1、一闻上瘾,吃了过瘾。 I'm addicted to the smell and I'm addicted to the food.

2、不到丝路,不见丝路。 No Silk Road, no silk road.

3、专注团购,优惠享受。 Focus on group buying, enjoy the discount.

4、专致专心,品质效劳。 Dedicated, dedicated, quality service.

5、丝路之行,食尚巨星。 The silk road is a superstar of food fashion.

6、丝路飘香,文化传承。 Silk Road fragrance, cultural heritage.

7、主随客变,如您所愿。 The Lord changes with the guest, as you wish.

8、乐则易食,食易则乐。 Music is easy to eat, and food is easy to enjoy.

9、乐意工作,乐意人生。 Willing to work, willing to live.

10、乐易食品,实在乐意。 Joy food, I'd love to.

11、乐易食,乐意就来吃。 Easy to eat, come to eat if you like.

12、乐易食,我就乐意。 Easy to eat, I'll be happy.

13、乐易食,美味可口。 It's easy to eat and delicious.

14、乐易食,美味奇。 It's easy to eat and delicious.

15、乐渔湾,品味纯天然。 Leyu Bay, taste pure nature.

16、乐赢健康,领鲜食尚。 Le win health, lead fresh food fashion.

17、乐赢健康,食尚天下。 Enjoy your health and enjoy your food.

18、传真美味,食尚中华。 Fax delicious, food still in China.

19、佰味千叫,宴会之选。 Baiweiqianjiao, the choice of banquet.

20、便捷美味,快乐享受。 Convenient, delicious and enjoyable.

21、停下脚步,享受惬意。 Stop and enjoy.

22、停下脚步,享用惬意。 Stop and enjoy.

23、健康美味,良心大餐! Healthy and delicious, conscience feast!

24、元芳火锅,四季享用! Yuanfang hot pot, enjoy all seasons!

25、千年丝路,美食传奇。 Millennium Silk Road, food legend.

26、南北口味,集于一堂。 North and South taste, set in a hall.

27、去美宴,更美艳。 Go to the feast, more beautiful.

28、味引食客,情动厨娘。 The taste attracts the diner, the sentiment moves the cook.

29、品人生,感酸甜苦辣! Taste life, feel ups and downs!

30、品行丝路,品味美食。 Taste the Silk Road and delicious food.

31、大师范儿,甘旨享用。 Master style, enjoy.

32、大师范儿,美味享受。 Master style, delicious enjoyment.

33、天天美食,美食美刻。 Delicious food every day.

34、天然有机,香味难挡。 Natural and organic, the fragrance is hard to stop.

35、宅美艳,不如在美宴。 It's better to have a feast than a house.

36、尽情享受,包君满意! Enjoy, Bao Jun is satisfied!

37、常吃常鲜,新席新筵。 Often eat often fresh, new banquet.

38、引领食尚,享受健康。 Lead food fashion and enjoy health.

39、快乐健康,便宜速食。 Happy and healthy, cheap fast food.

40、快乐易达,食在乐意。 Happiness is easy to reach, food is willing.

41、快乐随心,美食尽享。 Enjoy your happiness and delicious food.

42、快乐食刻,分享快乐。 Happy moment, share happiness.

43、快乐食尚,中意之选。 Happy food is the best choice.

44、快捷饮食,快乐饮食。 Fast food, happy food.

45、意境悠闲,意味不凡。 The artistic conception is leisurely and the meaning is extraordinary.

46、新丝路,共致富。 The new silk road makes us rich together.

47、新姿态。新口味! New posture. New taste!

48、易份美食,易种快乐。 Easy food, easy happiness.

49、梦回丝路,舌享健康! Dream back to the Silk Road, enjoy healthy tongue!

50、正宗厨娘,不可不尝。 Authentic cook, you have to taste it.

51、每天美食,美食美刻。 Delicious food every day.

52、浪漫优雅,品味食尚。 Romantic and elegant, taste food fashion.

53、温馨食尚,念念不忘。 Warm food fashion, never forget.

54、漫漫丝路,悠悠食光。 Long silk road, long food light.

55、爱心餐饮,餐餐香。 Love food, delicious food.

56、甘旨无限,耐人寻味。 It is thought-provoking.

57、甘旨酬宾,好菜留客。 Good food keeps guests.

58、粤菜世界,食在新雅! Guangdong food world, eating in Xinya!

59、系出名门,一脉相连。 It's a famous family. It's connected in one vein.

60、纵享繁华,味在丝路。 Enjoy prosperity, taste in the silk road.

61、美味、可口、卫生! Delicious, delicious and hygienic!

62、美味佳肴,宫廷味道。 Delicious food, court flavor.

63、美味无限,回味无穷。 Delicious and memorable.

64、美味酬宾,佳肴留客。 Delicious food for guests, delicious food for guests.

65、芋观园,吃货梦圆。 Taro View Garden, eat goods dream come true.

66、芋观园,好味道。 Taro garden, good taste.

67、芋观园,等你来寻饱。 Taro garden, waiting for you to find your fill.

68、芋观园,誉鉴轻食尚。 Taro View Garden, reputation, light food.

69、芋观园,遇见好味道。 Taro garden, meet good taste.

70、行千里,丝路伴。 Travel thousands of miles, silk road companion.

71、行者无疆,丝路领航。 The silk road leads the way.

72、要要试,团购要试试。 Try it, try it for group buying.

73、财富地带,丝路未来。 Wealth zone, the future of silk road.

74、财富地带,丝路精彩。 Wealth zone, silk road is wonderful.

75、长年烧烤,今日最好。 Barbecue for many years, today is the best.

76、风味特征,美食美客。 Flavor characteristics, delicious food, beautiful guest.

77、风味特色,美食美客。 Special flavor and delicious food.

78、食代在变,应有尽有。 Food generation is changing, everything.

79、食尽甘旨,品出家珍。 Eat sweet, taste home treasure.

80、食尽美味,品出家珍。 Eat all the delicious food, and taste all the treasures.

81、食者,享受生活之美。 Eaters, enjoy the beauty of life.

82、食色性也,易食乐也。 It is easy to eat and enjoy.

83、餐餐香,不错的选择! Delicious food, a good choice!

84、香嫩可口,美味有它。 It's tender and delicious. It's delicious.