱,真是一个美丽的地方。我爱这里的一切。 Penglai is really a beautiful place. I love everything here.

52、路旁开满了向我们招手的花儿。 The roadside was full of flowers waving to us.

53、路旁的野花像年轻的姑娘一样含苞待放,露出了美丽的笑脸。 Roadside wild flowers like young girls in bud, showing a beautiful smile.

54、迎风,浅嗅花香初夏的微风拂过脸庞,微微吹乱了我的发丝。 Facing the wind, shallow smell of flowers, the early summer breeze swept my face, slightly disordered my hair.

55、远处,一座座山峰峰谷相连,绿树覆盖,像翻着巨浪的大海。 In the distance, mountains and valleys are connected, covered with green trees, like a sea with huge waves.

56、那一朵朵盛开的牡丹花迎着风儿就象在跳舞。 The Peony Blossoming like dancing in the wind.

57、金黄的油菜花苍老了容颜。 The golden rape flower looks old.

58、金黄的油菜花萎蔫了,耷拉着脑袋。 The golden rape flowers withered and their heads drooped.

59、雨中草色绿堪染,水上桃花红欲然。 The grass is green in the rain, and the peach blossom is red on the water.

60、雨后,天空中出现了一道彩虹,宛如一座彩桥悬在上空。 After the rain, a rainbow appeared in the sky, like a color bridge hanging in the sky.