1、一别之后,两地相悬,只说是三四月,又谁知五六年。 After a farewell, the two places hung together, only in March and April, who knows five or six years.
2、不要到处宣泄内心,难道世上只有你有故事。 Don't let your heart out everywhere. Are you the only one in the world who has a story.
3、世界真的太小、没有地方逃跑。 The world is too small to escape.
4、为情所困的都是二货,关键是找到牢的钥匙。 The key is to find the key.
5、些人,越看越陌生,一些事,越想越心痛。 Some people, the more strange to see, some things, the more I think, the more heartache.
6、亲爱的最好不要叫出口,因为你叫了就等于说你已经屈服了。 Honey, it's better not to call out, because if you call out, it means that you have given in.
7、人一旦习惯了孤独,那才是比悲伤更悲伤的事。 Once people get used to loneliness, it is more sad than sadness.
8、什么时候,才可以解开那个,未知数幸福。 When can we untie the unknown happiness.
9、从今以后你的每个明天。都跟我无关。 Every tomorrow from now on. It's none of my business.
10、从未想过绝望看,直到他走的那一天。 Never thought of despair until the day he left.
11、他不会愧疚,说不定他现在正在为了某个女生赴汤蹈火。 He won't feel guilty. Maybe he's going through fire and water for a girl.
12、你不是我爱情中的人,但你却是给我友情最丰富的人。 You are not the one I love, but you are the one who gives me the most friendship.
13、你要静候,再静候,即使失收,始终要守。 You have to wait, and then wait, even if the loss, always keep.
14、你走了以后我唯一能做的就是:等你回来。 After you leave, the only thing I can do is wait for you to come back.
15、假装不爱你,和假装你爱我,哪一样更残忍一点。 Pretend not to love you, and pretend you love me, which is more cruel.
16、分手后的思念,注定就是犯贱。 Missing after breaking up is doomed to be cheap.
17、别人过的那叫生活,自己过的是历险记。 What others live is called life, what they live is adventure.
18、别人都是手牵手,我却牵着一条狗,看谁不爽,咬谁一口。 Others are hand in hand, but I am holding a dog to see who is upset and bite who.
19、别总把悲伤挂在嘴上,每个人都有自己的故事。 Don't always talk about sadness. Everyone has his own story.
20、别让我再看见你,偶然碰上也不行。 Don't let me see you again. I can't run into you by chance.
21、剪个光光头、换你一回眸。 Cut a bald head, for you to look back.
22、即使后来的他们有千万般好,都不及你来得早。 Even if they were as good as you, they didn't come as early as you.
23、原谅万般不舍的我,只是笑一句恕不远送。 Forgive me for not giving up, just smile, forgive not far away.
24、发脾气,只是表示您的智慧不足以解决你所面临的问题。 Losing your temper just means that your wisdom is not enough to solve the problem you are facing.
25、哪里有人喜欢孤独,不过是受够了失望。 Where people like loneliness, but enough of disappointment.
26、多希望时间不再流转,让一切停留在相拥的时刻。 I hope that time will not flow, let everything stay in the moment of embracing.
27、夜深人静的时候,思念才会如此放肆。 In the dead of night, miss will be so presumptuous.
28、如果你是来了还会走的人,那我宁愿错过你。 If you come and go, I'd rather miss you.
29、如果我放弃了、不是因为我输了、而是我懂了。 If I give up, not because I lose, but because I understand.
30、孤独的流浪,一个人漫步在街角。 Lonely wandering, a person walking in the corner.
31、对于我们不爱的人,真的不能付出,一旦付出就会罪孽深重。 For those we don't love, we really can't pay. Once we pay, we will be sinful.
32、少谈什么天长地久,我从来不求长相厮守。 Don't talk about forever. I never want to be together.
33、就算我在世界任何一个地方,你的消息,我都不会错过。 Even if I am anywhere in the world, I will not miss your news.
34、年轻时你说要把生命献给爱情,后来你没死青春替你抵了命。 When you were young, you said you would give your life to love. Later, when you didn't die, your youth saved your life.
35、当我转身时,早已物是人非。 When I turn around, things have changed.
36、彼此的想恋,在蔓延。 Each other want to love, in the spread.
37、想不开,就不想;得不到,就不要;难为自己,何必呢? If you can't think of it, you don't want it; if you can't get it, you don't want it; if you can't do it for yourself, why?
38、愿我们的快乐不缺观众,愿我们的故事都有人懂。 May our happiness not be short of audiences, and may our stories be understood.
39、懂了,千山万水,互道珍重不如相拥。 Understand, mountains and rivers, mutual treasure is better than embracing.
40、我不去想象今天过后的日子,我只想好好珍惜今天。 I don't want to imagine the days after today, I just want to cherish today.
41、我不要任何形式的对不起,我要你对得起。 I don't want anything. I'm sorry. I want you to be right.
42、我从没有这样安静过,又好像从来如此。 I've never been so quiet, and it seems that I've never been.
43、我们不是女主,没有光环,有些事只有经历过才懂。 We are not female masters. We have no aura. We can only understand some things when we have experienced them.
44、我们曾经路过就不会错过,既然错过就不会再路过。 We will never miss it if we pass by. Since we miss it, we will never pass by again.
45、我们最先衰老的从来不是容貌,而是那份不顾一切的闯劲。 Our first aging has never been appearance, but that desperate aggressiveness.
46、我们都太骄傲,骄傲着说不痛,谁知转过身就流泪。 We are too proud, proud to say no pain, who knows turned to tears.
47、我只是想简单快乐,为什么社会却如此的复杂。 I just want to be simple and happy. Why is society so complicated.
48、我在寻找一个理由去为你悲伤。 I'm looking for a reason to grieve for you.
49、我对虚伪的男人,只付出虚伪的爱。 I only pay hypocritical love to hypocritical men.
50、我心情不好没关系,你开心就好。 It doesn't matter if I'm in a bad mood. Just be happy.
51、我放下尊严,放下了个性,放下了固执,都是因为你。 I put down dignity, personality and stubbornness, it's all because of you.
52、我现在试着放下你而不是奢望你还可以回到我身边。 Now I try to put you down instead of expecting you to come back to me.
53、我现在试着放下你,而不是奢望你还可以回到我身边。 I'm trying to put you down now, instead of expecting you to come back to me.
54、我的爱情从未靠岸搁浅过,因为中途就返航行驶了。 My love has never been stranded, because it's on the way back.
55、我真的很累很累,却无人看出并给予我安慰。 I am really tired, but no one can see and comfort me.
56、或许,除了记忆,我们别无其他可以带走或是留下。 Maybe, we have nothing to take away or leave behind but memory.
57、找不到一个安慰自己A借口,只能试着让自己遗忘。 Can not find an excuse to comfort themselves, can only try to let themselves forget.
58、承受背叛算什么,更难受的是成全背叛。 What is betrayal to bear? What is more painful is to fulfill betrayal.
59、挤不进去的世界,就不要挤了,碍了别人的眼累了自己的心。 If you can't squeeze into the world, don't squeeze it. It hinders other people's eyes and tires your heart.
60、摆渡红尘你牵了谁的手,而我却用岁月望瘦了春秋。 Ferry the world of mortals whose hand you hold, but I use years to look thin spring and autumn.
61、故事越少,伤痛越少。如此,回忆虽然单薄,但多半很美好。 The less stories, the less pain. In this way, although memories are thin, they are mostly beautiful.
62、明明喜欢的是你,却要装做无关痛痒,开着你跟别人的玩笑。 Clearly like you, but to pretend to be irrelevant, you joke with others.
63、曾经在我眼前,却又消失不见,这是今天的第六遍。 Once in front of my eyes, but disappeared, this is the sixth time today.
64、有些人、承受不住多一次的失败。真懦弱! Some people can't bear one more failure. What a coward!
65、有些路很远,走下去会很累,可是,不走会后悔。 Some road is very far, go down will be very tired, but, do not go will regret.
66、有人说,背上行囊,就是过客;放下包袱,就找到了故乡。 Some people say that carrying luggage is a passer-by; if you put down the burden, you will find your hometown.
67、棉花糖迷失最初的味道,我一个人恪守空城。 Marshmallow lost the original taste, I abide by the empty city.
68、每晚睡前,原谅所有的人和事。 Every night before going to bed, forgive all people and things.
69、每次我都选择相信,你相信是爱我的。 Every time I choose to believe, you believe that you love me.
70、没有结局的感情,总要结束。 No ending of the feelings, always end.
71、牵强着的快乐,是悲伤的*。 Far fetched happiness is the highest level of sadness.
72、现在翻翻以前的说说出来看,好像在读另一个自己。 Now turn over the previous talk to see, as if reading another self.
73、空山新雨后,天气晚来秋。 The empty mountain is bathed in new rain, and the arrival of night makes people feel that it is early autumn.
74、能删掉的东西一定要删掉,否则会占内存。 What can be deleted must be deleted, otherwise it will occupy memory.
75、若只有梦里见你,我愿永睡不醒。 If I only see you in my dream, I will never wake up.
76、虽有念但无想,从此山水不相逢。 Although there is a thought, but no thought, since then the landscape does not meet.
77、要学会耐心等待,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。 Learn to be patient, the best things come when you least expect them to.
78、讲不出的难过,流不出的眼泪,最痛的沉默。 Unspeakable sadness, unspeakable tears, the most painful silence.
79、走了那么多弯路,终于回到了最想来的地方。 After so many detours, I finally returned to the place I wanted to come to.
80、跌跌撞撞才明白了许多,舍不得却又无可奈何。 Stumble to understand a lot, reluctant but helpless.
81、这一场来历不明的幸福,我看不到出路。 I can't see a way out for this unidentified happiness.
82、这个世界很大,可是没有人听我说话。 The world is big, but no one listens to me.
83、那句话始终不敢开口,只能放在心里了。 That sentence always dare not speak, can only put in the heart.
84、醒来的过了一天,没醒的过了一生。 Wake up a day, did not wake up a life.
85、难过的不是情人节没人过,而是明明有爱人却还是自己过。 Sad is not Valentine's day no one, but clearly have a lover but still their own.