1、不求情意浓,但愿情长久。 Don't ask for strong affection, I hope it will last for a long time.

2、不爱则已,要爱就得有始有终。 If you don't love, you have to start and end.

3、两口子打架不记仇,黑哒共个花枕头。 The couple don't hold grudges when they fight. Black DA has a flower pillow.

4、两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮。 If the two feelings last for a long time, will they be day and night.

5、为了爱情,无钱结婚,夜来欢娱,白天悔恨。 For love, marry without money, entertain at night and regret during the day.

6、其爱愈深,其言愈寡。 The deeper his love, the fewer his words.

7、匆忙结婚,后悔终生。 Marry in a hurry and regret all your life.

8、吃肉要吃猪肚子,要好不过两口子。 It's better to eat meat than pig belly.

9、喷泉的水堵不死,爱情的火扑不灭。 The water in the fountain cannot be blocked, and the fire of love cannot be extinguished.

10、在家靠父母,出嫁靠丈夫。 Rely on your parents at home and your husband when you get married.

11、天有日月同到老,地有夫妻共白头。 The day has the sun and the moon to grow old together, and the earth has a couple with white heads.

12、夫不嫌妻丑,妻不嫌家穷。 A husband is not too ugly for his wife, and a wife is not too poor for her family.

13、夫妻一条船,落难两相帮。 Husband and wife are in the same boat and help each other when they are in trouble.

14、夫妻和,全家乐;夫妻吵,老少跑。 Husband and wife, family fun; Husband and wife quarrel, old and young run.

15、女人是根绳,捆住一家人。 A woman is a rope that binds a family.

16、好酒好饭配好菜,好妻还要好夫待。 Good wine, good rice, good food, good wife and good husband.

17、如果我们没有爱过头,说明我们爱得还不够。 If we don't love too much, we don't love enough.

18、妻随夫转,水顺沟流。 The wife turns with her husband, and the water flows along the ditch.

19、娶女娶德不娶色,交友交心不交财。 Marry a woman, marry virtue, not sex, make friends, make heart, not money.

20、嫁狗随狗走,嫁鸡随鸡飞。 When you marry a dog, go with the dog, and when you marry a chicken, fly with the chicken.

21、家有三件宝,瘦田、丑妻、破棉袄。 There are three treasures at home, thin field, ugly wife and broken cotton padded jacket.

22、家有横妻子,不好过日子。 It's hard to live with a wife at home.

23、家有牛莫嫌慢,家有妻莫嫌憨。好狗不拦路,好男不欺妇。 It's not too slow to have an ox at home, and it's not too simple to have a wife at home. A good dog does not block the way, and a good man does not deceive a woman.

24、家有贤妻,男儿不遭坏事;家有恶妻,男儿坐穿牢底。 A good wife keeps a man from bad things; There is a bad wife at home, and men wear * clothes.

25、小来妈头亲,长大妇人亲。 A little mother kisses the head, and a grown woman kisses the head.

26、少年夫妻一枝花,人在外头心在家。 A young couple is a flower. People are outside and their hearts are at home.

27、当面的情,背后的口。 Face to face, behind the mouth.

28、忠诚是爱情的桥梁,欺诈是友谊的敌人。 Loyalty is the bridge of love, and fraud is the enemy of friendship.

29、情字难,一语一字皆是苦难。 Love is difficult, every word is suffering.

30、打了酉时妻,一夜受孤凄。 After beating Youshi's wife, she was lonely all night.

31、无冤孽不成父子,无恩爱不成夫妻。 No father and son can be formed without injustice, and no husband and wife can be formed without love.

32、旧情永难忘;往日的爱情难以忘怀。 Old love will never be forgotten; Old love is unforgettable.

33、朝三暮四的爱,不叫爱。 Love is not called love.

34、清官难断家务事,老包难断两口子。 It is difficult for a clean official to break household chores, and it is difficult for an old bag to break a couple.

35、湿柴怕猛火,泼妇怕强人。 Wet firewood is afraid of fierce fire, and shrews are afraid of strong men.

36、爱上的猴子也美丽,看中的角鹿也是天仙。 The monkey in love is also beautiful, and the horned deer is also an immortal.

37、爱上的猴子也觉标致,看中的狗熊也漂亮。 The monkey in love is also beautiful, and the bear in love is also beautiful.

38、爱不贵亲热,而贵长久。 Love is not dear, but dear for a long time.

39、爱情不需教导。 Love needs no teaching.

40、爱情使顺从成为易事。 Love makes obedience easy.

41、爱情和仇恨,二者皆盲目。 Love and hatred are both blind.

42、爱情无理智。 Love has no reason.

43、爱情没有极限,不会死亡。 Love has no limit and will not die.

44、爱情要用忠诚播种,友谊要用谅解护理。 Love should be sown with loyalty, and friendship should be nursed with understanding.

45、爹是天,娘是地,婆娘老公心肝系。 Father is heaven, mother is earth, mother-in-law and husband are heart and liver.

46、生活因爱而绚丽,世界因爱而美好。 Life is beautiful because of love, and the world is beautiful because of love.

47、男以妻为室,女以夫为家。 A man's wife is his room and a woman's husband is her home.

48、男怕三口吃,女怕三口穿。 Men are afraid of three bites and women are afraid of three bites.

49、男怕孤辰,女怕寡宿。 Men are afraid of orphans and women are afraid of widows.

50、穿衣见父,脱衣见夫。 Dress to see your father, undress to see your husband.

51、要热是火口子,要亲是两口子。 Heat is a fire, kiss is a couple.

52、跑了粉子做不成粑,跑了堂客做不了家。 If you run away from the powder, you can't make a cake, and if you run away from the guests, you can't make a home.

53、追求爱情它高飞,逃避爱情它跟随。 Pursue love, it flies high, escape love, it follows.

54、饭前不训子,睡前不训妻。 Don't scold your son before dinner or your wife before bed.