1、今天复活节,愿朋友美好的心情复活,伴随你快乐每一天,幸福一万年! Today's Easter, I wish friends a good mood resurrection, with you happy every day, happy ten thousand years!

2、复活平安,健康有。 Resurrection, peace and health.

3、复活幸福因子,扫除一切惆怅。 Resurrect happiness factor, sweep away all melancholy.

4、复活快乐分子,清空一切忧烦。 Resurrect the happy elements and clear away all worries.

5、复活节到了,别失落于离开的黯然,记得还有复活的美好。 Easter is coming, don't lose in the sadness of leaving, remember the beauty of resurrection.

6、复活节到了,复活你的精力,复活你的梦想,迎接新的挑战! Easter is coming, revive your energy, revive your dreams and meet new challenges!

7、复活节到了,愿你复活人生,快乐天天,好运时时,幸福年年,健康岁岁! Easter is coming. May you revive your life, be happy every day, be lucky every time, be happy every year and be healthy every year!

8、复活节到了,愿你幸福到永远。 Easter is coming. May you be happy forever.

9、复活节到了,愿你的每一天都快快乐乐,蓬蓬勃勃! Easter is coming, wish you happy every day!

10、复活节到了,愿君幸福如意,健康平安! Easter is coming. May you be happy, healthy and safe!

11、复活节到心自闲,居家游玩两相便。 It's easy to have fun at home.

12、复活节,努力拼搏,祝您心想事成! Easter, work hard, wish you all the best!

13、复活节,只要你满怀爱心信心,幸福就在手中。 Easter, as long as you are full of love and confidence, happiness is in your hands.

14、复活节,唤醒所有的希望,明天会是不一样的色彩。 Easter, wake up all hope, tomorrow will be a different color.

15、复活节,愿你好事翻倍。 Easter, may your good things double.

16、复活节,愿你拥抱开心,舒心相伴! Easter, I hope you embrace happy, comfortable company!

17、复活节,愿我的祝福让你生命中的美好复活! Easter, may my blessing revive the beauty of your life!

18、复活节,祝你出色每一天。 Easter, good luck every day.

19、愿你的好运复活,工作事业步步高。 May your good luck revive and your career advance step by step.

20、成功复活,伴着你飞翔。 Successful resurrection, flying with you.

21、用心祈祷,健康安好,祝你复活节美好! I wish you good health and good Easter!

22、祝复活节快乐,重生快乐! Happy Easter and happy rebirth!

23、祝所有人复活节快乐,未来的日子顺顺利利。 I wish everyone a happy Easter and good luck in the future.

24、让快乐复活,伴随你我! Let happiness revive, accompany you and me!

25、还原追求,让成功复活。 Restore the pursuit and revive success.