1、一个个红石榴就像一个个小姑娘可爱的笑脸,躲在树枝间。 Each pomegranate is like a girl's lovely smile, hiding in the branches.
2、一夜之间,校园银装素裹,玉树琼枝,好一派美丽的雪景。 A beautiful snow covered campus.
3、一朵朵的月季花露出动人的笑脸,漂亮极了。 One after another of the rose dew out of moving people's smile, very beautiful.
4、一片片飘落的树叶,像一只只飞舞的蝴蝶,真美啊! A piece of falling leaves, like a flying butterfly, so beautiful!
5、一窗一灯小世界,繁星万点一座城。白日生旦净末丑,入夜卸妆一身轻。 A window, a light, a small world, stars, a city. At the end of the day, one's makeup is gone.
6、一米阳光酒吧闲,丽江夜景焕红颜。徜徉漫步阑珊处,回首匆匆似梦环。 A meter of sunshine bar leisure, Lijiang night scene glow. Wandering around the place where the appendix, looking back in a hurry like a dream ring.
7、一进地铁站,看见这里人山人海,真是热闹非凡啊! As soon as I enter the subway station, I see the sea of people here. It's really lively!
8、乡村的一年四季都是独特、迷人的,但最让我迷恋的还是乡村的夏天。 The four seasons of the year in the countryside are unique and charming, but the summer in the countryside is my favorite.
9、云雾弥漫山谷,它是茫茫的大海。 Clouds fill the valley, it is the vast sea.
10、人山人海,放眼望去黑压压看不到边际! The sea of people, look at the black pressure, can not see the margin!
11、他那头黄色假发活像玉米糊,街上的孩子都叫他“玉米糊”。 His yellow wig looked like corn paste, and the children in the street called him "corn paste".
12、你看那冰雕,真像琼楼玉宇,晶莹瑰丽。 Look at that ice sculpture. It's really like a jade building. It's crystal and magnificent.
13、傍晚来临了,天空慢慢变黑,大地开始沉沉入睡了。 When evening came, the sky turned dark and the earth began to sink into sleep.
14、初夏的晚风,带着枣花和月季花的幽香,飘进这间简朴而舒适的客厅。 The evening wind of early summer, with the delicate fragrance of jujube and rose, drifts into this simple and comfortable living room.
15、向日葵和小草好像在争论着什么。 Sunflower and grass seem to be arguing about something.
16、啊,家乡的秋天,你是多么得柔和! Ah, home autumn, how soft you are!
17、喇叭花举起紫红色的大喇叭,好像在吹着一支好听的晨曲。 Morning glory held up the big purple red trumpet, as if playing a good morning song.
18、夕阳的美不在于景色,在于看夕阳人。 The beauty of the sunset is not in the scenery, but in the people watching it.
19、夜深人静了,凉飕飕的风,一股又一股地顺着门窗的缝隙涌进来。 In the dead of the night, the chilly wind gushed in along the gap between the doors and Windows.
20、天亮了,夜来香伸了伸懒腰,打着哈欠,不一会儿就睡着了。 At dawn, yelaixiang stretched and yawned, and soon fell asleep.
21、天际边滚来了团团乌云,一瞬间倾盆大雨,从天而降。 The sky rolled to the clouds, a moment of torrential rain, from the sky.
22、太阳花红着脸蛋羞答答地开放了。 The sun flower blushed and opened shyly.
23、她姓傅,是一名既“温柔”又“严厉”的老师。 Her surname is Fu. She is a "gentle" and "strict" teacher.
24、学校食堂可真大,干净整洁靠大家,来买饭时请排队,争先恐后真不对。 School canteen can be really big, clean and tidy, depending on everyone, when you come to buy rice, please line up, it's really wrong to rush forward.
25、广玉兰总是绽放出最灿烂的笑容。 Magnolia grandiflora always blooms the most brilliant smile.
26、当花儿落了,就好象一个美丽的姑娘走到生命的尽头,不免让人心伤。 When the flowers fall, it is like a beautiful girl to the end of her life, which makes people sad.
27、彩虹像记忆里故乡的拱桥,绚丽的色彩是我在拱桥上难忘的童年。 The rainbow is like the arch bridge of my hometown in my memory. The gorgeous colors are my unforgettable childhood on the arch bridge.
28、我忽然发现月季茎上绽出四个小小的花蕾,花蕾穿着一件绿色的外衣。 I suddenly found that there are four small flower buds on the stem of rose. The flower bud is wearing a green coat.
29、我爱秋天的景色,因为它象征着成熟,它把丰收的喜悦带给人间。 I love the autumn scenery, because it symbolizes maturity, it brings the joy of harvest to the world.
30、整个枫树林成了一片火的海洋,就连置身于其中的人都被映成红的了。 The whole maple forest has become a sea of fire, even the people who are in it are reflected red.
31、春天姐姐来了,花儿妹妹们都盛开了,小草弟弟也穿上了绿衣裳! The spring elder sister came, the flower younger sisters are in full bloom, the grass younger brother also put on the green clothes!
32、春天是万物复苏、百花盛开的季节,也是杜鹃花开的时候。 Spring is the time when all things are revived and all kinds of flowers are in full bloom.
33、春天来了,路旁的野花也都漏出了灿烂的笑脸。 Spring has come, the roadside wild flowers also leak out a brilliant smile.
34、春风像一个轻柔的吻,温情的触动在面颊之上流连。 The spring breeze is like a soft kiss, the warm touch flows on the cheek.
35、柿子喝醉似的红了,真如吉祥的灯盏一样好看。 Persimmon drunk like red, as good-looking as auspicious lamp.
36、桂花姑娘笑着摇着头享受着阳光的来了。 Sweet scented osmanthus girl smiles and shakes her head to enjoy the sunshine.
37、水乡,你是人间的天堂,你是五彩缤纷的梦想,你让我流连忘返。 Shuixiang, you are the heaven on earth, you are a colorful dream, you let me linger.
38、沉睡的气息打破了,春天都到了,好好努力吧! The breath of deep sleep is broken. Spring is here. Make great efforts!
39、牵牛花绽放了绚烂的微笑。 Morning glory blooms a gorgeous smile.
40、用立春的娇嫩,显露肌肤的晶莹剔透。 With the tenderness of the beginning of spring, the skin is crystal clear.
41、用立春的馨风,拂散烦闷苦恼。 With the sweet wind of the beginning of spring, the wind blows away the boredom.
42、真正的好老师永远都能走进孩子的内心。 A really good teacher can always go into a child's heart.
43、矜持的心就像开在寒冬的腊梅,一不留神便又和忧伤撞了个满怀。 The reserved heart is like the wintersweet in the cold winter. If you don't pay attention to it, you bump into it with sadness.
44、石竹花从纷乱的杂草中探出头,它们粉红色的笑脸真好看! Carnation from the chaos of weeds, their pink smile really good-looking!
45、秋再来时,伴我的是一份孤独寂寞。 When autumn comes again, with me is a lonely.
46、秋天是浓的化不开的水,似能捧起又从指尖流过。 Autumn is the thick water that can't be turned. It seems to be able to hold it up and flow through the fingertips.
47、秋天里,红红的柿子像灯笼一样高高挂在枝头。 In autumn, red persimmons hang high on the branches like *s.
48、秋日的早晨是宁静的,晨风迎面吹拂,凉凉的却不冷,惬意的感觉! Autumn morning is quiet, morning wind blowing face-to-face, cool but not cold, comfortable feeling!
49、绽放的腊梅傲立在冰雪中,那是在教我们顽强。 Blooming wintersweet stands in the ice and snow, which is to teach us tenacity.
50、花儿咧开了小嘴,害羞地笑着。 The flower grinned shyly.
51、花园里的花就像美女的连衣裙一样,真好看! The flowers in the garden are like a beautiful dress. They are so beautiful!
52、荷花探出了自己羞涩的脸庞,看了看这个神奇的世界。 Lotus poked out his shy face and looked at this magical world.
53、这棵大菜花的花色白白的,个儿像个娃娃脸。 The cauliflower is white and looks like a baby face.
54、进了长江三峡,就好像走进了一幅连绵不断的山水画卷。 Entering the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River is like walking into a continuous landscape painting.
55、远处的大山也被秋姑娘染成了黄色,一眼望去像金色的海洋波浪起伏。 The mountains in the distance are also dyed yellow by the autumn girl. At a glance, they look like golden ocean waves.
56、送走了炎热的夏天,迎来了凉爽的秋天。 Send off the hot summer, ushered in the cool autumn.
57、那雨点儿打在江面上,错错落落地,仿佛撒下了明珠无数。 That bit of rain hit the river, mistakenly fell to the ground, as if scattered countless pearls.
58、金秋时节,秋高气爽,我们迎来了一个丰收的季节。 In the golden autumn season, we ushered in a harvest season.
59、闪电一道接着一道,就像一条条浑身带火的赤练蛇,飞过天空。 Lightning one after another, like a whole body with fire snake, flying across the sky.
60、雨丝好像花絮,轻轻的,柔柔的。 Rain like gags, light, soft.