1、上了生活的贼船,就做快乐的海盗。 Get on the pirate ship of life and be a happy pirate.

2、不必对全世界失望,百步之内,必有芳草。 Don't be disappointed in the world. There must be fragrant grass within a hundred steps.

3、人不能总尽如人意,但可以选择顺自己的意。 People can't always be satisfactory, but they can choose to follow their own wishes.

4、人们希望你做的更好,但一般不希望你超过他。 People want you to do better, but generally don't want you to surpass him.

5、人只要一习惯就会觉得理所当然。 People take it for granted as long as they get used to it.

6、人哪有好的只是坏的程度不一样而已。 People are not good, but the degree of bad is different.

7、人啊,只有尝遍了人情冷暖,才会明白何为世态炎凉! People, only after tasting the warmth and coldness of human feelings, can they understand what is the coldness of the world!

8、人活着要呼吸。呼者,出一口气;吸者,争一口气。 People live to breathe. Exhale, exhale; Take a breath.

9、人都是矛盾的,渴望被理解,又害怕被看穿。 People are contradictory, eager to be understood and afraid to be seen through.

10、从绝望中寻找希望,人生终将辉煌。 Looking for hope from despair, life will be brilliant.

11、付出了不一定有回报,但不付出永远没有回报。 Paid may not be rewarded, but not paid will never be rewarded.

12、任何一件事情,只要心甘情愿,总是能够变得简单。 Anything, as long as willing, can always become simple.

13、但愿日子干净,抬头所见尽是温柔。 I hope the days are clean and gentle when I look up.

14、你一出现,别人就显得不过如此。 When you show up, others just look like this.

15、你可以拥有爱,但不要执著,因为分离有时是难免的。 You can have love, but don't be persistent, because separation is sometimes inevitable.

16、你善良,世界才宽阔,他人才宽容。 You are kind, the world is wide, and he is tolerant.

17、你在玫瑰身上花的时间,使你的玫瑰变得如此重要。 The time you spend on roses makes your roses so important.

18、你是无意穿堂风,偏偏孤倨引山洪。 You have no intention of passing through the wind, but you lead the mountain flood alone.

19、你来人间一趟,你要看看太阳,和心爱的人走在街上。 When you come to the world, you have to see the sun and walk in the street with your loved ones.

20、你走走停停频频回头只为听他一句别走。 You walk and stop and look back frequently just to hear him say don't go.

21、假如哪天我放弃了,请记得,是因为你的不在意。 If one day I give up, please remember, because you don't care.

22、做一个温柔的人,浅浅笑,轻轻爱。 Be a gentle person, smile and love gently.

23、出门走好路,出口说好话,出手做好事。 Go out for a good walk, say good words and do good deeds.

24、分开就分开,没有你也许我会变得更好。 Separate, separate, without you, maybe I will become better.

25、别怕,我们还年轻,长长的人生可以受一点风浪。 Don't be afraid. We are still young. We can stand a little storm in our long life.

26、别放弃太早,咬牙撑过,才有回忆的价值。 Don't give up too early. Only by gritting your teeth can you have the value of memory.

27、别问我是否爱过你,因为我的爱早已与你无关。 Don't ask me if I ever loved you, because my love has nothing to do with you.

28、前路浩浩荡荡,万事尽可期待。 The road ahead is vast, and everything can be expected.

29、包容能像哆啦A梦神奇的口袋一样,装下很多东西。 Tolerance can hold a lot of things like Doraemon's magical pocket.

30、半山腰总是很挤,你应该去山顶看看。 The hillside is always crowded. You should go to the top of the mountain.

31、即使自己再平凡,也是限量版。 Even if they are ordinary, they are limited edition.

32、向往夜里两个人站在阳台上抽一支烟的爱情。 Yearning for the love of two people standing on the balcony and smoking a cigarette at night.

33、听风与云窃语,看满天熠熠星辰。 Listen to the whispers of the wind and clouds and see the stars all over the sky.

34、在遇见你的那一刻,浩瀚众星,皆降为尘。 At the moment I met you, the vast stars fell to dust.

35、实现明天的惟一障碍,是对今天的怀疑。 The only obstacle to tomorrow is doubt about today.

36、希望你终于有勇气,跟过去与当下的不堪握手言和。 I hope you finally have the courage to shake hands with the past and the present.

37、当你能毁了我的任何心情说明我很在意你了。 When you can ruin any of my feelings, it shows that I care about you very much.

38、心若计较,时时都有怨言;心若宽容,处处都是晴天。 If the heart cares, there are always complaints; If the heart is tolerant, it is sunny everywhere.

39、思念渐选,余音犹存,我们是那么遥不可及。 Miss gradually selected, the lingering sound still exists, we are so far away.

40、思考时,要像一位智者;但讲话时,要像一位普通人。 Think like a wise man; But speak like an ordinary person.

41、总会相逢的,就像山川河流,就像万河归海。 Always meet, like mountains and rivers, like ten thousand rivers returning to the sea.

42、总是会有夕阳的光辉照在你身上,你会很高兴。 There will always be a sunset shining on you, and you will be very happy.

43、总有起风的清晨,总有暖和的午后。 There is always a windy morning and a warm afternoon.

44、感谢上苍我所拥有的,感谢上苍我所没有的。 Thank God for what I have, thank God for what I don't have.

45、愿你以渺小启程,以伟大结尾。 May you start small and end great.

46、愿所有的不安,都是虚惊一场。 May all uneasiness be a false alarm.

47、我与神取得联络,要甜必须苦过。 I get in touch with God, to be sweet must be bitter.

48、我想去南方,有海有浪有艳阳。 I want to go to the south. There are sea, waves and sunshine.

49、我想成为你干净清澈的眼神里,独一无二的心事。 I want to be a unique worry in your clean and clear eyes.

50、我观南阎浮提众生,举心动念,无不是罪,无不是业。 In my view, Yan Fu mentions all living beings and raises his heart. There is no sin and no karma.

51、所以我也走向了你,暮色千里皆是我的回礼。 So I also came to you. The twilight is my return.

52、所幸遇你,从此山河旖旎,都不及你。 Fortunately, I met you. Since then, the mountains and rivers are not as beautiful as you.

53、明月可愿随我柳下走,满头杨花共白首。 The bright moon is willing to follow me under the willow, with a total of white heads covered with poplar flowers.

54、曾经输掉的东西,只要你想,就可以一点点再赢回来。 Once lost things, as long as you want, you can win back a little bit.

55、最好的贵人,就是努力的自己。 The best noble person is to work hard.

56、月黑见渔灯,孤光一点萤。微微风簇浪,散作满河星。 The moon is dark and the fishing lamp is lonely. A little wind and waves scattered all over the river.

57、有很多对你好的人,不是平白无故的,是因为你值得。 There are many people who treat you well, not for nothing, because you deserve it.

58、有所珍惜,才有有所真心。有所懂得,才有有所值得。 Only when you cherish something can you have sincerity. It's worth knowing something.

59、此刻的你只需要做好自我,别人的事情你无暇顾及! At the moment, you just need to be yourself, and you have no time to take care of other people's affairs!

60、每天醒来都有两个选择,继续做梦或起身追逐梦想。 Every day you wake up, you have two choices: continue dreaming or get up and chase your dreams.

61、池上碧苔三四点,叶底黄鹂一两声。 The green moss on the pool is three or four o'clock, and the Oriole at the bottom of the leaf makes a sound or two.

62、没有人能替你承受痛苦,也没有人能抢走你的坚强。 No one can bear the pain for you, and no one can take away your strength.

63、泛黄的照片失了真,承诺像刀伤了人。 The yellowed photos lost their authenticity, and the promise hurt people like a knife.

64、淡淡的微笑,柔柔的语调,沉醉在爱的每一秒。 Faint smile, soft tone, indulge in every second of love.

65、满纸荒唐言,一把辛酸泪。都云作者痴,谁解其中味。 Full of absurd words and bitter tears. All cloud writers are crazy, who understands the taste.

66、生活从未变得容易,只不过是我们变得更加坚强了。 Life has never been easy, but we have become stronger.

67、生活或许会有遗憾,希望未来依旧美好。 Life may have regrets, I hope the future is still beautiful.

68、祝你和你喜欢的一切在一起。 I wish you and everything you like.

69、美德是勇敢的,为善永远无所畏惧。 Virtue is brave, and there is no fear for good.

70、花开不是为了花落,而是为了开的更加灿烂。 Flowers bloom not to fall, but to bloom more brightly.

71、莫言山深,无寻山中人。雾里花影残艳,落淡素颜。 Mo Yan's mountain is deep, and there is no one in the mountain. The shadow of flowers in the fog is residual and beautiful, and the face is light and plain.

72、虽然辛苦,我还是会选择那种滚烫的人生。 Although hard, I will still choose that kind of hot life.

73、西方的诗人,称那种让人感到无比温暖的金色阳光为。 Western poets call the golden sunshine that makes people feel incomparably warm.

74、要怎么拒绝大脑去思念你,要怎么述说我对你的思念。 How to refuse my brain to miss you, how to tell my missing for you.

75、要把开心存起来,用来应付苦日子。 Save your happiness and use it to cope with the hard days.

76、要温柔,也要有屠龙的勇气。 Be gentle and have the courage to kill dragons.

77、观念决定思路,思路决定出路。 Ideas determine ideas, ideas determine the way out.

78、请你一定不要停下来,成为你想成为的人。 Please don't stop and become the person you want to be.

79、过眼美景不如你,微风轻轻起,我好喜欢你。 The scenery is not as beautiful as you. The breeze rises gently. I like you so much.

80、阳光好,多出去晒晒,没准晒黑了就没人说你白痴了。 The sun is good. Go out and bask more. Maybe if you tan, no one will say you're an idiot.