1、三九四九,栽杨种柳。 Three nine four nine, planting poplar and willow.

2、与大树在一起。 With the big tree.

3、人人出力,处处泛绿。 Everyone works hard and everything is green.

4、人生有建树,生活更幸福! Life has achievements, life is more happy!

5、保护树木就是保护自己! To protect trees is to protect yourself!

6、前人栽树,后人乘凉。 plant trees for the benefit of posterity.

7、多多栽树,绿化家园。 More trees, green home.

8、山上没有树,庄稼保不住。 There are no trees on the mountain, so the crops can't be preserved.

9、快乐伸展,幸福茂盛。 Happiness stretches and flourishes.

10、感情生长,友谊散叶。 Love grows, friendship fades.

11、改造自然,年年林茂粮丰。 To transform nature, we will have plenty of food every year.

12、条儿要青,苗儿要新。 The young should be green and the young should be new.

13、栽树忙一天,利益得百年。 If you plant trees in a busy day, you will benefit a hundred years.

14、森林是氧气的制造工厂。 The forest is a factory for making oxygen.

15、植树造林,温暖你我他。 Afforestation, warm you and me.

16、植树造林,造福后辈。 Afforestation, for the benefit of future generations.

17、植树造林,青山永不老。 Afforestation, green hills never grow old.

18、爱护树木,从你我做起! Take good care of trees, start with you and me!

19、白头种松桂,早晚见成林。 Pine and osmanthus are planted in Baitou, which will become a forest sooner or later.

20、盎然生机,请君珍惜。 Full of vitality, please cherish.

21、种树有诀窍,深埋又实捣。 There's a knack for planting trees, deep burying and solid ramming.

22、穷山恶水,青山绿水。 Poor mountains and evil waters, green mountains and green waters.

23、要想富,多栽树。 If you want to be rich, plant more trees.

24、让地球变的更年青。 Make the earth younger.

25、起苗不伤根,土要踏得紧。 Do not damage the roots when raising seedlings, but step on the soil tightly.