1、不是一路人,怎么抄近路都没有用。 Not a stranger, how to cut corners are not used.

2、世上最美的,莫过于从泪水中挣脱出来的那个微笑。 The most beautiful thing in the world, is not too far from the tears of the smile.

3、世上没有未完的事,只有未死的心。 There is no unfinished business, not only the dead heart.

4、人之所以痛苦,就是因为选择了错误的东西。 The reason why people are suffering, is because the wrong things.

5、以前QQ等级有一个太阳就觉得牛逼,现在才知道,太阳越多人越老。 Before QQ level there is a sun on the feel of the cow force, and now only know that the sun more people are older.

6、你不是我的,所以你怎样动人,在我看来都带着点迷人的残忍。 You are not me, so how you are moving, in my eyes with a little charming cruel.

7、你不知道吧,我喜欢角落的位子,我喜欢孤独冷清,那还不是我怕我和热闹不合衬。 You do not know,I like the corner of the seat, I like lonely lonely, that is not my fear of me and busy.

8、你教会我坚强,教会了我心狠手辣,后来,你却说你怀念我当初的模样。 You taught me strong, taught me later, you said you extremely cruel and merciless, I miss the original appearance.

9、你是不是曾经有过故意赌气关掉手机,忍不住打开后,却发现什么也没有。 Did you ever deliberately pique off mobile phone, could not help but open, but found no what.

10、你的长相已经突破了人类的想象,极具后现代艺术水准,有变形金刚的血统。 Your appearance has been a breakthrough in the human imagination, a very post-modern art standards, Transformers's descent.

11、你知道我为什么喜欢仰望天空吗?我害怕我的眼泪扑灭了你的幸福。 Do you know why I like to look up at the sky? I'm afraid my tears put out your happiness.

12、你辜负了一个深爱你的,就会遇到一个伤你最深的。 You failed to live up to a love you, you will encounter a hurt you the most.

13、再也不会像当初一样,明知你没想我,还是会厚着脸皮主动联系。 Never had the same, knowing that you didn't want me, or have the face contact.

14、别爱得太苦,两个错的人分手也许能创造四个人的幸福。 Don't love too bitter, two wrong people break up could create the happiness of four people.

15、千山万水都是你的模样,而我始终在路过。 Are numerous hills and streams like you, and I always pass by.

16、占着茅坑不一定是拉屎,也可能是尿尿。 Takes the toilet is not shit, it may be.

17、原来只要分开了的人,无论原来多么熟悉,也会慢慢变得疏远。 As long as the original separated from the people, no matter how familiar with the original, will gradually become alienated.

18、只要是你喜欢的人,哪怕是我的敌人,我也会不顾一切的帮你追,只因是你。 As long as you like the person, even if it is my enemy, I will be desperate to help you to recover, because it is you.

19、后来,没了你的晚安,我也可以安然入睡。 Later, without your good night, I can sleep safely.

20、后来,说过的话可以不算,爱过的人也可以再换。 Later, the words can not be counted, loved one can also be replaced.

21、和爱的人吵架,和陌生人讲心里话。 And love to fight, and strangers speak truth.

22、在一瞬间曾经所有的梦都幻灭,剩下回忆湿了我的眼。 In a moment of all dreams die, memories of wet my eyes.

23、在不理我,]P系,我忍。lo不回我,]P系,我L。 Don't ignore me, no matter, I can't help. Send you not back to me,no matter, I roll.

24、多年以后你的骄傲会被时间打倒,也许你也会想起我有多好,可我不会等你到老。 Years later your pride will be time down, maybe you will think of how good I am, but I will not wait for you to the old.

25、太柔软的心,不敢敞开给人任意伤,只能背起坚硬的壳,继续流浪。 Too soft heart, not open to people any injury, can only carry a hard shell, continue to roam.

26、失望攒够了就放手,不打扰是我最后的温柔。 Disappointed enough to let go, do not disturb my last tender.

27、如果时间可以像播放器一样,那么我想我会按停止键。 If time can be like a player, then I think I will press the stop button.

28、如果有一天我要离开,我会留下所有,只带走我自己。 If one day I want to leave, I will leave all, only take my own.

29、少走了弯路,也就错过了风景。无论如何,感谢经历。 Less detours, but also missed the scenery. Anyway, thanks for the experience.

30、就当我是空气吧,起码你还需要我。 Just when I'm the air, at least you still need me.

31、很久以前我喜欢过这片天空,那时候你还是我的英雄。 I loved the sky long ago, you were my hero.

32、思念不能自已,痛苦不能自理,结果不能自取,幸福不能自予。 Miss lose self-control, pain can not take care of themselves, the results can not himself, not to the happiness. 

33、总有些人一次次地伤了我们,可是我们却还是不由自主的再为他们去犯一次次的贱。 There are always some people who hurt us again and again, but we still can't help them to make a time of cheap.

34、想你的时候,喜欢看着地图,近在咫尺又遥不可及! When I think of you, like to look at the map, in close proximity and out of reach!

35、感情随着时间沉淀,感觉随着时间消失。 Emotion with time precipitation, feeling as time disappear.

36、我一直在关注你,用一切你知道或不知道的方式。 I have been watching you, with all you know or do not know the way.

37、我一直在等待,直到有人能代替你的离开。 I have been waiting until someone can take your place.

38、我不主动找你,不是因为你不重要,而是我不知道我重不重要。 I do not take the initiative to find you, not because you are not important, but I do not know I do not important.

39、我不敢说我跟谁关系很好,我怕一切都是我自作多情。 I can't say I'm good and who, I am afraid of all my love.

40、我也曾扔下自己最引以为傲的自尊很不要脸的低声下气的挽留过你。 I also threw down his proudest self-esteem is shameless the humble to retain you.

41、我什么都没有忘,但是有些事只适合收藏,不能说,也不能想,却又不能放。 I have nothing to forget, but somethings are only suitable for collection, can not say, can not think, but can not put.

42、我们不过站在河边,看着自己的倒影自怜,却以为自己正在爱着别人。 We just stand by the river, watching the reflection of self pity, but thought he was in love with someone else.

43、我们在放弃,涂白了记忆,以为就可以伪装无邪的美丽。 We give up, painted white memory, that can be a beautiful camouflage.

44、我喜欢转身转得漂亮,放手放得潇洒。 I like to turn around and turn beautiful, let go and let go.

45、我怀念的只是一个简单的名字,一段简单的相遇。 I miss is just a simple name, a simple encounter.

46、我怕你一声不吭突然逃离我,还丢下一堆回忆让我捡。 I'm afraid you suddenly silent escape from me, also left a pile of memories for me to pick up.

47、我用时间证明了我的专一,可你让时间证明了我的愚蠢! I use the time to prove my specificity, but you make time to prove my stupidity!

48、我终于还是学会了对自己喜欢的东西,笑着摇头说算了。 I finally learned to love what I like, and said with a smile.

49、我能做到的最好,不是你要的刚好。Smile to the life of regret, regret in life is very normal.

50、我自己都不完美,就没资格要求别人完美。 I am not perfect, I am not qualified to ask others to perfect.

51、我还是悄悄的把你和我放在同一个分组里,上面写着长相厮守。 I quietly take you and I in the same group, read together.

52、所有的不愿将就,后来都熬成了漫漫长夜。 All unwilling to do, then boiled a long night.

53、找一个值得死心塌地的人,好好爱。 Find a worthy hell-bent person, love.

54、把眼泪留给最疼你的人,把微笑留给伤你最深的人。 The tears to the people who hurt you, the smile left to hurt you the most people.

55、撑着伞走在雨中,却找不到曾经的影子。 Walking in the rain with an umbrella, but can not find the shadow of the past.

56、有时候,你放弃了某人,并不是因为你不再在乎,而是因为你意识到他已不在乎了。 Sometimes, you give up someone, not because you don't care, but because you realize that he doesn't care.

57、有时候,我也不想去计较内些东西了。 Sometimes, I don't want to care about something.

58、来不及说出口A爱,是我此生最大A遗憾。 Too late to say love, is my greatest regret.

59、每当想迩A时候,有种感觉就甜蜜A发酵。 Whenever you want to have a feeling, just sweet fermentation.

60、每次打完喷嚏,都会骗自己说你想我了 Every time you sneeze, you'll lie to yourself and say you want me.

61、烟里来酒里去带一身尘埃情也冷心也伤悲也好喜也好醉一场是非恩怨随风逐留。 The smoke to wine to bring a feeling of cold dust heart is sad or joyful or drunk is a grudge with one left.

62、爱情,原来是含笑饮毒酒,爱一个人很难,放弃自己心爱的人更难。 Love, the original is smiling drink wine, love a person is difficult, more difficult to give up his beloved.

63、用尽力,努力的微笑,掩饰所有的心痛。 With every effort, efforts to smile, to cover up all the heartache.

64、相遇太早,我能做到的最好,却不是你要的刚好。 Meet too early, I can do the best, but not you want just.

65、眼泪是真的,心酸也是真的 The tears is really sad, is true, I want with you forever is true.

66、离开之后,我想你不要忘记一件事:不要忘记想念我。想念我的时候,不要忘记我也在想念你。 After leaving, I think you do not forget one thing: do not forget to miss me. Miss me, do not forget I also miss you.上一页12下一页 The best I can do is not just what you want.

67、秋的枫是那样的伤感。枫的叶是那样的多愁! Autumn maple is so sad. Maple leaves are so sad!


69、累了,痛了,绝望了,也就会自然而然的放下了。 Tired, pain, despair, and will naturally put down.

70、经不住似水流年,逃不过此间少年。 Stand up Youth passes as a fleeting wave. escape youth here.

71、自以为刻骨铭心的回忆,别人早已经忘记。 Think of someone else already The imprint is engraved on my heart. memories, forget.

72、记忆就像是握在手中的水,不管你握紧还是摊开都会慢慢的消失。 Memory is like the water in hand, whether you spread out or clenched will slowly disappear.

73、谁都会害怕,尤其是拼了命的珍惜到最后却还是什么都留不住。 Who will be afraid, in particular, to fight the life of the treasure to the end, but still can not keep anything.

74、谢谢你你曾经赠我空欢喜,才使我如今做到荣辱不惊。 Thank you, you have given me empty joy, it makes me now do not fear.

75、费尽心思想找到一双自己喜欢的鞋子,去不知道最喜欢的不一定最适合自己。 With a thought to find a pair of their favorite shoes, do not know the favorite is not necessarily the most suitable for their own.

76、这个世界,看你笑话的人,永远比在乎你的多。 This world, see you joke of person, always more than care about you.

77、远山淡水残墨褪,留影幽孤魅,人消醉。碧天苍雨柔思偎,点点总易碎,离人泪。 The water ink faded, a secluded solitary charm, eliminate drunk people. Bi Tian Cang Yurou Si Wei, general little fragile, tears from the people.

78、都以为时间是药方,但治好的全是皮外伤。 All thought that time is a prescription, but the cure is full of skin trauma.

79、长颈鹿的脖子那么长,哽咽的时候是不是很难受。章鱼有三颗心脏,心痛的时候是不是很疼。 Giraffe's neck is so long, choking time is not very uncomfortable. Octopus has three hearts, when the pain is not very painful.

80、鱼那么爱水,水却煮鱼。我那么爱你,你却要分离。 Fish love water, but water is boiled fish. I love you so much, you want to separate.
