1、一念花落,一念花开。 One thought of flowers falling, one thought flowers open.

2、不想变成你的故事,想变成你的生活。 Don't want to be your story, want to be your life.

3、不要轻易对人说真话,他们只当听笑话。 Don't tell people the truth easily. They should only listen to jokes.

4、与其念念不忘,不如适时放手。 Instead of remembering, let go of it in time.

5、世界那么荒凉哪里可以疗伤? Where can the world be healed so desolate?

6、从来都不重要,只是偶尔被需要。 Never matter, it's just needed occasionally.

7、你不曾真的离去,你始终在我心底。 You never really leave, you are always in my heart.

8、你们不用劝我,我知道自己在干些什么。 You don't have to persuade me. I know what I'm doing.

9、你先睡吧,我再想你一会。 You sleep first, I think about you for a while.

10、你喝的好醉,眼角都是泪。 You drink drunk, eyes are tears.

11、你爱的无怨无悔,我的心更加羞愧。 You love the no regrets, my heart is more ashamed.

12、分手后的思念,注定就是犯贱。 After the breakup of the missing, is doomed to be cheap.

13、别再和好,就没有重蹈覆辙。 Don't make it up again, and you don't repeat it.

14、原本在乎的,现在不在乎了。 I didn't care now.

15、只有不伤手的立白,哪有不分手的恋爱。 Only do not hurt the hands of the confession, which does not break up in love.

16、向来缘浅,何以情深。 Always shallow, why deep love.

17、听别人讨论起爱情的时候,突然好想你。 When someone talks about love, I miss you all of a sudden.

18、夜晚走了,噩梦醒了,你会更幸福的! Night left, bad dream wake up, you will be happier!

19、如果我先开口,日子是否还一样细水长流。 If I first speak, whether the days are still as thin as the current.

20、如果有一天,你的耳边不再有人纠缠。 If one day, there is no longer anyone in your ear.

21、孤单,是你心里没有人。 Alone, is you have no one in your heart.

22、当他不爱我了,再见都成相顾无言。 When he doesn't love me, goodbye is nothing.

23、心一片空白、等着你去填写。 Heart is blank, waiting for you to fill in.

24、心若无归宿,走到哪里都是流浪。 If the heart has no end result, it is vagrant to go anywhere.

25、我一直都没说、没有你我很难过。 I never said it. I'm sorry without you.

26、我会一直陪着他,见证世间繁芜。 I will accompany him all the time to witness the world is full of ups and downs.

27、我孤身一人来,何其有幸,与你同归。 I come alone. How lucky I am to be with you.

28、我希望,天下有情人终成眷属。 I hope that there will be lovers in the world.

29、我想要的并不是很多,可却谁也给不了。 I don't want a lot, but nobody can give it.

30、我把一生都赌上了,你怎么舍得让我输。 I've gambled my whole life. How can you let me lose.

31、我没有受伤,只是忘记了微笑的模样。 I was not hurt, but I forgot the smile.

32、我没有那么坚强,把我当成什么了? I'm not so strong. What do I think of me?

33、我灵魂的深处,有着骨子里的傲。 Deep in my soul, there is pride in my bones.

34、拨乱我心跳的人,怎么舍得忘记。 How to forget the person who upset my heart.

35、既没如愿,不如释然。 If you don't want to, let go.

36、时间会冲淡一切,距离不会产生美。 Time will dilute everything, distance will not produce beauty.

37、明明白白我的心,对你那是一片真感情。 My heart is clear and clear. It is a real feeling to you.

38、曾经的深信不疑,如今的物是人非。 Once believed, now things are human and wrong.

39、有些人曾无话不说,到最后无话可说。 Some people have never said anything, and at the end of the day there is nothing to say.

40、有些关系断的悄无声息,却让人措手不及。 Some relationships are silent, but they are unprepared.

41、有关这个城市的回忆,几乎全是你。 The memories of the city are almost all you have.

42、期待,等待,失败,人生就是那么纠结。 Expectation, waiting, failure, life is so tangled.

43、每次打完喷嚏,都会骗自己说你想我了。 Every time you sneeze, you will cheat yourself that you miss me.

44、爱而不得的人那么多,为什么有我。 There are so many people who love and can't, why have I.

45、爱过痛过,哭过笑过,然后继续坚强。 Love pain, cry and laugh, and then continue to be strong.

46、玉竹曾记凤凰游,人不见,水空流。 Jade bamboo once recorded phoenix tour, people are not seen, water flow.

47、玫瑰花的葬礼,埋葬关于你的记忆。 The funeral of roses, burying your memory.

48、胡思乱想,只会让自己更加的难受。 Thinking about it all makes you feel more uncomfortable.

49、舍不得又怎样,到最后还不是说散就散。 What to give up, to the end is not to say scattered scattered.

50、表面是一个开心的,心里却不是开心的。 The surface is a happy, but not happy heart.

51、谁会理解我的无奈,也只有自己懂自己。 Who will understand my helplessness, but also only know myself.

52、谈过N次恋爱的我,却还为将幸福留住。 I have talked about n times in love, but I still want to keep happiness.

53、走陌生的路,看陌生的景,听陌生的歌。 Take a strange road, look at strange scenes, listen to strange songs.

54、趋炎附势的小人,不可共患难! The small man who is in the hot weather cannot share the difficulties!

55、过去的就过去了,世界依然美好。 The past is over, and the world is still beautiful.

56、这世上所有的久处不厌,都是因为用心。 All the time in the world is not tired of, because of the heart.

57、这次我真的累了,是真的要放手了。 I'm really tired this time, I really want to let go.

58、那条路太难走结束、画个漂亮的休止符。 It's too hard to finish that road and draw a beautiful break.

59、金铃清脆噬血误,一生总被痴情诉。 Jinling is clear and crisp, and he is always accused of infatuation in his life.

60、除了暧昧,感情还剩下什么? What else is the relationship apart from ambiguity?