1、一曲离别动了谁的心弦绝口不提的伤。 A farewell song touched the heartstrings of those who never mentioned the injury.

2、也许,伤得彻底,才会放得彻底。 Perhaps, only when the wound is thorough can it be released thoroughly.

3、你没有挽留,我只能选择走。 You did not retain, I can only choose to go.

4、听见他名字愣住的那一刻,你就输了。The moment you hear his name stunned, you lose.

5、对自己好一点,因为没人把你当全世界。 Be kind to yourself, because no one thinks you are the world.


6、岁月的流逝,带走了我唯一的记忆。 The passage of time has taken away my only memory.

7、心里有就有,心里没有就没有。 There is something in your heart, there is nothing in your heart.

8、情话总说不出口,眼泪总是不停流。 Love words are never spoken, tears are always flowing.

9、我怕冷却爱上了雪,我怕痛却爱上了你。 I'm afraid of cooling and falling in love with snow, but I'm afraid of pain but falling in love with you.

10、我想和你比赛,输了罚你爱我一辈子。 I want to compete with you, lost penalty you love me for life.


11、我比任何一个人,都希望你幸福。 I hope you are happier than anyone else.

12、我还在原地,傻傻的等你回来。 I'm still there, silly waiting for you to come back.

13、昔日的海誓山盟,今日的形同陌路。 In the past, the pledge of the alliance has become a stranger today.

14、短暂的瞬间,漫长的永远。以下是心碎到撕心裂肺的英文句子,欢迎大家来阅读。 Short moments, long forever.

15、迷路在森林里,等待这日光的出现。 Lost in the forest, waiting for the emergence of the sun.


16、除了你之外的空白还有谁能来教我爱。 Who can teach me love but you?