1、一场秋雨一场寒,十场秋雨穿上棉。 One autumn rain, one cold, ten autumn rains, put on cotton.

2、一粒杂谷不算少,再过三年挑不了。 A grain of miscellaneous grain is not small. It will not be picked in three years.

3、一羽示风向。一草示水流。 One feather shows the wind direction. A grass shows the current.

4、不经冬寒,不知春暖。 Without winter cold, I don't know spring is warm.

5、不给规矩,不成方圆。 No rules, no rules.

6、不顾家乡黑,光明照他乡。 Regardless of the black hometown, the light shines on the other land.

7、事不关已,高高挂起。 It's nothing to do with it. It's up in the air.

8、云行北,好晒谷;云行南,大水漂起船。 Clouds travel north, good sun valley; clouds travel south, big water floating boat.

9、人合心,马合套。 A man is a man, a horse is a man.

10、人生一世,草生一秋。 Life is a life, grass is an autumn.

11、今年不比往年,老年不如少年。 This year is no better than the past years, old age is not as good as youth.

12、六月不热,稻子不结。 It's not hot in June and the Rice doesn't set.

13、冬天修水利,正是好时机。 It is a good time to build water conservancy in winter.

14、出门看天色,炒菜看火色。 Go out to see the weather, stir fry to see the fire.

15、创造幸福靠双手,前进还须攀高山。 To create happiness depends on both hands, and to move forward, we have to climb mountains.

16、千补万补,不如饭补。 It's better to make up for thousands than for meals.

17、口说如风吹,实践是真金。 Words are like wind, practice is gold.

18、品德好坏看行为,籍贯何处听口音。 Good or bad moral character depends on behavior, native place depends on accent.

19、哈气种麦,不好人说。 Don't say, good man.

20、善恶随人作,祸福自己招。 Good and evil are done according to others, while misfortunes and blessings are dealt with by ourselves.

21、多行不义必自毙。 Many wrongdoings will kill you.

22、大暑早、处暑迟,立秋晚暑正当时。 It's early and late in summer, and it's the right time to start autumn.

23、天上灰布悬,雨丝定连绵。 The sky is grey and the rain is steady.

24、妻贤夫祸少,子孝父心宽。 A good wife and a good husband have few misfortunes, but a son is filial to his father and his heart is wide.

25、学文化,从字母开始;讲文明,从小事做起。 Learning culture starts with letters; speaking of civilization starts with small things.

26、宁作蚂蚁腿,不学麻雀嘴。 Better be an ant's leg than a sparrow's mouth.

27、家有闲地,种芝麻黍稷。 Home has leisure land, planting sesame millet.

28、少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。 A young idler, an old beggar.

29、帮人要帮到底,救人要救到头。 Help people to the end, save people to the end.

30、急雨易晴,慢雨不开。 Quick rain is easy to clear, slow rain does not open.

31、无风现长浪,不久风必狂。 There are long waves when there is no wind, and soon the wind will be wild.

32、早晨下雨当日睛,晚上下雨到天明。 It rains in the morning, and it rains till dawn at night.

33、春天刮风多,秋天下雨多。 It's windy in spring and rainy in autumn.

34、昼雨夜晴没好天,明日依旧雨绵绵。 It's rainy day and sunny night. Tomorrow is still rainy.

35、有病早治,无病早防。 Early treatment of disease, early prevention without disease.

36、朝霞不出门,晚霞走千里。 Morning glow does not go out, sunset walk thousands of miles.

37、本事不是来自天上,都是努力学习得来。 Abilities don't come from heaven, they all come from hard work.

38、没有比故乡美,没有比父母亲。 Nothing is more beautiful than my hometown, no more beautiful than my parents.

39、滴水成河,粒米成箩。 Every drop makes a river.

40、病来如山倒,病去如抽丝。 Illness comes like a mountain, and goes away like a thread.

41、秀才饿死不卖书,壮士穷途不卖剑。 A scholar starves to death and does not sell books; a strong man does not sell swords on his way to poverty.

42、肥牛骏马多点好,闲言滥语少点好。 It's better to have more fat cattle and horses, and less gossip.

43、若要生活好,勤劳、节俭、储蓄三件宝。 If you want to live a good life, industry, thrift and savings are three treasures.

44、莫等闲,白了头,空悲切。 Don't wait for leisure, white head, empty sad.

45、虽然离开了故乡,乡音永远不能忘。 Although I have left my hometown, I can never forget the local accent.

46、蟋蟀上房叫,庄稼挨水泡。 Crickets come into the house and the crops blister.

47、见了吃的就笑,见了工作就怕。 When you see food, you laugh; when you see work, you are afraid.

48、除了割肉疼,就是出钱疼。 In addition to the pain of cutting meat, it is painful to pay money.

49、风吹秧田水放干,雨淋秧田水满田。 The wind blows the seedling field water to drain, the rain drenches the seedling field water to fill the field.

50、黄连救人无功,人参杀人无过。 Huanglian has no merit in saving people, but ginseng has no fault in killing people.