1、一个人害怕孤独, A person afraid of loneliness, two people afraid betray.
2、一个人,如果不坚强,软弱给谁看? A person, if not strong, weak to see who?
3、不要伤我的心,因为里面住的是你。 Don't break my heart, because there live is you.
4、不要再隐身了,我知道你在躲着我。 Don't stealth, I know you hide me in.
5、不要指望别人,有时候还是靠自己。 Don't count on others, or sometimes on your own.
6、与其天天伤心,不如用微笑面对明天。 Rather than sad, every day with a smile to face tomorrow.
7、世界上再好的都不要,因为我有你。 It is a good in the world is not, because I have you.
8、人不怕死,但是最怕不知道怎么活。 People are not afraid dead, but the most afraid of don't know how to live.
9、仅以你消逝的一面,足够我享用一生。 Only with your dying of the light side, enough to enjoy my life.
10、他伤害了你,但你的心还是爱他的。 He hurt you, but your heart still love him.
11、他身边太过拥挤,我怎敢一往靠近。 To him is too crowded, I dare to close to.
12、你嘴角30度的微笑,百度搜索不到。 30 degrees of your corners of the mouth smile, baidu search less than.
13、你在我后半生的城市里,长生不老。 The city you are in my life, forever.Don't say you still remember me, don't say you forget me.
14、你是我的太阳,是我遥不可及的光。 You are my sun, my distant light.
15、你是我的氧气,缺失了你我无法呼吸。 You are my oxygen, missing you and I can't breathe.
16、你的女人不一般,一般女人没法比。 You of the woman is not general, general can't than women.
17、你的柔情似水,几度让莪爱的沉醉。 Your gentle, just a few degrees let me drunk of love.
18、你给我的幸福,我会永远记在心里。 You give my happiness, I'll keep that in mind forever.
19、你说过的承诺,一个个回头嘲笑我。 You said commitment, one by one back to laugh at me.
20、关于我的世界,目前你没有拜访权。 About my world, now you have no right to visit.
21、其实,你并不知道在我心中你最美。 In fact, you don't know you inmy heart the most beautiful.
22、再辉煌也要落幕,再不舍也要离开。 Brilliant will end again, don't also want to leave.
23、冬天还没有来,我感到刺骨的寒冷。 Winter has not come yet, I feel the biting cold.
25、别问我缺什么。我现在就缺个对象。 Don't ask me what is missing. I now is lack of an object.
26、刻意去找的东西,往往是找不到的。 Deliberately to find things, often can't find.
27、可曾信你真心,你想让我信你几分。 Did you ever believe you sincerely, you want me to believe you.
28、唯美的爱情,是背后沧海桑田的故事。 Beautiful love, is the passage of the story behind.
29、女友一说想我,我就知道她又饿了。 My girlfriend said to me, I knew she was hungry.
30、如果可以重来,我会为你放弃一切。 If can be heavy to, I'll give up everything for you.
31、就把我当空气吧,起码你还需要我。 Put me when the air, at least you still need me.
32、就算全世界离开你,还有一个我来陪。 Even if the world leave you, there is a to accompany me.
33、就算心痛的死掉,也不要停止微笑。 Even if the heartache of die, don't stop smiling.
34、尴尬的时候、哭不想哭,笑不像笑。 Awkward moment, cry, don't want to cry, smile don't like smile.
35、幸福是用心体会,不是用身体交会。 Happiness is felt, not with the body.
36、幸福的背后,有个执着爱我的男人。 Behind the happiness, there is a persistent love my man.
37、我一个也没有忘记,却没有人记得我。 I don't have a forget, but no one remember me.
38、我不会主动,所以你不要纹丝不动。 I will not active, so you don't still.
39、我丑到灵魂深处,姑娘你可还爱我? Ugly in the depths of the soul, I miss you but still love me?
40、我也会撒娇,只是那个人还未出现。 I only will play the woman, the man had been there.
41、我也许不完美,但我一直在做自己。 I may not be perfect, but I have been doing myself.
42、我只是习惯了有你,并不是缺你不可。 I just used to have you, is not short of you.
43、我只有一刻会温柔,但是被狗吃了。 I only will tender for the moment, was eaten by the dog.
44、我宁愿更爱自己,不要把我的爱给你。 I prefer to love yourself more, don't give my love to you.
45、我希望找到一个,担心失去我的人。 I hope to find a fear of losing my people.
46、我想为你奋不顾身,可是你看不到。 I want to throw for you, but you can't see.
47、我想到你世界冒险,心就是入场弧 I think of you the world adventure, the heart is admission coupons.
48、我懂了,你的离去不会再困扰着我。 I understand, you leave won't be bothering me.
49、我的生命里不是朋友,便是陌生人。 Mylife is not a friend, is a stranger.
50、把你的难过全都给我,我要你快乐。 Give me all your sad, I want you to happiness.
51、指间流失的青春、回忆中的不老年华。 Refers to the loss of youth, memories of old time.
52、捂住胸口告诉自己,那里曾经住过他。 Over her heart told myself, where he once lived.
53、明明很喜欢你,却非得压制在心里。 Clearly very like you, but you have to suppress in mind.
54、最爱你的人是我,你怎么舍得我难过。 Love your person is me, how can you make me cry.上一页12下一页
55、月光依旧是清幽,只是多了一抹黯淡。 The moonlight is still beautiful, more than just a bleak.
56、有些感情,时间越长,越容易贬值。 Some feelings, the longer, the easier it is.
57、没收了我的童年,涂抹了我的天真。 Confiscated my childhood, the apply of my innocence.
58、没有什么,可以永垂不朽,比如爱情。 Have no what, can be immortal, such as love.
59、点点荣光数落了繁华,散不尽秋思。 Cursing the busy little glory, endless autumn thoughts.
60、爱可以简简单单,但不能随随便便。 Love can be simple, but can casually.
61、爱或被爱都是一种需要,一种缺乏。 To love or be loved is a kind of need, a lack of.
62、爱错了人,就是毁了自己的一辈子。 Love the wrong person, is ruined his life.
63、牵手唱因为爱情,那一刻我很幸福。 Hand in hand to sing for love, the moment I am very happy.
64、生来孤独,却渴望拥抱相似的灵魂。 Born alone, but is eager to embrace a similar soul.
65、用我有限的生命,给你无限的喜欢。 With my limited life, unlimited love for you.
66、白首不相离,这也是我对你的承诺。 Whitehead not and mutually leave, this is my promise to you.
67、真正的我没办法伪造,即使是糟糕。 Really I can't fake, even worse.
68、离开不代表伤害,泪水中回叙缠绵。 Leave does not mean to harm, HuiXu lingering in tears.
69、给不了你要的幸福,所以选择退出。 Can't give you want happiness, so choose to leave.
70、花心碎,叶落散,花飞花落花灿烂。 Flower heart, leaves fall, flowers fly out.
71、若要我离去,给我一个放弃的理由。 If want me to leave, give me a reason to give up.
72、讨厌一个人的话,从头到脚都会厌恶。 Hate a person, will from head to foot.
73、谁把谁真的当真,谁为谁真的疼爱。 Who put the who really seriously, who is who really love.
74、谁没有心碎,谁没有一点点的愚昧。 Who have no heart, who were not a little foolish.
75、谁能爱你比我深,感情不能两头分。 Deep, who can love you more than my feelings can't two points.
76、走私货的爱情我想触碰但又怕受伤。 Contraband love I want to touch but again afraid hurt.
77、还是孩子,何必把一切看的那么透。 As a child, why put all look so thoroughly.
78、还记得那次,你说,别担心,有我。 Do you remember the time, you say, don't worry, have me.
79、退一步并不是认输,我也有我的风度。 Take a step back and not give up, I also have my manners.
80、遇到成千上万的人,最后只剩下你。 Meet thousands of people, finally only you.
81、那些零碎的回忆,渐渐失去了方向。 The fragmentary memories, gradually lost direction.
82、酒逢知己千杯少。话不投机半句多。 Even thousand cups little. Lovers more than half sentence.