1、一位好母亲抵得上一百个教师。 A good mother is worth a hundred teachers.

2、一饭之恩,当永世不忘。 The kindness of a meal should never be forgotten.

3、上帝不能无处不在,因此他创造了母亲。 God can't be everywhere, so he created the mother.

4、不当家不知柴米贵,不养子不知父母恩。 I don't know the price of firewood and rice if I'm not in charge of my family. I don't know my parents' kindness if I don't take care of my son.

5、世界上的一切光荣和骄傲,都来自母亲。 All the glory and pride in the world comes from mother.

6、从小不知老娘亲,育儿才知报娘恩。 I didn't know my mother when I was a child, but I didn't know how to repay my mother when I was a child.

7、儿行千里母担忧,母行千里儿不愁。 Children travel thousands of miles, mother worry, mother travel thousands of miles, son is not worried.

8、养儿方知娘辛苦,养女方知谢娘恩。 Only when you raise a son can you know how hard it is for your mother, and only when you raise a daughter can you know how to thank your mother.

9、再甜的甘蔗不如糖,再亲的婶子不如娘。 No matter how sweet the cane is, no matter how sweet the aunt is.

10、劝君莫打三春鸟,子在巢中盼母归。 Advise the king not to beat the three spring birds, the son in the nest looking forward to the return of the mother.

11、只要父亲在世,你总是年轻。 As long as your father is alive, you are always young.

12、吃尽味道盐好,走遍天下娘好。 It's good to eat all the salt.

13、哀哀父母,生不养儿不知父母恩。 I'm sorry for my parents. I don't know if I'm going to raise a child.

14、在孩子的嘴上和心中,母亲就是上帝。 In the mouth and heart of the child, the mother is God.

15、天地宽大,父母恩大。 The world is wide, the parents are gracious.

16、天意怜幽草,人间重晚情。 God pity the grass, the world heavy late love.

17、女人固然是脆弱的,母亲却是坚强的。 Women are vulnerable, but mothers are strong.

18、娇生惯养,没有好儿郎。 Pampered, no good boy.

19、娘想儿,长江水;儿想娘,扁担长。 If you miss your mother, the Yangtze River will flow; if you miss your mother, the shoulder pole will be long.

20、子不嫌母丑,狗不嫌家贫。 Son does not think mother is ugly, dog does not think family is poor.

21、恩欲报,怨欲忘;报怨短,报恩长。 If you want to repay kindness, you want to forget resentment.

22、我的生命是从睁开眼睛,爱上我母亲的面孔开始的。 My life began with opening my eyes and falling in love with my mother's face.

23、投之以桃,报之以李。 Give it a peach and give it a plum.

24、母亲对于孩子是第一所学校。 Mother is the first school for children.

25、母亲的爱是永远不会枯竭的。 Mother's love will never dry up.

26、母亲的酒杯里永远盛满了啊。 Mother's glass is always full.

27、母子分离,活树剥皮。 Mother and son are separated and live trees are skinned.

28、母爱是一种巨大的火焰。 Maternal love is a great flame.

29、母爱是世间最伟大的力量。 Maternal love is the greatest power in the world.

30、母爱是世间最真挚的爱。 Maternal love is the most sincere love in the world.

31、游子身上衣,慈母手中线。 The coat of a wanderer is the thread of his mother's hand.

32、父母之恩,水不能溺,火不能灭。 The grace of parents, water can not drown, fire can not be put out.

33、父母之爱子,则为之计深远。 Parents love their children for a long time.

34、父母的爱,为诸德之基。 The love of parents is the foundation of all virtues.

35、甜不过蜂蜜,亲不过母女。 Sweet but honey, kiss but mother and daughter.

36、要知父母恩,怀里抱儿孙。 We should know the kindness of our parents and hold our children and grandchildren in our arms.

37、走遍天下娘好,吃遍天下盐好。 It's good to travel all over the world and eat salt all over the world.

38、长兄如父,老嫂比母。 Elder brother is like father, elder sister is better than mother.

39、阳光是灿烂的,但比不上母亲对我的爱。 The sun is bright, but not as much as my mother's love for me.

40、鱼知水恩,乃幸福之源也。 Fish know water grace, is the source of happiness.

41、鸦有反哺之义,羊知跪乳之恩。 Crow has the meaning of back feeding, sheep know the kindness of kneeling milk.