1、A group of harmony, empty clamor, full of spring breeze and smiling inside the knife.一团和气尽虚嚣,满面春风笑里刀。

2、A woman is like a song, dancing in the depths of time, singing and sighing three times.女人如歌,时光深处翩若惊鸿,一咏三叹。

3、Absolutely not so much. It can't be just whether you want it or not.绝对没有那么多不可能只有你想不想要。

4、Acacia bitter, Acacia bitter, love Acacia but not the most bitter.相思苦,相思苦,相恋相思而不得最苦。

5、All goals are dark. Only action can accompany light!所有目标都是黑暗的,只有行动才与光明相伴!

6、And see if you want to spend all your time on your eyes, don't be tired of hurting your lips with more wine.且看欲尽花经眼,莫厌伤多酒入唇。

7、Are you young? It doesn't matter. You'll be old in two years.你年轻么,不要紧,过两年就老了。

8、Based on reality, believe in yourself and achieve the future.立足现实,相信自我,成就未来。

9、Can not be decadent, must live well.不能颓废,必须好好的活着。

10、Cherish, can have; Passed, do not regret.珍惜了,能拥有;走过了,不后悔。

11、Don't "force" guests to see your family album.不要“逼”客人看你的家庭相册。

12、Don't be decadent, give yourself energy.不要颓,要自己给自己能量。

13、Even if I am as warm as fire, I can't resist your heart as cold as frost.纵使我热情如火,也难抵君心底薄凉如霜。

14、Flowers and applause are never given to those who wait.鲜花和掌声从来不会,赐予守株待兔的人。

15、From another angle, the world is different.换个角度,世界就是另外的样子。

16、Give others a good mood and let life smile at us.给别人一份好心情,让生活对我们微笑。

17、Good times and adversity are often the hotbed for making sages.善境、逆境,常常就是陶铸圣贤的温床。

18、Great joy and great sorrow can't see themselves clearly, ups and downs can see friends clearly.大喜大悲看不清自己,大起大落看清朋友。

19、I don't care about other people's questions. I will only be myself.我不在乎别人的质疑,我只会做好自己。

20、I listen to the wind, but it never plays cards with common sense.我听从风的安排,可它从来不安常理出牌。

21、I love my home and my life shines with them.我爱我的家,我的生命因它们而焕发光芒。

22、I would like to be your soul under the tree, leaving a wisp of peach blossom soul.我愿做你树下魄,留得桃花一缕魂。

23、I'm afraid you'll have thin white hair all your life. I hurt your tenderness.我畏你一世白发稀,我痛你温柔缠绵意。

24、I'm just a child who needs pain.我不过只是一个孩子、需要人疼的孩子。

25、If the branches were not concerned, the falling flowers would fall mercilessly.若非枝头没了牵挂,落花岂会无情飘下。

26、If the present and the past are forever, Cangshan will float with snow and rest.若今昔一别一别永年苍山负雪浮生尽歇。

27、If you don't get sick, I don't know who loves you most.不病一场,不知谁最心疼你。

28、If you have nothing in your heart, you are rich, but if you are needed, you are expensive.春花开,秋叶落,繁华过后留残香。

29、If you have sung the dawn, please embrace the darkness.如果你曾歌颂黎明,那么也请你拥抱黑暗。

30、Implication is not only a kind of beauty, but also a kind of respect for others.含蓄是一种美,也是对他人的一种尊重。

31、Integrity is the legs that support us based on the society.诚信是双腿,支撑我们立足社会。

32、Let bygones be bygones and bygones be bygones.往事不再过问,未来共赴前程。

33、Let hard work become a habit and water the future with sweat.让刻苦成为习惯,用汗水浇灌未来。

34、Letting go is not equal to giving up, and persistence is not equal to persistence.放下不等于放弃,执着不等于坚持。

35、Life is easy, life is easy, life is not easy.生容易,活容易,生活不是很容易。

36、Life is like a journey, all the way hard, all the way scenery.人生如行路,一路艰辛,一路风景。

37、Life is meaningless, nostalgic and homesick.人生岂得长无谓,怀古思乡共白头。

38、Love deeply is not as good as love really, love really is not as long as love.爱得深不如爱的真,爱得真不如爱得久。

39、Men are tired, hard-working in life, tired, bitter, sour and salty without tears.男人累,生活打拼心疲惫,苦涩酸咸不流泪。

40、Mom said it's good to be sincere with people.妈妈说的与人相处真诚就好。

41、Never compare your inner with the outer of others.永远不要拿你的内在,和别人的外在比。

42、No matter how much money you earn, if you lose your health, money is also a number.赚再多的钱,失去了健康,钱也是一笔数字。

43、Nothing, no money, no lack of health!没什么别没钱,缺什么也别缺健康!

44、People are poor, don't say more, say more family jokes.人穷了,别多说,说多了亲人笑话。

45、People live, learn, grow, cherish and be grateful.人活着,学习、成长、珍惜、感恩。

46、Persistence lies in action, and action lies in persistence.坚持重在行动,行动贵在坚持。

47、Say less beautiful words and do more ordinary things.少说些漂亮话,多做些日常平凡的事情。

48、Since then, no matter how much scenery, without you, it's no better.此后岁月,再多风景,少了你,不过尔尔。

49、Some people like to see the scenery, others try to become the scenery.有人喜欢看风景,有人努力地成为风景。

50、Sometimes it takes more courage to give up love than to seize it.有时候,放弃爱情比抓住它需要更多的勇气。

51、Sometimes, I feel really tired when I stop busy!有时候,停下忙碌的脚步,真的觉得很累!

52、Spring plate and spring wine are good every year. Try wearing silver flags to judge drunk.春盘春酒年年好,试戴银跖凶淼埂

53、The body first can lead others, and self-discipline can convince others.身先才能率人,律己才能服人。

54、The direction of the wind is determined by the tree, and the direction of people is determined by themselves.风的方向是由树决定,人的方向是由自已决定。

55、The mind is quiet and does not turn with the vulgar. The heart is idle and laughs at white clouds.意静不随流俗转,心闲还笑白云飞。

56、The more considerate you are, the less people care about your grievances and concerns.你越善解人意,就越没人在意你的委屈和计较。

57、The most difficult time is not far from success.最困难之时,就是离成功不远之日。

58、The paper is full of your name, and you can't hold a second person in your heart.纸上写满你的名字,心里撑不下第二个人。

59、The true generosity of the future lies in giving everything to the present.未来的真正慷慨就在于把一切献给现在。

60、The vast sorrow of parting slants in the daytime, and the whiplash points to the East, that is, the end of the world.浩荡离愁白日斜,吟鞭东指即天涯。

61、The wind stopped by the window and told me to love the world.风停在窗边,嘱咐我要热爱这个世界。

62、The world is full of knowledge, and the wisdom of human feelings is the quotation.世事洞明皆学问,人情练达即语录。

63、There are thousands of favourites in the palace. I'm already yellow yesterday.宫门万丈千家宠,我已昨日黄花。

64、There is always a blank between the black keys on the piano.钢琴上黑键之间永远都夹着空白。

65、There is never too much time to study and work.一心学习与工作,时间永远不嫌多。

66、There is no failure, only temporary stop success!没有失败,只有暂时停止成功!

67、This situation can be remembered, but it was at a loss at that time!此情可待成追忆,只是当时已惘然!

68、Three things make a person: sincerity, commitment and diligence.三样东西成就一个人:真诚、承诺和勤奋。

69、Time is beautiful and cruel, so we should cherish it and cherish it.时光即美好又残忍,所以,要珍惜,也要珍重。

70、Trust is used to precipitate, not to challenge.信任,是用来沉淀的,而不是用来挑战的。

71、Unspeakable sadness can only be used as a joke.说不尽的心酸,只能当笑谈。

72、We love our nation, which is the source of our self-confidence.我们爱我们的民族,这是我们自信心的源泉。

73、What is love? Love is a feeling, love is an experience.情是什么?情是一种感受,情是一份体会。

74、When I'm good enough, I'll go after you, regardless of whether it's appropriate for him.等我足够好了就去追你,管他哪门子合不合适。

75、When a man is middle-aged, all things rest, time is easy to grow old, and youth is gone.人到中年万事休,年华易老,青春不在。

76、When dealing with adversity, we must use the development method, and when dealing with prosperity, we must use the convergence method.处逆境心须用开拓法,处顺境心须用收敛法。

77、When you get it, you destroy it, and when you lose it, you regret it.得到的时候在毁,失去的时候在悔。

78、Who separates life and death from his heart, love can't speak.谁把生死隔离心头,爱已道不出口。

79、Wise men leave when they know illusion, but fools take illusion as truth.智者知幻即离,愚者以幻为真。

80、Xiaodoudou smiles more brightly than the blooming sunflowers.小豆豆笑得比盛开的向日葵都灿烂。

81、You go home and I go home. How do you live?你自归家我自归,说着如何过?

82、You must work hard in secret to appear relaxed and happy in front of others.你必须暗自努力,才能在人前显得轻松如意。

83、You will get it only if you have to.你只有一定要,才一定会得到。