1、不打无准备之仗! No war without preparation!

2、与其临渊羡鱼,不如退而结网。 It is better to retreat and form a net than to admire fish in the sea.

3、临时抱佛脚,事情易办糟。 It's easy to make a mess of things by cramming.

4、兵马未动,粮草先行。 Before the army moves, grain and grass go first.

5、凡事预则立,不预则废。 Everything is done in advance, and if not, it will be abandoned.

6、患至呼天。 cry for heaven when calamity occurs -- too late.

7、有备无患。 be prepared against want.

8、未雨绸缪。 save against a rainy day.

9、机遇偏爱那些有准备的头脑。 Opportunity favors the prepared mind.

10、防患于未然。 Take precautions.