1、一个人挺好的,除了孤独点,都挺好的。 A person is very good, in addition to loneliness, are very good.

2、一个人行走的范围,就是他的世界。 The scope of a person's walking is his world.

3、一星期,总有那么七天不想上班。 There are always seven days in a week when I don't want to go to work.

4、一段美好,一份思念,一个片段,一次怀念。 A beautiful, a miss, a segment, a miss.

5、一身风霜,也要走的落落大方。 A body of wind and frost, also want to walk freely.

6、不是故作沉默,只是无力诉说。 Not pretending to be silent, just unable to tell.

7、不能断干净又不能再和好如初,最折磨人。 Can't break clean and can't make up as good as ever, the most torture.

8、你推窗望过来,瞳孔是距我最近的星。 You push the window to see, the pupil is the nearest star to me.

9、你有自己的朗读者,而我只是一个摆渡人。 You have your own reader, and I'm just a ferry man.

10、你的爱是把大大的伞,给我最美的晴空。 Your love is a big umbrella, give me the most beautiful sky.

11、你*了,可不可以把我的快乐还我。 You are free, can you give me back my happiness.

12、关于你的一切都销声匿迹,不再记起! Everything about you disappeared, no longer remember!

13、分手后的那几天,陪伴我的只有烟。 In those days after the breakup, I was only accompanied by cigarettes.

14、卸下伪装的盔甲,既然是那么的不堪一击。 Take off the camouflaged armor, since it is so vulnerable.

15、只要你点头,我们一起走。 As long as you nod, let's go together.

16、吃醋是因为喜欢、生气是因为在乎。 Jealous because of like, angry because care.

17、失了眠的夜,是最纯粹的安静。 Lost sleep night, is the most pure quiet.

18、失望好过绝望,至少还有机会从头再来。 Disappointment is better than despair, at least there is a chance to start all over again.

19、女人要拿出气质,不能什么都听男人的。 Women should show their temperament and not listen to men for everything.

20、幸福不是每一天都有,错过了就要等很久。 Happiness is not every day, missed will have to wait for a long time.

21、心上的纠葛,解的开,是结,解不开,是劫。 Entanglement in the heart, the solution to open, is a knot, not open, is a robbery.

22、心根本依然从未放开,未愿抛开幸而有爱。 Heart is still never let go, not willing to put aside, fortunately there is love.

23、忽冷忽热最折磨人,反反复复最伤人。 Hot and cold are the most tormenting and repeated are the most injurious.

24、总觉得会有什么事情发生,莫名的很不安。 Always feel that something will happen, inexplicably very uneasy.

25、我不得不与你擦肩而过,但我的心从未远离。 I have to pass you by, but my heart is never far away.

26、我们所有的烦恼,终归是记性太好。 All our troubles are, after all, a good memory.

27、我们是受过了伤痛,余生都在流血的人。 We are people who have been hurt and bleed for the rest of our lives.

28、我们还没长大,只是在别人面前学会了伪装。 We haven't grown up yet, we just learn to pretend in front of others.

29、我只顾着喜欢,却忘了不合适。 I just like it, but I forget it's not suitable.

30、我喜欢回顾,是因为我不喜欢忘记。 I like to review because I don't like to forget.

31、我天生不合群,一向话少,时而冷场。 I'm not sociable by nature. I always talk less and sometimes I'm not in the mood.

32、我已忘了我没有情人,即使我没有你那么好。 I've forgotten that I don't have a lover, even if I'm not as good as you.

33、我热情有限,你把握好时间。 My enthusiasm is limited. You should make good use of the time.

34、我用一生的幸福做赌注你怎么舍得我输。 I gamble with the happiness of my life. How can you give me up to lose.

35、我真的不爱了,连不甘心都没了。 I really don't love, even not reconciled.

36、我终生的等候,换不来你刹那的凝眸。 I wait all my life, but I can't change your eyes.

37、我解决人际关系,唯一的方法就是放弃。 The only way I can solve my relationship is to give up.

38、时间会咬人,不然我们怎么会是伤痕累累。 Time will bite, otherwise how can we be scarred.

39、是不是伪装的太久,自己也累了。 Is not disguise too long, oneself also tired.

40、最肯忘却古人诗,最不屑一顾是相思。 The most willing to forget the ancient poetry, the most dismissive is Acacia.

41、每个人的心里都藏着一个,不属于自我的人。 There is a person in everyone's heart who doesn't belong to himself.

42、满园春色关不住,一只红杏出墙来。 Spring can not be closed, a red apricot out of the wall.

43、牵着我的手,闭着眼睛走你也不会迷路。 Take my hand and walk with your eyes closed, you won't get lost.

44、真正的爱情,只需要一眼便以足够。 True love, only need a glance to be enough.

45、给时光以生命,而不是给生命以时光。 Give time life, not life time.

46、舍去一往的浪荡,成为一个孤独的归茫者。 Give up a wave, become a lonely return to the boundless.

47、蓦然回首,站在灯火阑珊处的早已不是你。 Suddenly looking back, standing in the dim light is not you.

48、越想念,越悲伤,只不过没有泪在流淌。 The more I miss you, the more sad I feel, but no tears are flowing.

49、跟自己说声对不起,因为总是莫名的忧伤。 Say sorry to oneself, because always inexplicable sadness.

50、身累了睡觉,心累了傻笑。 Tired body sleep, tired heart giggle.