1、万物复苏,复活一切美好。 All things come back to life, all good things come back to life.

2、丢掉微笑,复活平安。 Lose the smile, revive peace.

3、丢掉忧愁,复活快乐。 Throw away sorrow and revive happiness.

4、丢掉悲伤,复活幸福。 Throw away sadness and revive happiness.

5、丢掉烦恼,复活微笑。 Get rid of your troubles and revive your smile.

6、丢掉阻碍,复活但愿。 Get rid of obstacles and hope for resurrection.

7、保持希望,梦想就复活了。 Keep hope and the dream will come back to life.

8、保持愉悦,心情就复活了。 Keep happy and the mood will come back to life.

9、保持热情,爱情就复活了。 Keep your passion and love will come back to life.

10、保持联系,友情就复活了。 Keep in touch and friendship will come back to life.

11、信心复活了,前途无量。 Faith has been revived and there is no future.

12、删除烦恼,让快乐复活。 Remove the troubles and revive the happiness.

13、复活好运,开心留。 Good luck, stay happy.

14、复活平安,健康有。 Resurrection, peace and health.

15、复活幸福,烦恼丢。 Resurrect happiness, lose trouble.

16、复活快乐,悲伤走。 Resurrection, joy, sorrow, go.

17、复活节到来,祝你快乐! Happy Easter to you!

18、复活节到,愿你开心快乐! Easter is coming. May you be happy!

19、复活节里,笑容甜甜。 In Easter, the smile is sweet.

20、复活节,愿你好事翻倍。 Easter, may your good things double.

21、复活节,愿你幸福! Happy Easter to you!

22、复活节,愿所有如意复活! Easter, may all the best come back to life!

23、复活节,祝你出色每一天。 Easter, good luck every day.

24、复活节,祝你幸福快乐! Easter, I wish you happiness!

25、复活节,让梦复活! Easter, let the dream come back to life!

26、好好珍惜自己,耶稣爱你! Cherish yourself, Jesus loves you!

27、好运复活,陪在你身旁。 Good luck resurrects, accompanies in your side.

28、希望复活了,活力四射。 Hope is alive and full of vitality.

29、幸福复活,装进你心房。 Happiness resurrected, into your heart.

30、愿你的健康复活,疾病少。 May your health be revived and your disease be reduced.

31、愿你的幸福复活,乐逍遥。 May your happiness be revived and happy.

32、愿你的快乐复活,烦恼抛。 May your joy come back to life and your troubles be cast away.

33、愿复活节快乐,吉祥如意。 I wish you a happy and auspicious Easter.

34、愿快乐复活,铺满你脸庞。 May joy resurrect and fill your face.

35、成功复活,伴着你飞翔。 Successful resurrection, flying with you.

36、把劳累丢掉,让健康复活。 Throw away tiredness and revive health.

37、把忧伤丢掉,让微笑复活。 Throw away the sadness and let the smile come back to life.

38、把烦恼丢掉,让快乐复活。 Throw away the trouble and let the happiness come back to life.

39、把霉运丢掉,让好运复活。 Throw away bad luck and revive good luck.

40、朋友,祝你复活节快乐! Happy Easter, my friend!

41、梦想复活了,精彩连连。 Dream resurrected, wonderful.

42、清理心灵,让幸福复活。 Clean up the mind, let happiness resurrect.

43、激情复活了,神采飞扬。 The passion revived and the spirit soared.

44、祝复活节快乐,重生快乐! Happy Easter and happy rebirth!

45、让勇气复活,再创辉煌。 Let courage come back to life and create brilliance again.

46、让希望复活,重生斗志。 Let hope come back to life and fight again.

47、让快乐复活,伴随你我! Let happiness revive, accompany you and me!

48、让梦想复活,重燃热情。 Let the dream come back to life and rekindle the passion.

49、还原追求,让成功复活。 Restore the pursuit and revive success.

50、重启希望,让梦想复活。 Restart hope and revive dreams.