1、“沙漠”,这里一个多么令人无奈的比喻,然而生活又却是如此,我们无时不刻处在“沙漠”的包围之中。 "Desert", what a helpless metaphor here, but life is so, we arealways surrounded by "desert".

2、不死欲望,是疲惫生活中的英雄梦想。 The desire to die is a heroic dream in a tired life.

3、与你年轻的时候相比,我更喜欢你现在备受摧残的容颜。 When I was younger than you, I like your face now.

4、人一开始回忆,就已经开始变老了。 People begin to grow old when they begin to remember.

5、今天这份悲哀,我认为它是与生俱来来,我几乎可以把我的名字转给它,因为它和我那么相像,那么难解难分。 Today's sadness, I think, is innate, and I can almost pass my name on to it, because it is so similar to me, so hard to separate.

6、从我一见到他,我便明白我会再一次失去他。 From the moment I saw him, I knew I would lose him again.

7、他一向坐在后面,他那模样依稀可见,一动不动,沮丧颓唐。 He was always sitting in the back. His appearance was dimly visible, motionless and depressed.

8、他们彼此*起来,沉陷在恐惧之中,随后,恐惧消散,他们在泪水、失望、幸福中屈服于恐惧。 They sealed off each other, sank in fear, and then the fear dissipated. They yielded to fear in tears, disappointment, and happiness.

9、他对她说,和过去一样,他依然爱她,他根本不能不爱她,他说他爱她将一直爱到他死。 He told her that he still loved her as he had always loved her. He could not help but love her. He said he would love her until he died.

10、他对她说,和过去一样,他依然爱她,至死不渝。 Hetold her that, as in the past, he still loved her until she died.

11、他的微笑不带一丝惭愧,而且没有任何悲伤,只带着一份难以抑制的纯真。 He smiled without a trace of shame, and without any sorrow, with only an unrestraining innocence.

12、他的皮肤透出丝绸的气息,带柞丝绸的果香味,黄金的气味。 His skin was full of silks, with the fruit aroma of oak silk and the smell of gold.

13、他给她打来电话。是我。她一听那声音,就听出是他。他说:我仅仅想听听你的声音。她说:是我,你好。 He called her. It's me. When she heard the voice, she recognized him. He said, "I just want to hear your voice." She said, "Hello, I am."

14、他说:不管是真爱还是不爱,心里总要感到慌乱,总是害怕的。 He said: whether it is true love or not, always feel confused and always afraid.

15、你年轻时很美丽,身边有许多追求者,不过跟那时相比,我更喜欢你经历了沧桑的容颜。 You were beautiful when you were young, and you had a lot of pursuers around you, but compared with that time, I like your face after all the vicissitudes.

16、你无时无刻不是我身边的那个完整的你。无论你在做什么,无论是离我遥远还是在我近旁,你都是我的希望。 You are not the perfect person around me all the time. No matter what you aredoing, whether it is away from me or near me, you are my hope.

17、后来他不知再和她说什么了。后来,他把这意思也对她讲了。他对她说,和过去一样,他依然爱她,他根本不能不爱她,他说他爱她将一直爱到他死。 Later he did not know what to say to her again. Later, he told her the meaning. He told her that he still loved her as he had always loved her. He could not help but love her. He said he would love her until he died.

18、向往生活的幸福尽管那么强烈,也不可能完全分散她的这种绝望。 The desire for happiness in life, though so intense, can not completely distract her from despair.

19、在我很年轻时,一切已经太迟。 When I was very young, it was too late.

20、在我母亲穿着红衫裙的照片上显现出来的就是这种神情,也就是他们那种神态,那样一种风姿,有人也许说是高贵,有人大概认为是个性全无。 That's the way my mother looks in a picture of her in a red dress, the way they look, the way some might say noble, some might think personality is nothing.上一页12下一页

21、在河上雾蒙蒙的阳光下,烈日炎炎,河两岸仿佛隐没不见,大河像是与远天相接。河水流滚滚向前,寂无声息,如同血液在人体里周流。 In the foggy sunshine on the river, the sun was burning, the banks of the river seemed invisible, the river seemed to connect with the distant sky. The river is rolling forward and silent, like blood flowing in the human body.

22、在生活在压迫下,在贫穷的奴役下,你难道还要他们全都长成圣人一般吗?他们身上所有的丑恶,都是源自这个畸形的社会和畸形的生活,我们无可摘择。 Under the oppression of life and under the slavery of poverty, do you want them all to grow into saints? All their ugliness is due to this deformed society and deformed life, and we have no choice.

23、在这地方,人们什么都不知道,只是张望着森林,空空等待、哭泣。 In this place, people do not know anything. They just look at the forest and wait and cry.

24、城市的声音近在咫尺,是这样近,在百叶窗木条上的摩擦声都听得清。 The sound of the city was so close that it was so close that the friction on the louvers could be heard clearly.

25、外表上能被所有的人接受,随便什么眼光都能看得进去,在城里大马路上兜风,任凭什么欲念也能适应。 Appearance can be accepted by all, any vision can be seen in, in the streets of the city, whatever desire can adapt.

26、大海是无形的,无可比拟的 The sea is invisible, unparalleled, and simple.

27、大海是无形的,无可比拟的,简单极了。这这一刻到来之前在渡船上,那形象就已经先期进到现在的这一瞬间。 The sea is invisible, unparalleled, and simple. Before this moment, on the ferry, the image had already entered the moment at present.

28、大海汇集成为无限,远远退去,又急急卷回,如此往复不已。 The sea has become infinite, far away, and hastily swept back.

29、她笑得多么好,像黄金一样,死去的人也能被唤醒,谁能听懂小孩的笑语,就能用笑唤醒谁。 She laughs so well that, like gold, the dead can be awakened, and anyone who understands a child's laughter can be awakened with laughter.

30、如果爱,请深爱,爱到不能再爱的那一天。 If love, please love deeply, love to no longer love that day.

31、如果那个男人爱你,他的眼睛里就有疼惜。如果不爱就只有欲望。 If the man loves you, he has pity in his eyes. If there is no love, there is only desire.

32、孤独也意味着;或是死亡,或是书籍。但它首先意味着酒精。意味着威士忌。 Loneliness also means, or death, or books. But it first means alcohol. It means whisky.

33、当你不能控制别人,就要控制你自己,赛车和做人一样,有时要停,有时要冲。 When you can't control others, you have to control yourself. The car is like a man. Sometimes it stops, sometimes it rushes.

34、当你正在经历一生中最年轻、最受赞美的年华时,这段时光的突然推进有时会使你感到吃惊。 When you are experiencing the youngest and most admired years of your life, the sudden advance of this period can sometimes surprise you.

35、当初,您很美,但如今,我更爱您饱经风霜的容颜。 At first, you were beautiful, but now I love your weathered face even more.

36、总是仓促一笑,笑容一闪就不见了。 He always smiles hastily, and his smile is gone.

37、恨之所在,就是沉默据以开始的门槛。只有沉默可以从中通过,对我这一生来说,这是绵绵久远的苦役。 Wherehate is, is the threshold of silence. Only silence can be passed from it to me. This is a long and hard labor for my whole life.

38、恨之所在,是沉默据以开始的门槛。 Where hate is, is the threshold of silence.

39、恰恰在这种属于种族的荒诞的大智大勇之中,我发现有一种深邃的动人的美。 It is in this absurd bravery of race that I find a deep and moving beauty.

40、懦弱的爱情本就不可能有结果,但就算是强权使得相爱的人不能在一起,我想,他也不可能阻隔爱情,所以,爱情便可以永远在一起。 Cowardly love can not have results, but even if the power makes love can not be together, I think, he can not block love, so love can always be together.

41、我们就到此为止,仅止而已。而且,永远停留于此。 Let's stop here. And stay here forever.

42、我们是情人。我们不能停止不爱。 We are lovers. We can't stop loving.

43、我在世界上最爱的是你。胜过一切。胜过我所见过的一切。胜过我所读过的一切。胜过我所有的一切。胜过一切。 I love you most in the world. More than anything else. It's better than anything I've ever seen. It's better than what I've read. It's better than all I have. More than anything else.

44、我是说在那一天,是在渡船上,是在烟雾蒙蒙、炎热无比的光线下。 I mean, on that day, it was on a ferryboat, under the smoky, scorching light.

45、我爱你年轻时的脸,更爱你现在饱经风霜的容颜。 I love your face when you are young, and I love the way you are now weathered.

46、我突然发现我老了,他也意识到了这一点,他说:你累了。 I suddenly realized that I was old, and he realized this. He said, "you are tired."

47、我认识你,永远记得你。那时候你还年轻,人人都说你美。现在我是特地来告诉你,和你那时的面貌相比,我更爱你现在倍受摧残的容颜。 I know you, I will always remember you. When you were young, everyone said you were beautiful. Now I'm here to tell you that I love your face more than you did then.

48、我遇见你,我记得你,这座城市天生就适合恋爱,你天生就适合我的灵魂。 I met you, I remember you, this city is naturally suitable for love, you are born for my soul.

49、或许爱情当时并不存在,只因为有了回忆的描摹,爱才以情窦初开的美丽面目示人。 Perhaps love did not exist at that time, only because of the description of memories, love to the beautiful face of the beginning of love.

50、日光使各种色彩变得暗淡朦胧,五颜六色被捣得粉碎。 The sunlight dimmed all kinds of colors, and the colors were smashed to pieces.

51、最初,不能理解,后来,仿佛从四面八方,从世界深处,悲痛突然汹涌而来,把我淹没,把我卷走了,我什么也不知道,除了悲痛我已经不存在了。 At first, I couldn't understand, and then, as if from all directions, from the depths of the world, grief suddenly surged in, drowned me, swept me away, and I knew nothing but grief that I had disappeared.

52、每一本打开的书,都是漫漫长夜。 Every open book is a long night.

53、泪水既安慰了过去,也安慰了未来。 Tears comforted the past and comforted the future.

54、消逝了的童年,消失了的天真和乐趣,在长大的过程中我们丢失了太多的美好,染上了太多的丑陋。 The disappearance of childhood, the disappearance of innocence and fun, in the process of growing up we lost too much beauty, stained with too much ugliness.

55、爱之于我,不是肌肤之亲,不是一蔬一饭,它是一种不死的欲望,是疲惫生活中的英雄梦想。而我的梦想,就是与你白头而死。 Love to me is not a kiss of skin, not a meal of vegetables, it is an immortal desire, is the heroic dream of exhausted life. And my dream is to die with your white head.

56、社会总叫人无奈,我们尽管去抗争、去反对,但或许我们根本就不可能取得胜利,有时候,权利和地位真的让人哭笑不得。 Society is always frustrating. We fight and oppose, but maybe we can't win at all. Sometimes, power and status make people laugh and cry.

57、若我不写小说,不是作家,那么我应该是一个**。 If I am not a writer, not a writer, then I should be a prostitute.

58、这一切就在一笑之间,说笑竟变成了**,就像是痛苦必起于**,所以抵抗运动对于投敌合作,饥馑对于严寒,烈士殉难对于卑鄙无耻,都是事出有因的。 All this was in the middle of a laugh, joking turned into war, as if pain must arise from war, so the resistance movement for cooperation with the enemy, hunger for the cold, martyrs martyrs for despicable shamelessness, are out of the question.

59、这是一个十五岁的孩子该有的想法吗?诅咒自己的兄长、母亲,并且想把他们杀死,究竟是什么样的人生才能把她炮制得如此不可理喻? Is this the idea that a fifteen year old child should have? What kind of life could make her so unreasonable by cursing her brothers and mothers and trying to kill them?

60、那时你是年轻女人,与你那时的面貌相比,我更爱你现在倍受摧残的面容。 At that time, you are a young woman, and I love your face now more devastated than your face.

61、那时候你还年轻,人人都说你美丽。 When you were young, everyone said you were beautiful.

62、风已经停了,树下的雨丝发出奇幻的闪光。 The wind had stopped, and the rain wire under the tree made a strange flash.
