1、为你而悦,为你而哭,为你心如磐石面如荒草。 I am glad for you, I cry for you, my heart is like a rock, and my face is like grass.

2、人必生活着,爱才有所附丽。 People must live, love is attached.

3、人超级多,只我一人孤单。 There are so many people, I'm alone.

4、你们相爱,我和悲伤共生共存。 You love each other, I live with sadness.

5、你总说是你把我宠坏了,如今在也没有你宠了。 You always say that you spoiled me, and now you are not spoiled.

6、你给不了你的快乐,会有人做到的。 You can't give you happiness, someone will do it.

7、你说你冷,你为什么不多穿点衣服? You said you were cold. Why don't you put on more clothes?

8、你那么懂事,一定没有人疼吧! You are so sensible, no one must hurt you!

9、保持青春的秘诀,是有一颗不安分的心。 The secret of keeping youth is to have a restless heart.

10、其实分开了这么久,你没必要知道我还喜欢你。 In fact, separated for so long, you don't need to know I still like you.

11、再深的感情也不如初衷,时间会拉大差距。 No matter how deep the feelings are, time will widen the gap.

12、别一饮孤酒就醉,一见风就流泪。 Don't get drunk when you drink lonely wine, or shed tears when you see the wind.

13、回不去的,不是曾经的我,而是曾经的我们。 Can not go back, not once I, but once we.

14、天使之所以会飞,是因为她们把自己看A太轻。 The reason why angels can fly is that they treat themselves too lightly.

15、女人出轨更易迷失自己,女人出轨更易家庭破裂。 Women who cheat are more likely to lose themselves, and women who cheat are more likely to break up their families.

16、嫉妒是一种可耻的感情,人是应当信赖的。 Jealousy is a shameful feeling, and one should be trusted.

17、寂寞中有我,热闹处无我,我总在人群之外。 Lonely in me, busy place without me, I always outside the crowd.

18、带着曾经那美好的记忆,过自己幸福的生活。 With the good memory, live a happy life.

19、当向日葵失去了阳光,它便枯竭,不再会微笑。 When the sunflower loses its sunshine, it will dry up and no longer smile.

20、当我想放过你,思念却从没有放过我。 When I want to let you go, I miss you but never let me go.

21、微小的幸福就在身边,容易满足就是天堂。 Small happiness is around, easy to meet is heaven.

22、我不是说你,可你总在对号入座我有什么办法? I'm not talking about you, but you're always in the right seat. What can I do?

23、我以为我努力过就可以,可为何抓住的是回忆。 I thought I could have worked hard, but why did I catch memories.

24、我们时常会感觉到心累,只是自己想得太多。 We often feel tired, just think too much.

25、我会不再依赖,试着放开,然后仰头微笑。 I will no longer rely on, try to let go, and then smile.

26、我明白你会来,所以我等。 I know you're coming, so I'll wait.

27、我的感情再廉价,也轮不到给你打折。 No matter how cheap my feelings are, it's not my turn to give you a discount.

28、我这份悬在半空的感情,可能飞不过千山万水了。 My feeling hanging in the air, may not fly thousands of mountains and rivers.

29、或许我们都小,还有很多的事,我们并不懂。 Maybe we are all small, there are many things we don't understand.

30、或许,我会消失,就在明天的晨光里。 Maybe, I will disappear in the morning light tomorrow.

31、所谓嫉妒,其实就是用别人的成功来折磨自己。 The so-called jealousy, in fact, is to torture themselves with the success of others.

32、故事不过是别人的事故,现实是一个人的生活。 The story is just someone else's accident, the reality is a person's life.

33、时间带着假象流逝,用假装的眼睛诠释你到永远。 Time passes with a false appearance, and interprets you forever with a fake eye.

34、是时间过的太快,还是你走的太远。 Time is too fast, or you go too far.

35、曾经爱得轰轰烈烈,如今忘得干干净净。 Once loved vigorously, now forgotten completely.

36、有一种爱叫做放手,只不过是自我安慰的借口。 There is a kind of love called letting go, which is just an excuse for self comfort.

37、有些感情,因时间、距离而贬值。 Some feelings are devalued by time and distance.

38、有些路走下去会很累,可是不走会后悔。 Some road will be very tired, but do not go will regret.

39、本来讨厌下雨的天空,直到听到你说你爱我。 Originally hate the rainy sky, until I heard you say you love me.

40、照片只能把时间定格,却不能把时间停留。 Photos can only freeze time, but can't stop time.

41、睡梦中潇,湘洒泪飘。 Xiao in sleep, Xiang tears floating.

42、终是黄粱梦一场,此后再无风雨再无她。 It's a dream in the end, and then there will be no rain, no her.

43、自从你那天离开我,我都无时无刻不在想念你。 Since you left me that day, I miss you all the time.

44、被假象迷惑住的眼睛,永远看不到真相。 The eyes bewildered by the illusion can never see the truth.

45、转过身,隐隐的苦笑。 Turn around, faint smile.

46、这一别就是永生不见以后各自珍重。 This parting is to cherish each other when you are gone forever.

47、这世界从来都不是童话,没有那么多的爱与温暖。 The world has never been a fairy tale, not so much love and warmth.

48、连最简单的一个回答,你至今也未给我答复。 Even the simplest answer, you have not given me an answer so far.

49、都说神马是浮云、那千里马是浮云中的浮云。 It is said that Shenma is a floating cloud, and that Qianlima is a floating cloud among floating clouds.