1、一斤骨头三碗汤。 Three bowls of soup.

2、一桌子好菜,一席子好友。 A table of good dishes, a mat of good friends.

3、一次用油老火锅。 An old hot pot with oil.

4、万事俱流香,只待君来享。 Everything is fragrant, waiting for the king to enjoy.

5、上客闻香至,小厨捧肴出。 When the guests smell the fragrance, the small kitchen will serve the dishes.

6、上客闻香至,捧肴出厅堂。 The guests smell the delicious food and come out of the hall.

7、不进来,你我都得挨饿。 If you don't come in, you and I will starve.

8、主随客变,如您所愿。 The Lord changes with the guest, as you wish.

9、你想要的,你找到了。 What you want, you find it.

10、停下脚步,享受惬意。 Stop and enjoy.

11、南北口味,集于一堂。 North and South taste, set in a hall.

12、可以喝汤的酸菜鱼。 Sauerkraut fish for soup.

13、吃了不想走,走了还想来。 I don't want to go after eating, but I still want to come after leaving.

14、吃了就美,花钱不悔。 It's beautiful to eat, but it's not regretful to spend money.

15、吃特色,到小厨。 Eat special food and go to the kitchen.

16、吃遍天下,不如搞定一家。 If you eat all over the world, you'd better take care of one.

17、品小厨小菜,尝大家大爱。 Taste small kitchen dishes, taste everyone's great love.

18、品特色菜肴,会知心朋友。 Taste special dishes and know your friends.

19、喝汤就去尚一汤。 Drink soup and go to Shangyi.

20、回味无穷,安心享用。 Enjoy the aftertaste.

21、因为很辣,火爆19年。 Because it's hot, hot for 19 years.

22、在家有老婆,外出有小厨。 I have a wife at home and a kitchen when I go out.

23、天天美食,美食美刻。 Delicious food every day.

24、好吃不贵,独具风味。 Delicious, inexpensive, unique flavor.

25、好味道,才是真的好。 Good taste is really good.

26、家味品小厨,食美好生活。 Home flavor food, good life.

27、家有宝贝,就吃西贝。 If you have a baby at home, eat Xibei.

28、家有贤妻,外有小厨。 There is a good wife at home and a small kitchen outside.

29、宾至如归,小厨有请。 Welcome home, chef.

30、小二上菜来,小厨忙活去。 The waiter comes to serve, and the chef goes to work.

31、小厨佳肴,大家逍遥。 We're all at home.

32、小厨味美,大众追求。 The taste of kitchens is the pursuit of the public.

33、小厨大杂烩,大众小聚会。 Kitchen chowder, public gathering.

34、小厨小,味道好。 Small kitchen, good taste.

35、小厨特色美,不来总后悔。 The characteristics of a small kitchen are beautiful. I always regret it if I don't come.

36、小厨特色菜,消费如家常。 Special dishes of small kitchen, consumption as usual.

37、小厨特色,大众可口。 The characteristics of small kitchen are delicious for the public.

38、小厨用心,大家放心。 We can rest assured that the kitchen is attentive.

39、小厨美食,给您家的味道。 Kitchen food gives you the taste of your home.

40、小厨飘香,香飘扑鼻。 Kitchens smell delicious.

41、小厨饭店,妈妈做的饭菜。 Kitchen restaurant, mom's cooking.

42、小厨饭店,温馨呈现。 Small kitchen hotel, warm present.

43、小厨饭店,食来运转。 Small kitchen restaurant, food is running.

44、小厨饭,哈哈哈味道。 Little kitchen rice, mom's taste.

45、小厨,饱你开怀胃。 Chef, please have a good time.

46、小小饭店,大大享受。 It's a small hotel. Enjoy it.

47、小橱有后手,绝对不忽悠。 The cupboard has a back hand. It's not fooling.

48、尝特色餐,到小厨饭店。 Try the special food and go to the kitchen restaurant.

49、常吃常鲜,新席新筵。 Often eat often fresh, new banquet.

50、店明桌椅亮,艺高饭菜香。 The table and chair of the shop are bright, the art is high, and the food is delicious.

51、我们给你带来回家的感觉。 We give you the feeling of going home.

52、我家小厨,为你而香。 My little kitchen is fragrant for you.

53、我家小厨,香溢四方。 My kitchen is full of fragrance.

54、我的味道,你知道。 My taste, you know.

55、我的愿意,您的满意。 I am willing to, your satisfaction.

56、服务不能第二,顾客永远。 Service can't be second, customers can never be second.

57、来吧,就是这里好味。 Come on, it's delicious here.

58、来我家小厨,胃大家满足。 If you come to my kitchen, you will be satisfied.

59、来者是客,小厨有请。 It's a guest. Welcome to the chef.

60、来者是客,里面坐坐。 Those who come are guests. Sit inside.

61、欢迎回来,请上座。 Welcome back. Please be seated.

62、此地储流香,等您来坐享。 This place is full of fragrance, waiting for you to enjoy it.

63、温暖你的胃,拉近我的心。 Warm your stomach, close my heart.

64、温馨每一点,快乐每一点。 Warm every point, happy every point.

65、温馨食尚,念念不忘。 Warm food fashion, never forget.

66、满汉全席,虚席以待。 All the seats in Manchu and Han Dynasties are empty.

67、烧腊称皇,奶茶称霸。 Roast meat is the king, milk tea is the master.

68、特别的菜,给特别的你。 Special food, special you.

69、特色菜肴,虚席以待。 Special dishes, empty seats.

70、特色菜,特别好吃。 It's special. It's delicious.

71、盛况空前,留连忘返。 The grand occasion is unprecedented.

72、真心出美味,真诚遇顾客。 Sincerely produce delicious food, sincerely meet customers.

73、系出名门,一脉相连。 It's a famous family. It's connected in one vein.

74、纯香闻得见,健康看得见。 Pure fragrance can smell, health can see.

75、美味佳肴,宫廷味道。 Delicious food, court flavor.

76、美味和实惠,为您呈现。 Delicious and affordable for you.

77、美味酬宾,佳肴留客。 Delicious food for guests, delicious food for guests.

78、舍不得,放不下的好滋味。 Reluctant to give up, can not put down the good taste.

79、舒心的吃饭,开心的笑。 Eat comfortably and laugh happily.

80、花一样的钱,吃更好的饭。 Spend the same money, eat better.

81、荣华酒家,家外之家。 Ronghua restaurant is a home away from home.

82、轻松吃美味,欢迎来小厨。 Easy to eat delicious, welcome to the kitchen.

83、酒足饭饱,去追饭跑跑。 If you are full of wine and food, go after the food.

84、酸菜比鱼好吃。 Sauerkraut is better than fish.

85、雅厨雅座,美食美客。 Elegant kitchen, elegant seat and delicious food.

86、风味特色,美食美客。 Special flavor and delicious food.

87、食尽美味,品出家珍。 Eat all the delicious food, and taste all the treasures.

88、饿了,就请进来吧。 If you are hungry, please come in.

89、香为核心,味在家常。 Fragrance as the core, taste at home.